Day Dreaming Article - Digital payments

in #blog7 years ago (edited)

Day Dreaming Article - Digital payments

Hello my present self. Hello my blog. Hello fellow visitors/readers. May you be in good state finding yourself reading this article.

“Every now and then day dreaming is good for you.”


My friend had slow bandwidth so I tell him to...
Hahaha, I just told my friend to have a good look at the positive side for every state that oneself is presently in. I said that with him having a slow internet back in hometown is a good way that he can use his notebook to start writing articles and publish it when he has good connection to the internet.

Okay, day dreaming... As I said it is good because... I read that a famous writer(best sellers) whom used to be rejected had day dream all the time. This person is the writer for the popular book and then turned movie “Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone” by J.K. Rowling.


So, the next time somebody thinks that day dreaming is bad, hmm... I think theres always good and bad energy in all things, depends on how we look at it. But just proves to let us go through a self discovering journey onto the most mysterious person that you ever know of, which actually could be your own self.

Talking to your-self? Or i would say, putting ones mind at work. Hence the saying, the 3 c’s.



If it is a good time to meditate while writing your blog, this is one great way to direct positive energy to oneself.

So, what did I day dream today. Let’s see...

  • Delicious foods I had today and what do I want tomorrow.
  • Games I played with a friend online today, (Starcraft 2 said gonna be free so we tried 2 games)
  • pxxn (okay I did not said anything, just saying)
  • money, how to grow money, risk management.

Okay... lets see why not day dream about the future... this is fun ~ yippie ~

“Dream about the near future”


Okay anything is possible in the future. By all means the future will turn into what we do to it today. How do we see the future from now at this very moment, directly relates to how much we affect the current time. Either by oneself or by someone else. So do think of the endless possibilities about the near future. Your own version. If it becomes real then it will mean that you had a glimpse of the future. If it doesn’t, then you had just wrote a novel on the parallel universe, which could have been more happening (depends what rings into your mind).

Alright what do I think will happen. Well, many possibilities... I shall start my dreaming engine, or just recalling what I dream before this.

The day we have digital payments and that the old paper currency is more of just being used by the traditional businesses, for example a road side stall selling your yummy tea break foods.
Of course this is the time where the in-between of a cash society to a totally cash-less society. We think of the fast implementation while there is still paper currency existing in circulation, it is still considered a legal currency. Just probably takes another few more years, probably a decade for this transition to a totally cash-less society.

“No smart phone means you forgot to bring your wallet”


If the world that we know had changed into mobile wallets then, for a completely cashless society, this would mean that one must have a new version of wallet, that either is a paper wallet or a hardware wallet both of these are for safe keeping. While probably and most likely a mobile wallet is to be used in the day for living expenses and commuting.

“optional digital payments apart from mobile wallets”


So you forgot your phone, no problem. Machine learning, face scans to ID a person along with biometric scans or a secret passphrase. This will be the optional payment method. Just like the existing credit card payments you make the payment transaction in the super market.

You know, the digital payments of the future will make transactions faster than now. If you transfer money now to someone, it has to go through the bank. If it is the same bank it would be faster. If interbank then it would take longer. If you transfer to another country, that would take days to be transferred from one local bank to the other foreign bank in another country.

“Thats why we have the cryptocurrency bitcoin or the other altcoins”


These new digital currencies offer the decentralized means of allowing the sender to the receiver of a payment without the middle man. There are many improvements into cryptocurrencies and the blockchain technology, the hyperledger. We go to the basics, the blockchain cryptocurrency technology allows tracking of the currency and who has the currency so means that of a transparency of digital currencies letting anyone know who and when and what has been transacted. The near future is going to be interesting.

“Decentralized vs centralized crypto currencies?”

So we have decentralised crypto currencies and then the governments or banks are coming up with a centralized cryptocurrency because ... there can be some kind of control for that particular currency. There are pros and cons about this. Probably a discussion of this can give more insight. So far I know that there is a digital currency that banks are working on, this currency will work with all the other crypto currencies when making transactions. Let’s see how this goes, interesting news to follow.

Why are there so many altcoins? Submit pull requests... fork...


It seems like since the creation of the bitcoin blockchain technology, the geeks and wizards in this domains like to tweak and improve. The interesting thing that blockchain technology brings. It definitely speeds up payment transactions. It also speeds up the many other related things of that payment by including important information into the headers of the block. These many altcoins they all have different purposes. What each and every transaction involving any item of purchase, traditionally is logged on payment kiosk that connects to the enterprise system for further actions to update the database and to trigger other related services. It now clearly makes way to a new method of making software to get information on the particular transaction. In short, the logs is not just residing in the datacenter or cloud server but rather on the header of the blockchain. Is this a good thing or not? Again... lets there be a discussion.

Ok well... i shall retire now and let the readers put some comments and probably someone to teach and educated on digital payments.


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-Day Dreaming Article - Digital payments

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