Thoughts about our mind being our most valuable asset.

in #philosophy6 years ago (edited)

Nowadays we have all sorts of products for consumption capable of satisfying most of our needs, products that make life more bearable and many times easier, that are not only simple inventions but verifiable solutions to real problems, and some people might reduce the value of their existence only to material these things.

We should not criticize the materialist people at all because if we think about it there might even be moral reasons to justify them, because to value the work and creativity of the geniuses who invent what we want to possess can easily be seen as the recognition of their individual abilities and greatness. However, today I want to refer to another kind of product that is usually the actual origin of whatever we can think of. It is nothing more than the property of the mind, that which no one can take away from us and it is always available to help us figure out all sort of problems.

A lot of people only want material things like a car, a house, a TV, tablets and smartphones. It does not matter if they really need them, it does not matter if it is to satisfy their needs, because at the end of the story everyone can do what they want with their money as long as they do not scam anyone. The truth in this story is that it is these products that are becoming increasingly desirable because we can exhibit them in front of everyone and show off their benefits, they are products that everyone understands and can even cause envy in people that don’t have them. The vast majority of people would do anything to get them even having immoral behaviors, because they represent "success" in front of their social groups.

Anyone can use their thoughts and ideas to turn resources into tangible goods, the mind is not only our best asset but also our only inviolable entity. Any tangible thing is easily expropriated by a totalitarian government, they will be able to take from anyone what they have bought with their own sweat and blood, but the mind? That is not negotiable. The product of a writer are his books or that of an artist his works of art and, and even if a thief destroys them, his creativity, intelligence and freedom of thought can remain forever untouchable.

Because an idea that comes from an individual’s wit and intellect is something that will always be the product of that person’s thought process and therefore it is the result of his reasoning. The property of the mind can be seen as the ultimate intellectual property and only belongs to those who are able to think, and develop ideas.

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All images are from pixabay

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Sadly most people do not realize that they cannot fill an internal void with external objects.

Few people actually stop for a while to give a thought about it and understand that "our mind is our most valuable asset". Thanks for the read, @dedicatedguy. Great job, as always :)

do not realize that they cannot fill an internal void with external objects.

Nice way of expressing it @dysfunctional!

true, @dysfunctional expressed it really nicely

super interesting topic.

No our Intelligence is our most valuable asset. Majority of people are going in circles because they use their mind too much.

The mind is not our most valuable asset. Our Intelligence is but it has nothing to do with the mind.

I wonder why do you think intelligence has nothing to do with the mind?

Body Intelligence has nothing to do with the Mind. The Mind is a tool. That will say a very small aspect of life. Usually people mean the Intellect when they say the mind. Which is a surgeon tool. Good for survival and some things but it's not true Intelligence.

The brain is the most complex thing we have found in the universe, and consciousness is the greatest gift we have :)

consciousness is the greatest gift we have

I totally agree mate! Thanks for stopping by!

Thanks for sharing this. This is definitely informative. It's amazing how our mind works.

I am glad you like it!

hi @dedicatedguy

didnt hear from you in a while already. Almost every day i hear some hardcore news coming from Venezuela. hope you're okey.

it's interesting concept to put a value on our brain ... maybe some should 'proov of brain'? :)


Hello mate, yeah those news will keep coming until the crisis is resolved, thanks for asking!

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