The Daily Whistle Stops, Issue #191. (7/10/18)
The Daily Whistle Stops is a curation post brought to you by @thesteemengine! This post features the best posts from our members!
All of these posts were submitted in our Discord server's post-promotion channel, and have been hand picked to receive a nice upvote from our group account! If you'd like to see your post featured here, simply submit it in The STEEM Engine Discord server! Not a member of The STEEM Engine initiative? Check out our intro post for more information about our group!
37 Floors Up in a Panama City Apartment
Beautiful Sunday
Why should I not be surprised by this ...
Part Four
The Great Pyramid Scheme
Fascinating, isn’t it?
This link allows you to auto-vote on all our group members' posts, the ones The Steem Engine votes on. Set your vote to a very small percentage ... like 1% so as to not drain your voting power. (The group account usually votes on between 35 and 50 accounts a day. 50 votes at 1% would be half a full upvote from your account daily.)
This, of course, will help our group members grow and you will gain curation rewards. (Do be sure you know what you're doing before you activate this request. You will be auto-voting from your account on all the posts from members of The Steem Engine at whatever percentage you choose.)
various collections of hand-selected articles
from other curators in our membership.
Much love thanks for the feature. Love that cover.
That cover is special, isn't it? The minute I saw it I knew ... that's the one!!
The Daily Dose got a very rare daily double , thank you so, so much .... as in double thanks.
You're so, so welcome -- as in double welcome. I go from midnight to midnight when I pull links for this post. Sometimes you scoot in just under the wire at the beginning of one day ... and are the last one I look at at the end. When that happens and you've got two worthy posts, that's how the doubles get done. It's all a matter of timing.
They say that timing is everything in life, this just goes to prove it. I have thought about changing my timing and posting it in the morning but I like that I get more interaction on mine from people from other parts of the world with the timing I use, it has really broadened my perspective on quite a few things with the responses I get.
Thanks for including me and our Panama City earthquake info. :)
I'm just glad you guys were all right. It would freak. me. out. if something like that happened to me. Did the kids think it was super-cool? (Kids are like that you know.)
Thank you for the support and the mention!