Swinging vines in Vienna...Part 3

in #blog6 years ago

How part 2 ended..

The use of his legs had totally escaped him, just as he'd suspected - but he had to get out of there somehow - even if it meant crawling...
As the door shut, the two friends looked at each other...
They both started laughing.
"I'm feeling horny," He said.
"Thank fuck for that," She said....

Part 1here
part2 here

.....and with that he promptly left the living area, heading down the hallway.
Mamm's noticed it was not towards the bedroom, but the spare room.

She smiled broadly, she knew exactly what he was up to. 'Oh, yumm', She thought, her mouth watering...

Waiting patiently for his return, she'd noticed that Trevor must've urinated himself in his desperate haste to crawl out of their apartment.
'Poor Trev' She thought momentarily, before then getting angry at him once more. She'd have to clean up the wet mess on the floor!
She thought about whether or not it was worth catching up to him- and dragging him back to the apartment clean it up himself - but then decided against it.

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Not because she had any concern for the freshly urinated Trev, god no - but she thought that if He ever actually set eyes on her again, it could well end up with him defecating all over the place. What a mess that would be..
'Wanker', She thought to herself....

She looked away from the puddle, at the sound of him returning.

He was all smiles.
Holding his cock proudly in both his hands and grinning broadly, he looked down at her, sat on the sofa.

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"Ohhhh! Nice cock! " She said feigning shock, "What are you gonna do with that then? I don't want it!"

He looked puzzled, a little dejected. She normally liked to play with it.

Mamm's could see the confusion on his face, and felt sorry for saying that to him.
She didn't mean it, but she was thinking about cleaning up Trev's piss first.

" You just hold onto that, sweetie," She said, looking at the bobbing head, and standing up, "I just need to clean up Trevs fear emissions that he left behind when He was crawling out of the door,"

"Ah!" He said, his spirits immediately returning, now understanding why Mamms wasn't showing her usual enthusiasm for his pride and joy..
He knew how much she liked it.
Many a night he would stir from his sleep to find it being stroked gently by her, it's red head bobbing around in response to the pleasure she was giving it...

5 mins later.....

.... the mess was cleaned up, and Mamm's was sitting back down, in the living room. He hadn't moved very far, and his cock was most definitely wide awake.

"Let's try not to make much noise babes, the neighbors have been complaining- and they're both fucking deaf!, "Mamms said, as she stood up and starting to undress....
..." And DO try to keep the mess to a minimum this time, eh?," She said, "It was everywhere last time. Took me bloody ages to get all the stains out."

" I here ya,!" He said "Let's get it on, babes,"

"Oh yummy, lets!, " She said, squealing like an excited schoolgirl. She was now fully naked.

He looked at beautiful curves and gorgeous breasts, feeling even hornier now...

Looking up, she saw him staring at her and she smiled.
It was exactly the same look, even after all these years.
The same one that he'd on his face when they'd spent their first night together.

" Concentrate on your cock, and not my tits," She said laughing, as he followed her through to the other room....
She knew where he was looking without having to turning around and check.
His cock might be in getting all the attention from his hands, but she owned his eyes.
She knew him.
He was her willing slave, just as much as she was his willing slave.

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He cried out in pain, as the head of his cock went flying across the room.

'What a softy,' Mamm's thought, 'He always gets so emotional at times like this...'

"You won't be waking the neighbors now, will you ?, " She said looking down...Her naked body covered in freshly spurting blood.

"It's your turn to pluck," He said passing her the carcass, the dead cock hard to hold onto as the last of it's life quivered out of it's body...

They always found the killing of their fresh meat stock more palatable when they were horny. For some reason.
Which was weird, true - and they really didn't give as to fuck why...

...It was a fowl foreplay for them....

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