What do I write about? ~ A Steemian Dilemma

in #blog7 years ago (edited)


At least once a day I hear people say they don't know what to write on their blogs.

I was there at the beginning, looking at the blank screen trying to figure out what topic to write about until I decided to stop over thinking it.

Be yourself.

Some of us are born writers, some of us aren't, what I think matters most here is that we at least begin somewhere.

Your blog doesn't have to be eloquent, with perfect grammar and punctuation. Spelling helps, but hey most of us are skilled at decrypting sentences by now, we move past that. This is, after all Steemit ~ the home of emerging minds from all over the globe.

Over here language is just another tutorial or a translation post waiting to happen.

Over here, we have no barriers, no rules, but each other to learn from.

Over complicating "Learning"

When people think of "learning" most would think of degrees and higher education. What surprises me is most people don't put equal value in the things they learn through their every day.

No, I don't just mean the.
10 things I do in the morning to kick start my day or the 10 reasons why we should eat....

Although I'm a huge fan of those!

I mean the nitty gritty. The pure humanity. A soul touching another soul, sharing your life, your experiences, how you feel.

I see value in that and I know I'm not the only one.

So often we can be immersed in our own world, be in our own bubble that we fail to really see the world around us.

On Steemit, because meaningful content is supported, we are witness to many experiences from people of all walks of life, we witness how the other half lives, learn through them and live vicariously through then.

I know I do it every time I read a post.

My question is.

What makes you think we can't live vicariously through you?

Your life is not my life.

I have learnt so much from everyone here because they shared their life. They shared their struggles, their loss, their heart aches, their wins, hobbies, passion.

Because of you sharing yourself, I have grown to be more aware or what's out there and what's going on in the world.

And because this is Steemit. I no longer have to be sitting at home wondering how I can help. We can help and we will. Cos we Steemians are cool like that.

How do I do it?

Some days I'll be on my game and have a plan for the week. Like before Christmas and I started whipping out the Christmas promo stuff.

Some days I just wing it like today and I find inspiration in my everyday.

This post is actually inspired by everyone who has said to me "I don't know what to write."

You can even write about how you don't know what to write about.

The key, I think, is really feeling what you're writing.

So maybe write about what's consuming your mind?

Warning. This is Steemit and what you write will forever be on public record.

Or write about what you're currently doing, thinking, eating or into.

You never know what value it could bring into someone's life.

❤ Arly

Image credit to PixaBay. Thank you PixaBay!


I have to say it's been an enjoyable experience so far here on Steemit, so I agree that there is a different atmosphere. Maybe it is the international flavor or maybe it's just more likeminded people in the same space. At any rate, I know it's not all roses here, but so far, I've liked what I've seen.

I agree with you about the overthinking of what to write. It would be nice if people had an idea of what they were going to write before they started a blog or jumped on Steemit, but part of being here is finding out what people value. I don't think the platform is mature enough yet to completely determine all of the possibilities, not when the more popular posts are more about raving about Steemit (which is fine) or making predictions about upswings in one of the cryptocurrencies. There are some others that have some success but the diversity isn't there yet because there isn't enough diverse thought here yet.

I suppose those of us here will always have interest in the money side, just because that's how Steemit is built--and that is a cause for celebration. But Steemit is much more, and it will take more people coming in to realize that potential.

I'm not sure what that's going to look like, since it already seems crowded, but I'd like to at least think there's room enough for all of those who truly want to see Steemit flourish as a platform and a community.

Thank you for sharing this.

Ohh definitely not all roses but you can't deny there is so much potential here, more than any other platform out.

In a time of Snapchat and Tinder, out comes Steemit a platform that really asks so much from us in terms of expression and sharing, delving into more than just the 5 seconds of whatever.

Yes the community has a general obsession with crypto at the moment (totally understandable) but that's not all that's going on around here. To find them you must explore other tags and veer away from your feed.

There are lots of subjects and micro communities on Steemit, and it grows more every day as more people join the platform.

I know what you mean though, I'm a regular poster on the #spirituality tag, some days it's just me using that tag lol but I tag anyway cos some ones gotta start it.

Be the beacon that attracts your tribe. ❤

Great advice. Definitely read plenty of other blogs, but also see value in yourself and your own experiences and ideas. Then communicating those because that little bit easier.

Steemit becomes an even better place to be as more and more people start to share their lives, dreams, hopes, and knowledge.

