"I F%*king love" Friday series: Background and Overview

in #blog6 years ago (edited)

Obviously there is a bit of a play on words in that title, it could be taken to mean that I fucking love Friday, though the placement of the quotation marks signifies that's not exactly the case. I do happen to love Fridays-


-though not for the same reasons most people do.

Why not for that reason? Well, I don't have a "normal" or "regular" schedule such as a work week with set times and days etc., however most of the people I love do have that type of schedule, and they do love Fridays for that reason. It makes them happy, and what makes the people I love happy, makes me happy. Therefore I fucking love Fridays-


-but, that's not what this series is about. So WTF is this series about dreemit?

Well the short answer is: It's about the things I fucking love.

But for my fellow, amazing, and super intelligent steemians, you deserve more.

Let me start with a little background.

Now many of you have seen the woman @jedau affectionately dubbed as Mama Dreemit, who is of course, my mom. And I love my mom, in fact I fucking love my mom. She is a positive, exuberant woman, who is happy most of the time. She's a lot of fun and she cracks me up regularly with her boisterous nature.

2018-02-17 04.20.51.jpg

But the one drawback is that she is also a religious woman- now don't get me wrong, I have no problem with her adamant Christianity, at least at this point in my life. It's part of what makes her, well her, and I wouldn't want to change it.

But when I was growing up there were a lot of things that were considered sinful or even taboo. And one of the biggest things, to this very day, is the word fuck. She absolutely hates it. And because it was so forbidden, it became the forefront of my rebellion. In fact you could say the word Fuck for me is synonymous with the word Free.

I can still remember the first time I ever said it.

I was about fifteen years old and had been sent to my room for something I did- what that was I don't remember, but I recall feeling it was extremely unfair. And being angry about it. Actually I was fuming, furious- livid. This is bullshit I thought. (shit was also a no-no, but no where near the same level of no-no) Total bullshit. I felt a little better, but not enough, so I said it out loud. "Bullshit. Total, utter bullshit". Again, I felt a bit better, but still not enough.

I sat there, the word tumbling around in my head until it fairly burst out of me "Fuck!". I was stunned at myself for a moment and though I hadn't said it loudly, I was still half expecting her to be standing outside my closed bedroom door having a heart attack.

But thirty seconds passed and nothing happened. So I said it again, a bit louder, adding to it. "This is fucking bullshit." "It's unbelievable fucking bullshit." "The stupidest fucking bullshit of all fucking bullshit". "Fuck, fuck, FUCK."

Now that last one had been a bit loud, and for a few moments I was frozen, staring at my bedroom door. Until it became apparent she was not upstairs, that nothing but the walls had heard me. Then I began to smile until I was flat out grinning because saying that oh so terrible, sinful word had felt fan-fucking-tastic.


It became my new favorite word, though no one knew this but me for the longest time because I only ever said it when I was alone.

I realized how versatile it was- obviously it was an expletive, but it was also an adjective, a verb, a noun, and most of all it was forbidden- and a secret. I don't know how you were as teenagers, but those two things were fairly irresistible to me and many of the friends I had. Forbidden things, secret things.

It wasn't until much later that I realized the greatest thing about it was that it wasn't hurting anyone. Now obviously it would have 'hurt' my mom if she heard me say it, or even knew I was saying it- but she didn't.

To this day I've never said it in front of her (though I suspect by now she may have an inkling that I say it- considering she read my books Reborn and Renewal)

Okay, so that is the background. And just to be clear I'm going to reiterate- this series is going to be about things I fucking love, posted on Fridays- so stay tuned-


EDIT: I just got back from reading THIS HILARIOUSLY SYNCHRONOUS POST by @nonameslefttouse, and no, we didn't discuss it beforehand- go check it out!

Generously created for me by @son-of-satire

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How to Fuck: Fucking Lessons for Beginners

Hi, how the fuck are you today? My fucking name is @nonameslefttouse the fucking writer him the fuck self. Fuck, I'm here today to teach you fuckers a little fucking lesson. Now sit the fuck down, get some fucking popcorn and fucking relax.

Fucking is not the easiest fucking thing to do. Many mother fuckers will get all fucking pissed off with you if you start fucking around. I'd ask those fuckers to leave the fuck now if this is not you're fucking thing as to avoid further fucking damage. I truly mean no fucking harm to you or your fucking beliefs. The last fucking thing I need is a fucking lawsuit. Read this fucking disclaimer if there are any fucking problems. As for the rest of you friendly fuckers, fuck on my friends, fuck on.

Fucking the fucking fuckers should be taken seriously. Never fuck around or you will be told to fuck off. Get to the fucking point. One fucking day you will remember this inforfuckingmation and be like:

Oh fuck yeah! I remember that.

Never forget to use your fucking memory. It's the most important fucking thing to any potential fucker when attempting to fuck. Fuck the fucking fuckers gently.

