Daily Dose of Sultnpapper 07/08/18> Why should I not be surprised by this…

in #blog6 years ago

Thank you. It had been awhile since I had done anything to help out the community and thanks to all you folks we were able to generate some shares of SBI for the @thesteemengine the last couple of days. I had stated a limit of 10 shares that I would match if people purchased for @thesteemengine and I kind of went well past that but finally had to cut it off at 19 shares.

Fear not though if you missed that opportunity; and keep an eye out for @eaglespirit , I spoke with her and she will be coming up with something along the same lines to at least get @thesteemengine another six shares for a total of 25. Don’t jump the gun though, because I don’t know the details; go check her blog before you run out and purchase some and think you have something coming from her.

Moving on with a little update on the family; my youngest boy who is 16 has been helping out volunteering at the church quite a bit lately and it hasn’t gone unnoticed by the people running the church. Each summer the church has a summer work group trip that the high school youth group kids can go on. I am all for the youth group volunteering to help others who are in need, but the people running the church need their heads examined in my opinion when it comes to this.

We had a hurricane late last summer and there are hundreds of families still that aren’t back in their homes in the Houston area 10 months after the storm. So it would make perfect sense to volunteer right here in the area and help people who are pretty much your neighbors. To me that is just common sense but it seems that common sense isn’t common any longer, no it isn’t. The church group is going all the way up to Charleston, West Virginia to do some volunteer work there.

I don’t know that there have been any major natural disasters up in that area of West Virginia recently, if there has been than I flat missed it. I can tell you we had one hell of a natural disaster last year here and things are still not back to normal in a lot of areas along the Gulf Coast of Texas.

The kids on the trip will be doing painting, plumbing and concrete work. I wonder if this work is associated with moon shining? For all I know they might be helping build new stills up in the mountains for making moon shine. That would involve plumbing, and painting to camouflage it, and a good concrete foundation for it so set level on so they won’t spill a drop while they are making that shine would be a good thing.

In my talking with my son about this trip I think I may have uncovered the real reason West Virginia needs the help so desperately and I don’t think it has a thing to do with actually helping people in need. As much as I hate to say it, I think the youth pastors have something else in mind and the whole reason for West Virginia being chosen as the place that needs help so badly has to do with a vacation more than anything else.

It turns out that the kids will work Monday through Thursday the week they are gone doing their volunteer work but Friday and Saturday is where the devil is in the details. It turns out that this part of West Virginia has a river that is well known for its white water rafting and that just happens to be on the agenda along with some fancy water park. With sixty kids going on the trip; half will white water raft while the other half hits the water park and then the next day they will do the opposite, so both groups get to do both things. My guess is the youth ministers either like white water rafting or they sure want to try it and what better way than to have the youth group fund their little vacation.

Yes, you heard me right, the youth group to fund it. The cost for each kid to go volunteer to help the people in West Virginia get their moon shine operations up and running is $800, that doesn’t include the water park or the rafting, those cost the kids an additional $150 combined. Some of the meals are taken care of from what I am told but the meals while they are traveling to West Virginia and then back to Texas are not; so figure about another $80 to $100 in food the kid has to pony up if they want to eat while they travel.

When he approached me with this a couple months ago I didn’t tell him no, I told him “hell no”. I am fast losing what little respect I had for the people running the church. This trip isn’t about helping people in need, it is nothing more than a white water rafting vacation for the youth ministers disguised to look like a community outreach project or whatever you want call it. If truly helping people in need was the purpose there is no need to look any farther than the southwest part of Houston or over in the Bear Creek area where homes had flood water all the way up to the roof shingles.

Needless to say he was disappointed but he understood where I was coming from. If each kid’s parents took and donated even half of the $800 they are going to spend to send their kids to West Virginia that would be damn near $25,000 that could be used to fix the sheet rock in some houses here in our own area. Twenty five grand would buy a lot of sheetrock and paint. Sure the kids would like to go on trip, I get that, but if that is the case just make it a fun trip somewhere and quit the shenanigans of making it look like something it isn’t ,like helping people in need.

When you start doing things like that you are teaching the kids that there needs to be something in it for them when they should be concerned with how they can make things better for people in need.

I would much rather see them volunteer right here in Houston and then take the kids on a weekend trip over to San Antonio or down to Padre Island for a weekend at the beach. San Antonio has some great water parks at Sea World and at Fiesta Texas. Padre Island has the national sea shore and great beaches so they can get their fill of water, either fresh or saltwater between those places.

