When defending our freedom there should be no middle ground.

in #freedom6 years ago (edited)


Those of us who support the ideas of freedom (and probably everyone involved in crypto supports freedom) can often be incriminated as extremist and utopian individuals. "There are no absolutes", some affirm, to denigrate that supposed and stigmatized utopian attitude.

When our own lives are testimony of the philosophy of freedom, when we put into practice what we believe is the most important thing in order to achieve our own happiness, such accusation supposes a deep ignorance of the effort that must be made to not only be coherent with ourselves but to be prepared for the disqualifications that accuse us as "extremist or utopian". In any case, and contrary to what is commonly understood, I define as extremist, any action or attempt to persecute citizens for their political, religious or any other type of private choice that should always be respected in a context where actions are based on the respect of personal freedom.

The defense of freedom in the public sphere is not an action that should accept a middle ground. In the personal order, in any case, implies a voluntary individual choice, always willing to do something pursuit of what we consider most appropriate for our scale of values. Maintaining an ambiguous attitude before the subjugation of individual freedom promotes irreparable consequences that grow exponentially to the detriment of the well being and happiness of everyone.

Defending individual rights and freedom is neither extremism and much less a utopia. Those who say so seem to ignore the fact that giving up a part of individual freedom to an all powerful state is to open a door for new and future regulations and conditions to apply to our individual rights, and yet, that seems to be the trend right now in the world. More government control and more regulations everywhere we look.

I would bet that if the same tendency to accuse against those who promote policies that respect freedom, was instead applied to accuse those who attempt against liberties, much of the world would not live subject to the authoritarian paternalism of powerful governments. Extremist is the one who believes that a ruler, protected by the power conferred by the state forces, has the ability to tell you how to handle your life and regulate the activity in which you have pawned hours of study and work or how to manage your resources that were achieved honestly. Extremist is also the one who is motivated by the threat against those who think and live differently, and wishes to have the right to manage your life or your work regardless of your desires.

If the task of confronting those true extremists is already difficult, it is harder to convince people that the defense of freedom does not tolerate ambiguities. The indoctrination through propaganda has made several generations believe that extremists and people who believe in utopias are the ones who defend freedom at all costs but not those who cut your rights and subject you to the arbitrariness of unjust political, social and economic regulations. An example of those unjust regulations is the attack crypto has been suffering recently.

It is absurd to consider "utopian" those who defend the right to live in a free society and choose to act according to their values and not to consider extremists those who force others to read, consume and adopt rules that attempt against others way of thinking and surrender meekly to the wishes of the "enlightened" who assume the right to think and act for everyone else.

Many societies are beginning to awaken from the abuse and intentional distortion of the concepts imposed by those extremist governments that, protected by the deception and the abuse of the same political system that opened the door to power, ended up settling as authoritarian regimes.

Besides, now, thanks to technology and blockchain being a perfectly recent example, we now have tools that allow us to take an even stronger stand as defenders of our own freedom.

Do you think our freedom is increasing or decreasing?

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Freedom is not absolute. We are not free to harm others, incite vilence or infringe on copyright for example without facing the consequences.

We are not free to harm others, incite vilence or infringe on copyright for example without facing the consequences.

Our freedom ends where the individual rights of others begin. Or at least that is how it should be.

People may voluntarily give up some of their freedoms in favor of protection promised (not necessarily fullfilled); The core value of each individual is survival. Revolutions are not seen very often as seen for example in North Korea, where people would likely revolt if they were not afraid, despite, they don't know better world, I am sure they are aware that more liberty would actually be good to them. However, when the two core values - survival and liberty flip as restrictions to liberty lead to difficulties with survival, revolution can happen.

This is very simple theory anyone who pursues big regulations knows. If they endeavor them slowly, people will get used to a new definition of freedom and corporational state can be established.

As seen in China, people pretty like the new app, which is going to rate people by the opinions and give them some advantages if they agree with the policy. This app will be everywhere present including street cameras. I heard if someone with too low rating will walk past you on the square in 2020, he will be even projected on a billboard as a dangerous individual. Thus forcing all citizens to be good and agree with the ideology.

Other patterns are seen in US as bans to collect the rainwater. I doubt anything to happen about it in any of the already mentioned countries. Internet and blockchain makes us informed, but we are a few. And Chinese, as I have also mentioned, seem to be quite happy about the new app, which is being developed.

But perhaps, we might see something in the US. This country is bankrupt and it is only a question of time till its citizens will notice.

Anyway, thank you for a good topic for a discussion. Hopefully, I expressed myself understructably in English.

I am sure they are aware that more liberty would actually be good to them

They must know that, because there are cases of north koreans escaping their totalitarian government.

As seen in China, people pretty like the new app

Exactly mate! I have been researching that subject btw, article coming soon.

Other patterns are seen in US as bans to collect the rainwater

Yes, this is something ridiculous, almost like a joke.

And Chinese, as I have also mentioned

Are they really happy having their liberties restricted?

Thanks for your awesome comment mate!

Are they really happy having their liberties restricted?

I have heard they are positive about it. May they have expressed themselves like that because they felt threatened? I think so. But I guess sheeps agree with the app. It is just a few wolves who don't like it, because it is simply behind the line of what is appropriate. And it is always a small fraction of people, who realizes what is really going on (the case of escaping NK).

Yeah, anarchy is utopian, so don't even try to make it happen :). People often associate negatives to utopian ideals, as if it's not the correct and right ideal to strive towards... as if utopias are wrong... some are indeed wrong when based in violating principles of voluntary interaction

The most important thing is respecting individual rights. There should be no conflict if everyone respected individual rights.


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