Daily Dose of Sultnpapper 05/16/18> Yesterday was BBQ, and today is food for thought…

in #blog6 years ago

My time management skills got out of whack Tuesday evening so this daily dose is subject to being little out of whack as well, but chances are you won’t really notice the difference because half of the time I find myself in this boat, I just never mention it.

I worked a full day in Houston on Tuesday and then ended up driving to Corpus Christi which is a three and half hour drive so I got into my hotel later than I normally would. After checking in I ran out and grabbed some dinner and brought it back to the room to eat while I would catch up on some paper work. Paper work is one thing I hate to do so I will always put it off as long as I can before I just absolutely have to have it done. Well it is “absolutely time” so I have been busy doing the paper work.

One thing I use to do quite regularly was watch documentaries on You Tube before I came here to steemit. So I decided I would check out a documentary or two while I did the paper work, you know, just something on in the background that I could half way pay attention to while I did the mundane required job stuff.

I have always been a history guy and I really am of the opinion that we really don’t as much about history as we think we know. We have scientist that tell us a bunch of things about how our earth came about and how dinosaurs roamed the earth millions of years ago. We also had an ice age and then we somehow thawed out of that, even though man made global warming hadn’t been invented yet. There are a whole bunch of the things we have been told that just don’t add up in my opinion.

I have over the years come to believe that what we have going on here on this earth is a battle of religions, but the one religion that is over looked in all this is science. I have touched on this before and the documentary I watched this evening just brought a bunch of these back to the forefront of my thoughts this evening. One documentary this evening referred to science as “scientism” and that is a good word for it.

There are two subjects in history that I have always had doubts on that keep drawing me back to them. This evening was no different and so I had to see if there was anything new on those subjects and if so, just what was it. Those subjects are the pyramids and dinosaurs.

The first documentary I watched was actually one I had seen before on the pyramids, or at least it seemed like I had seen it, because most of what was in it I already had some knowledge of. I can tell you without any doubt in my mind that what you and I were taught in school about the pyramids is just no way the truth, not even close. If you are of the belief that those are elaborate tombs that some Pharaohs’ had built for themselves or family members than I have some ocean front property in Arizona I would like to sell you as well.

Even when I was a young buck in school I questioned the story of the pyramids, and seeing some movie that I can’t even remember the name of at the moment, on how the pyramids were built did nothing to convince me that what I was taught was accurate. There is no way that people from the Stone Age built those pyramids using bronze hammers and chisels to cut those massive stones and then rolled them on logs for over 500 miles from the quarry and then lifted them into place as we have been told. There was a civilization that existed at the time those were built that had way more capabilities than we have today, and if you don’t believe me just get yourself another glass of grape Kool Aid and relax.

The second documentary was one that came out this year, 2018, and it gets into the religious battle of the bible versus the science community. It pointed out some great “conflicts” between science and religion, one right here in Texas, in Glenn Rose, Texas. In a river bed here in Glenn Rose, Texas there are dinosaur tracks that are fossilized in limestone, right alongside those dinosaur tracks is the distinct foot prints of man.
The problem is that there is suppose to be 65 million years separating man and dinosaurs, yet the tracks are there together right in the same stone layer. Something doesn’t add up and I am of the belief that this planet is nowhere near as old as what we have been told; the bible puts the age of the earth about 6,000 years old. The evolution theory gets blown up with these tracks in the limestone; if not totally at least the time line does for sure.

We are taught young and because we trust the people teaching us when we are young, we believe what we are taught. But we need to be questioning these things and re-examine what we have been taught. The education system is not an education system at all, but an indoctrination system, we aren’t teaching kids to think with the system we have, we are teaching them “what” to think, and that is totally wrong. The documentary goes into carbon dating and how that system doesn’t work as, according to the documentary, living snail shells carbon date tested at 27,000 years old. Those are some real old snails if carbon dating is to be believed.

As adults most of us never look back at what we learned, we just believed and go on about our lives, and that is how the system keeps perpetuating the lies or discrepancies and those never get challenged. I have attached the links for these two documentaries should you like to view them. I will warn you in advance, if you are happy and content with what you have been taught, don’t watch them. If you have an open mind and would like to actually learn something then by all means do give them a view and see just what the actual possibilities are when it comes to these two subjects.

If you do decide to view these let me ask you to do one thing when you are done, ask yourself this question, “why is it we will accept scientific theory but we scoff at conspiracy theories?” To me they are one in the same when you think about, some may be correct and some may not be.

I will be studying more on these subjects as time allows and see what other written documentation has to offer us.