Now that I have said all that and laid out how I feel about it, he is going on the trip to West Virginia but not on my dime.

The wife got a call on Saturday from the lady who is in charge of organizing the trip, it turns out that one of the kids who was scheduled and paid to go on the trip to West Virginia isn’t able to make the trip, and there are no refunds, so the spot became available for someone to go with the $800 ticket that has been paid. Because he has been doing so much volunteer work this summer up at the church with VBS and the food pantry they offered that ticket for the trip to my son.

He really has worked hard up at the church so far this summer; he has averaged close to 30 hours a week each week in June. So I reluctantly agreed for him to go on his dime not mine, so he is using some money he has saved to go. He said he was willing to do that, and that’s good, so I know he won’t be blowing his money when it is his own. He doesn’t know that when he gets back the wife and I are going to deposit back into his account what he spends on the trip, so don’t tell him if you happen across him.

I told him if he really wanted to get the most out of this trip that he should take his poker game set with him. I have taught him how to play poker since he was eight and he is a pretty good poker player, he could probably make a $1,000 just playing poker at night with these kids in their dorm rooms.

So, I would wager he will take it with him and if he ends up making his money back the wife and I will have to think that over again on reimbursing him for his expenses. There is no need in me paying his way if he can earn it on his own during the trip.

I am still not happy that this trip is happening for the simple fact that there are people close to home that need the help. The church surely knows this, the food pantry has plenty of people still needing assistance and I just think it would be a better use of the money to save the expense of traveling over a couple thousand miles round trip.

Thanks again to all of you who helped with the SBI for @thesteemengine, very much appreciated. Be sure to check out @eaglespirit for the latest on any additional SBI opportunities with regard to @thesteemengine.

Until next time,


I can't see why they need to go that far. You are absolutely right on when you said the youth leaders want a free vacation. I will tell you about something that happened last year here in Nicaragua. There was a group of youths down helping to build hoses for the poor in a community north of us. The idea was that the older kids of the family would help out and in the end, the kids would have new homes and there was a promise of a trip to the beach with a lunch. Well, you can imagine that they worked their little butts off and 25 houses were built in a few months. When the time came, they came to a local restaurant with beach access here on Los Pinetas. My family were there enjoying a luncheon along with some friends. We happened to overhear the conversations of the group who were swilling back the cold beer. What was planned after the lunch of hamburgers and fries, the kids would be given used Niki sneakers (not even new!) and the group would fly back home. The houses had all been sold to foreigners who paid large amounts of money for them. Who ultimately profits from this? You tell me! Then to make matters worse, my son is married to a Nica and my granddaughter was born here. They must have thought we were deaf or stupid as they continued on calling my daughter-in-law names that I can't repeat here and called my granddaughter a half-breed! We had to hold my son back or I think He would have cleaned someone's clock. We did find out which church they belonged to and a few phone calls were made before they even made it back to Managua to catch their flight out!

I am going to make sure my son gets plenty of pictures so I can see just what was in so much need of repair up there. Like I have said, I am for helping folks in need and you don't have to travel far from the church to find plenty of the things that would make huge difference right here in our own area.
If what I see from the pictures isn't up to what I consider "dire" or at least "desperate" I will be having a talk with the head pastor of the church upon their return.
It sounds like some people were exploited pretty good in the situation you became aware of, makes a person wonder just how many other "projects" like that one are solely for the benefit of the people organizing those projects.
Thanks for sharing your story and glad that you folks were able to hold your son back from kicking some ass that needed kicking. He would have just ended up in trouble and that wouldn't have helped anything. The phone call might have done more good than an as kicking if the people at the church have any integrity.

I gotcha, and wow you had a lot to share ... so nice to volunteer and i love when youth get involved. i love volunteering and started as a kid too. yes, i posted that i would be doing the extra 6 shares and mentioned you too. hopefully you got the gina notice. LOL

Great, thanks letting us know and also taking this forward another step.

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Stories like this are why the church has a bad rep. At the end of the day, the whole world seems to be about the money and the possibilities it offers for a simple man. No matter whether it is a man of believe or not.

It's a sad reality.

Church is such a broad term anymore with over 4,200 religions but like I said in an earlier daily dose, there isn't a dime's worth of difference between the whole lot of them. It really is sad that money is the focus of 99.9% of just about everything any more.

It's true. It is true to the point where I wouldn't even know what that point one percent actually is.

