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RE: Daily Dose of Sultnpapper 05/16/18> Yesterday was BBQ, and today is food for thought…

in #blog6 years ago

You know I love your doses but I feel like telling that every time. Respect for you always. Here's my view on this dose.

My time management skills got out of whack Tuesday evening so this daily dose is subject to being little out of whack as well, but chances are you won’t really notice the difference because half of the time I find myself in this boat, I just never mention it.

Happens with me so many times and people don’t notice it too.

I have over the years come to believe that what we have going on here on this earth is a battle of religions, but the one religion that is over looked in all this is science.

Same thoughts and when you think of things logically, things start making sense to you so easily without getting into fights.

If you are of the belief that those are elaborate tombs that some Pharaohs’ had built for themselves or family members than I have some ocean front property in Arizona I would like to sell you as well.

Hahahaha, I did think that so when can I buy that property? :P

We are taught young and because we trust the people teaching us when we are young, we believe what we are taught. But we need to be questioning these things and re-examine what we have been taught. The education system is not an education system at all, but an indoctrination system, we aren’t teaching kids to think with the system we have, we are teaching them “what” to think, and that is totally wrong.

Yes, yes, yes. And we aren’t nurturing and raising them into independent, logical and calm thinkers at all. I am trying to do things differently with my son. Hope I achieve my goal. He is questioning me all the damn time. It is hard but I am doing it and when he doesn’t like my answer, he asks me politely and sometimes rashly to resort to Google hahaha :P


How much property you want? Just send send me $100K steem for each acre and I will send you a picture of your property along with some unofficial looking paperwork. If you buy 100 acres or more I will throw in the Brooklyn Bridge or The Eiffel Tower, your choice.
Allowing kids to question is the key, we encourage ours to question, but we also ask, "why do you ask?" before we answer. That way they need to verbalize what their doubt might be or what their train of thought is to make sure they are thinking and just not "playing" us.
I think you would really appreciate the pyramid video if you were to watch it, you will learn there are 133 more right in that area as well that aren't quite as large but once you learn what the large Great Pyramid is believed to have been for it will all make sense or at least have you asking questions.

Hahahahaha I will definitely send you the steem soon. :P As for the video, yes I do plan to watch it. :)

I'll keep an eye out for it, (wink, wink)..

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