Thoughts about humility

in #blog6 years ago (edited)

Everyone can educate their way of being, not only to improve the quality of their interactions with others, but also, to feel better about themselves. The quality of life improves notably thanks to simplicity, that as a virtue, can easily improve the human nature. On the contrary, pride and vanity can result in complications, difficulties and even the destruction of social relationships.

We need to realize we are not always right, in any discussion that affects a social relationship, there are two different points of view. We should not lock ourselves in our own interpretation. Beyond this fact, wise people know that the most important factor is not always being right when the difference of criteria regarding a particular dispute can lead to the rupture of that friendship, because of pride.

We are no more than anyone, nor less than anyone. However we are special and we can certainly feel like this in many moments. But the people around us also feel that way on other occasions. Therefore, from this perspective of equality, we should try to correct any attitude that leads us to position ourselves in a role of superiority or inferiority with respect to others. We are human and we can make mistakes. The most important thing is to correct those mistakes, and that can only be done if we accept them as something that actually happened, instead of ignoring them.

If we admit our mistakes with maturity, it will be easier for us to be truly responsible for the consequences of our actions, and then we will be very close to really being an authentic and humble individual. Expressing with freedom the fact that realize our mistake might have caused some indirect effect on other people and showing our honest willingness to repair said mistake. It is not about blaming ourselves for it, but to show sincerely that we are worried about this situation in question and want to take care of it. Only a person with enough humility can say he’s sorry and actually mean it.

There is also an important aspect regarding people’s profession, the qualification or preparation of an individual does not necessarily determine that one job is more important than another. A humble person is one who does not treat others based on stereotypes created around the image of a particular job. Socially, there are jobs that seem to grant a higher social status to those who perform them. However, it is convenient to avoid this interpretation of reality. All jobs are important and all people have a gift of their own.

A humble person would not give more importance to those who have "more", but rather focuses in the quality of the conversations and personal ties, affinities and aspects that go beyond this simple material issue.

Therefore, being accessible and available to spend time with others is always something nice to do. Not only can we share these qualities in our immediate environment, but, at the social level, we can collaborate as a volunteer in a social purpose in which we believe. Volunteering is a way of learning and engaging and can even work as a lesson of humility for those who discover that they have so much to learn from others.

Recognizing our own limits is another useful thing for our own development as an individual. Sometimes we can experience exhaustion when we do not listen to the signals of our own body, which can result in the manifestation of the burnout syndrome. We have to establish an order of priorities because we cannot simply do anything in a single day. Our strengths are also finite and managing them in order to have the highest productivity possible is something that we can naturally develop with time as we get use to our circumstances and have a proper understanding of how efficient can we be.

Because of this, if we honestly analyze our own human nature and our own life, we will realize that there are many situations influenced by the concept of having limits, which is nothing more than a lesson of humility in itself because it makes us really face the reality of what we are and what we are not.

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All images are from pixabay

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Great words!

Humility is quite powerful, it gives one freedom from the wish to be right or impress people. And by that one becomes submissive and the biggest blockage to growth, ego, is washed away. Growth is the essence of life

Humility is quite powerful

It is, besides it makes it easier for people to be comfortable with how they actually are. Authenticity is a quality that I sometimes feel is kind of lost nowadays.

It is lost, that’s why these days we have less wise people in the society. Everyone wants to impress!

There also other extreme where people consider humility as being weak.
But the thing humility is just "strength under control".

Thanks for sharing! Cheers!

But the thing humility is just "strength under control".

I like that way of expressing it :)

Wow @dedicatedguy , dejavu... was having a chat with partner abut staff and human interaction humality and humbleness within each individual yesterday and now reading your post , must be a sign!! Great insight!!! keep it up !!

Sometimes I also notice that type of synchronicity between my thoughts and the things that happen around me.

I think if we spent our whole lives without experiencing humility our egos could explode. I like to think of humility as a life lesson to teach us to show more empathy towards others. Nice post I really enjoyed reading. BTW I tagged you in the gratitude challenge! :-)

I like to think of humility as a life lesson to teach us to show more empathy towards others

I agree, both concepts are clearly related in my opinion. Will be checking that challenge right now :P

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hi @dedicatedguy

you mentioned being humble several times in the post. but dont you think that humble people usually are not very succesful (assuming that they start from zero, like many others)?

I consider myself quite humble and that is the biggest obstacle most of the time. It's hard to be humble and confident and make people believe that you're THE MAN

big upvote on the way :)

But I also think we should invest fully in our experience of life and pay full attention

I disagree, I think humble people can even be more successful than otherwise. There are ton of examples.

I used to be very humble and I had very little successful life. Some time ago I decided that I will replace being humble with being polite, CONFIDENT and transparent and it's bringing great results so far.

I guess this is feature that works for some people and some professions but doesnt work in some others.

Thx for your comment mate.

thx for reply. and have a great weekend @dedicatedguy

Powerful message in this post...

We need to realize we are not always right

So true- these nine little words equal what causes more arguments, break-ups and estranged relationships. Sad.. but... yeah

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