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RE: Daily Dose of Sultnpapper 07/08/18> Why should I not be surprised by this…

in #blog6 years ago

I can't see why they need to go that far. You are absolutely right on when you said the youth leaders want a free vacation. I will tell you about something that happened last year here in Nicaragua. There was a group of youths down helping to build hoses for the poor in a community north of us. The idea was that the older kids of the family would help out and in the end, the kids would have new homes and there was a promise of a trip to the beach with a lunch. Well, you can imagine that they worked their little butts off and 25 houses were built in a few months. When the time came, they came to a local restaurant with beach access here on Los Pinetas. My family were there enjoying a luncheon along with some friends. We happened to overhear the conversations of the group who were swilling back the cold beer. What was planned after the lunch of hamburgers and fries, the kids would be given used Niki sneakers (not even new!) and the group would fly back home. The houses had all been sold to foreigners who paid large amounts of money for them. Who ultimately profits from this? You tell me! Then to make matters worse, my son is married to a Nica and my granddaughter was born here. They must have thought we were deaf or stupid as they continued on calling my daughter-in-law names that I can't repeat here and called my granddaughter a half-breed! We had to hold my son back or I think He would have cleaned someone's clock. We did find out which church they belonged to and a few phone calls were made before they even made it back to Managua to catch their flight out!


I am going to make sure my son gets plenty of pictures so I can see just what was in so much need of repair up there. Like I have said, I am for helping folks in need and you don't have to travel far from the church to find plenty of the things that would make huge difference right here in our own area.
If what I see from the pictures isn't up to what I consider "dire" or at least "desperate" I will be having a talk with the head pastor of the church upon their return.
It sounds like some people were exploited pretty good in the situation you became aware of, makes a person wonder just how many other "projects" like that one are solely for the benefit of the people organizing those projects.
Thanks for sharing your story and glad that you folks were able to hold your son back from kicking some ass that needed kicking. He would have just ended up in trouble and that wouldn't have helped anything. The phone call might have done more good than an as kicking if the people at the church have any integrity.

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