Fuckers caught fucking around with the fucking shit will be fucked. Think forward while fucking or you will get fucked.

Getting fucked is not something people like to fuck with. They leave that shit the fuck alone. In other cases getting fucked could be the greatest fucking thing. It's all a matter of fucking perspective. Learn which fuck is for you.

It is always best to first agree to fuck before you fuck. Simply ask, "Would you be interested in fuck today?" You will get your fucking answer. The fucking answer might not be the fucking answer you'd like to fucking hear, but you better do what they fucking say. Fucking abuse is about the worst fucking thing any fucker can do.

Fucking Conclusion

Once you fucking know how to fuck properly, many fuckers from around the fucking world will come to see your fuck. They will enjoy your fucking company. They will want to fuck all day and into the fucking night. It'll be fuck this, fuck that, fuck these, fuck those and fuck them all. Now would you look at that fucking clock?

Time to get the fuck outta here. Thank you for this fucking moment.

Holy fuck! That was the fucking comment to beat all motherfucking comments! Nobody gives a fuck like you do. Nobody could not give any fucks at all like you do too! That was fucking spectacular!

If you're reading this, check out his fucking post!

That was one of the first jokes I wrote and published here that actually got any attention. Everyone had fun and then that big bad vote dealer 'freedom' came and flagged it to death. Oh well!

Got enough fucked for today. I'm out!

Hahahahha! Ah, it's my favourite word too or rather one of my favourite words! I got grounded once when young when shouting something similarly sweary in my bedroom. Only we lived in a poky all on one level flat so they heard!

I never got caught! The two levels of home definitely worked in my favor, haha! It's so weird how despite it being a word I love, I never say it in the wrong company- one of the things my mom insisted would happen if I should start swearing is that I would get into the habit and not even realize it's coming out of my mouth- not so mom! lol!

I can be wildly foul mouthed but know when to do it and when not as well. I do like testing at the boundaries though. Lol!

Did you see @nonamelefttouse's post today??? I just edited my post to include a link to his!

Lol, I hadnt I had checked in earlier and saw yesterdays. I looked there. Ha, synchronicity!

I have a steaming, leaking espresso machine that often tries to burn my hand while I hold it together, but now I have a mamma dreemit-woven cloth to hold that hot side with. Now I see that the special cloth helps to keep me from using those bad words while I'm making coffee. ;)

Haha! I forgot I sent you one. I'll have to tell her this, she'll love it ;)

Flagged for offensive language!

I was considering leaving this for a bit to see if anyone would flag you for being a fucking TARD, haha, couldn't do it though, just think of the voting power I'd have to expend to undo it, then the explanation to whomever thought they were being considerate of me....LOL

I suppose that could have gone rather badly. I wasn't thinking. I was commenting to you; not to your readers.

lol, I know, I've definitely done the same thing in your comments before ;)

He's alive

This is quite the understatement.

Sorry by the way. I have quite a dreadful memory at times. What is your discord again and I will add you.

No problemo =)
Reaper #9980

When I was a kid my best friend was named Johnny. Johnny was an absolute giant. The guy is almost 7 feet tall now. But he's not lanky he's built like a tank. I've seen him literally pick up a Coke machine. He doesn't even work out he's just genetically gifted.

We used to hang out when we were kids, climb trees, go to lakes and skip rocks, and do other boy stuff. One day we were up in a particularly Tall Tree feeling proud of ourselves for climbing it when Johnny screamed out f*** yeah. We were probably 30 feet off the ground.

Suddenly Johnny's dad, who was just as big as he was, was only a couple of feet below us. He had climbed the tree without even using any branches, grabbed Johnny and pulled him down in one hand.

Right then and there at the bottom of the tree he pulled down Johnny's pants and began spanking him hard on the buttocks. It was incredibly strange to watch from 30 feet up in the air.

Good times.

Damn, hahaha, that was one vivid visual! Watching a butt beating from thirty feet up, LOL!!

LOL - so that is why you say fuck all the time and write entire books about fucking !

I always thought it was because you are a pervert...

Can't it be both? hee

Holy shit that's an expensive book, haha! Yes, please send me it- [email protected]

On its way - 600 pages - really quite mind boggling!

Fuck was disallowed at my house as well purely because it was a "bad" word. So of course when me and my friend were out playing after school it became every second word XD


Naturally! :)

Love it! ;)

Fuck yeah! ;)

Thanks for sharing my story with me. The story is interesting to read. I am also happy with Friday. Saying bad is not good, all mothers teach their children to say good and polite.

Since you're one of the most passionate people I know, I know for sure that Steemit is in for a treat with this new series. You and me are on the same boat in terms of a religious mother, sister. So, I totally understand where you're coming from. If that's the only quirk Mama Dreemit has, then we're all alright :D

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