Until next time,

Videos: The videos attached are the property of the registered YouTube accounts and shared here for educational purposes. These are not in anyway claimed as property of @sultnpapper.



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You know I love your doses but I feel like telling that every time. Respect for you always. Here's my view on this dose.

My time management skills got out of whack Tuesday evening so this daily dose is subject to being little out of whack as well, but chances are you won’t really notice the difference because half of the time I find myself in this boat, I just never mention it.

Happens with me so many times and people don’t notice it too.

I have over the years come to believe that what we have going on here on this earth is a battle of religions, but the one religion that is over looked in all this is science.

Same thoughts and when you think of things logically, things start making sense to you so easily without getting into fights.

If you are of the belief that those are elaborate tombs that some Pharaohs’ had built for themselves or family members than I have some ocean front property in Arizona I would like to sell you as well.

Hahahaha, I did think that so when can I buy that property? :P

We are taught young and because we trust the people teaching us when we are young, we believe what we are taught. But we need to be questioning these things and re-examine what we have been taught. The education system is not an education system at all, but an indoctrination system, we aren’t teaching kids to think with the system we have, we are teaching them “what” to think, and that is totally wrong.

Yes, yes, yes. And we aren’t nurturing and raising them into independent, logical and calm thinkers at all. I am trying to do things differently with my son. Hope I achieve my goal. He is questioning me all the damn time. It is hard but I am doing it and when he doesn’t like my answer, he asks me politely and sometimes rashly to resort to Google hahaha :P

How much property you want? Just send send me $100K steem for each acre and I will send you a picture of your property along with some unofficial looking paperwork. If you buy 100 acres or more I will throw in the Brooklyn Bridge or The Eiffel Tower, your choice.
Allowing kids to question is the key, we encourage ours to question, but we also ask, "why do you ask?" before we answer. That way they need to verbalize what their doubt might be or what their train of thought is to make sure they are thinking and just not "playing" us.
I think you would really appreciate the pyramid video if you were to watch it, you will learn there are 133 more right in that area as well that aren't quite as large but once you learn what the large Great Pyramid is believed to have been for it will all make sense or at least have you asking questions.

Hahahahaha I will definitely send you the steem soon. :P As for the video, yes I do plan to watch it. :)

I'll keep an eye out for it, (wink, wink)..

I couldn't possibly say enough good things about this post @sultnpapper. I have been away from your blog for a little while and I'm SO happy I returned to this one! I love your line of thinking and everything you've touched on. Main-stream Science is so much like a religion - I was reminded of this TV show that made me seriously question my trust in science.. it was a show meant to be outrageous and funny (It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia) but the guy pointed out comparisons between faith in the bible vs text books and it blew my mind LOL totally was not expecting it from that show.
Anyways, I try to keep up with watching documentaries on youtube but steemit does take some time away from it. I have seen that pyramid one. It was really good - I'm going to check out the other, I've added it to my watch later list :) Thank you for sharing them!
I think it's always wise to keep an open mind and remember the beauty of the universe is that we don't know exactly how it works :) but that's just my opinion - I find science fascinating, don't get me wrong, I have a BS in biochemistry LOL but I understand some things don't need an answer. What a great post :) thanks for making me think my friend!

Well I am sure glad to see back around here @amariespeaks and glad that you enjoyed what you read here. That TV show sounds like it was quite a surprise, I think sometimes people have to disguise some things or they may never get a chance to tell their story if they are not on the side of the people doing the controlling. I believe you will enjoy the second video when you do see it, it makes you question what is being passed off as facts.

I'll be sure to let you know how I like the second one ;-)

Without me watching the videos( I might do it later,no time now)... You got one thing right on the spot! I can't change the Markdown style on my phone... But you got it soo right!
(We are taught young and because we trust the people teaching us when we are young, we believe what we are taught. But we need to be questioning these things and re-examine what we have been taught. The education system is not an education system at all, but an indoctrination system, we aren’t teaching kids to think with the system we have, we are teaching them “what” to think, and that is totally wrong)

Thanks D C , I appreciate you agreeing with my thoughts on this.

We have been fed a bunch of hooey since schooling started. Keep the masses ignorant and they won't know the difference. Lots of stuff doesn't make sense. I always had questions about the ancient civilizations and the pyramids never made any sense. Something else going on there.

Yes Ceci the pyramids are quite interesting and what the video says sure is more plausible than a tomb.
School is like a plastics molding outfit, the just keep stuffing in the little pellets in the molds, heat em up, and them stamp out. The last thing they want to produce is a bunch of young thinking people, that could screw the pooch for the people running the world.

Boy, I m glad we decided to educate our kids to think for themselves and to be able to think outside the box!

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