The nuns in a church in the mountains of Italy.

Hmmmm. Interesting thought. I will not investigate it.

This is a fascinating topic, very close to home when its one of your own. I have had many conversations with the types that run missions trips, takes tens of thousands of dollars to get overweight americans 'helping' orphans in central america. Great experiences for the americans, but let's be real, with all that money latin laborers could build a theme park for those kids, and create jobs for themselves to boot.

Yes, it is more of "feel good" thing for folks to see it first hand I guess, but then like you say, the money could be put to better use besides the expense of the travel and actually make a bigger difference. Thanks for stopping by and sharing your thoughts and experience with regard to this subject.

I can't make the logic of this work either. What's the 800 bucks for? Do you even know? If it's for things like lodging / travel expenses, it becomes even more ridiculous.

As you said ... organize something closer to home. The kids can help out the local community and sleep in their own beds at night. Some kind of communal lunch or supper the mothers catered with pot-luck picnic stuff would make it a festive occasion for everyone. (For lots less than $1000+ for the week. Are you folks in Texas just made of money? )

Somebody needs to remind these people, charity begins at home.

It is exactly what you have listed , lodging, travel and food while they are there. They have to buy their own food on the trip up and back. To even make it more ridiculous a church group from that exact area is here in our community doing work this week.
This is nothing more than an excuse for a white water rafting trip in my opinion. I get it that the kids would enjoy being away for 10 days and getting to travel but it doesn't make one bit of practical sense to me. Let them work here in their own community and then reward them with a weekend trip somewhere if you want too.
Some members of the church are pretty wealthy, we are not, that is why I told him initially he wasn't going, I wasn't going to foot the bill for something that is insane in my book. Since he essentially got a free ticket, the $800 amount, and offered to pay the rest out of his savings I said okay. We will reimburse him for what he will spend, but I would rather him think that it is his money he is spending so he will be more responsible on how he spends it.
Sixty kids is quite a chunk of change, it turns out that there is a service that matches up church groups and coordinates these "exchange" work trips, so I am sure they get a pretty nice commission check for handling the details.

Hi @sultnpapper! I think it's great how much work and volunteering the kids are doing in the church! I wanted to tell you that there was a significant flood in Charleston, WV this year. I only know about it because I have a cousin that lived there and wrote about it on her facebook. I haven't heard any updates from her so don't know how things are there now but the flood happened in Feb or March I think. I totally understand though when local community needs help too! Take care and btw..I got that bluewood tea that you wrote about! ;)

Good to see you again @deerjay , I appreciate you letting me know about that flooding there. The craziness of this work group volunteer thing trip is even greater than I imagined with that bit of information you provided.
There is a group from that area of WVA that is working in our community this week, helping restore flooded homes.
That right there now proves to me this all about the trip, the adventure, and what ever the special excursion is the kids get like the white water rafting. If it were solely about helping people in need both groups need not look any farther than their own community. Driving over a couple thousand miles round trip to do what is right in front of you is asinine and very wasteful in my opinion.
So about the Palo Azul, have you noticed anything with it? The health benefits are suppose to be amazing, it is real popular with folks who need clean urine for drug tests as it rids the body of toxins.

It is very odd when there is help needed where you currently are. Maybe it is like being a foreign exchange student. You can stay here to learn so why go outside so probably more for the experience and getting to know people from other states. Interesting that people from WV are there helping and your youngest will be going to their town in turn. I agree with you that it seems a bit wasteful and asinine.
I just made the tea a few days ago and have only hand two glasses so unsure about benefits. I'm taking a lot of meds for CRPS so trying to help my liver and kidneys out and ease some edema.Unsure yet how much it helps but I'm sure it can't hurt. It has an interesting flavor but very light also. I add honey and lemon. It really is blue under the right lighting. If I ever do a post then I'm gonna say I got it from you..lol!

That really is some blue brew you have there, most people do add honey to sweeten it. I will look forward to hear what results you have with it. If you do a post about it, include me in by all means.
I will actually being seeing a customer in the morning who I turned on to it who has been fighting diabetes and kidney failure and he swears it has improved his kidney functions. I haven't seen him in a month so I am excited to be seeing him and how he looks and feels.

I will and that says a lot and I read a lot of good reviews on it. Never would of known about it without your post..thanks again!! :)
Oh yeah, meant to tell you photo was taken with flash which makes the blue stand out. In a glass it looks like iced tea with a hint of blue at the top. 😊

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