Steemit becomes an even better place to be as more and more people start to share their lives, dreams, hopes, and knowledge.

I agree. I think it reminds us that we're all human, going through our own journey.

I don't have any problem coming up with posts, I have ADHD and i think it shows in my blog 😁 Great post tho B1, ppl will find it helpful I'm sure!

Ahhh ADHD. I can relate! Following you!

hahaha I know you don't @goldenarms and yes it does show! I love how you keep it real and bring flavor into my feed ❤

Spot on! Yep, 13 days on steemit and this has been my constant battle. The first few days were full of wonders. " Why are they not noticing my posts?" "What topic to write to get them to notice me" Really, I've been there. Still am. Although, today, I am becoming easy and less uptight. As long as you have poured your heart out in your writing, earnings and upvotes don't really matter. Hone the master in you and everything will follow. :)


Second hang in there. My first ever post went by unnoticed so did my introduceyourself post. Steemit is a vast ocean and although we have many groups that are dedicated to finding new talent the biggest driving factor to your exposure is your participation in the community.

The more you make these awesome meaningful comments on people's posts the more people will notice you. Discord is also a great place to network and promote your posts. Most discord servers have post promotion channels.

The most important thing, you already know.

Hone the master in you and everything will follow. :)

Thank you so much for the encouraging words. I like to make this community interactive. After all, that's the very essence of Steemit, I guess. Also, I learn a lot of things talking to people especially with those who have been here for quite some time. :) Thanks again!

I have an unusual issue of having too many topics I want to write about. First I should find the name of the disease, then see a doctor.

write about them all! I sometimes have that problem and I have started to write them all down. Sometimes I revisit them to see if I'm feeling any of them today, if I am I finish it.

Sometimes all I write is the title hoping the rest will come later lol

I did wrestle with this when I started, but now I've found my groove. I think it's easy to over-complicate it at first and expect to much. I agree that it's about writing about you life and what you like and are interested in. It's such a great place to learn and expand your understanding.
Perfect example, I've never paid crystals any interested, but find it fascinating when I read your posts and have been able to have discussions with a few girls at work recently who are also interested in crystals and grids, this was all unknown to me before you talked about it. That's one of my favorite parts about steemit.

Yep. It's all about the groove. The way some people go about it, you'd think they're going for a Pulitzer, some might be, but really I just wanna know how you are you know? lol

That is so cool! I really think crystals are coming out in the open more and more, and I'm so glad people are talking about it. I learned stacking mainly from you. I reckon it was a good swap.

That's awesome about the stacking, isn't that so great and totally why I love steemit! Well a big part of it, it's such a great community of sharing and learning and supporting each other.

Well said, @bearone. I usually randomly say, read, or do something throughout the day and then think "I want to write about that sometime".

Yup, nice and easy and uncomplicated. Writing is only as difficult as you make it to be.

Keep up the good posting dear.

When you get that dreaded writer's block no matter what you do it's going to be hard. So I usually look for inspiration or do something else.

When I can't write anything I do those freewrite exercises that I just write whatever comes to mind.
I also watch a video, take my dog out or talk to the members of my Steemit family. In a way they give me inspiration to want to get stronger so I can help them more.

Joining the various contests are a good way of not running out of ideas and in fact one of my longest entry was for one. Almost 4k words and 20 mins to read hahha.

Yet in a way don't be limited by what is trending. I see so many people here writing about what they think will trend and somehow they lose who they are. Nothing worse than a cookie cutter article because all the rest of the community is writing about it.
Be unique, be who you are and the words will come out naturally.

Hey Mav!

I totally agree! Most of the time it's good to step away from the blank page and do something else.

This is something I do often and usually I blog about I did when I stepped away lol

4k words 💪💪
It's cool how contests and groups inspire/motivate us to do more, do better.

Yet in a way don't be limited by what is trending. I see so many people here writing about what they think will trend and somehow they lose who they are. Nothing worse than a cookie cutter article because all the rest of the community is writing about it.
Be unique, be who you are and the words will come out naturally

Very wise words.

It's easy to get sucked in to the trend but people don't realise it's their individuality that gives the world colour.

Hello there @bearone! This came in handy for me. Well, actually, I've been feeling pressured by myself. I get an overwhelming doubt about future posts. I need to constantly remember that a long as I am myself, there is no need to worry.


I'm glad you realised the power within you. You're right. As long as you are yourself there is no need to worry. Things always work out perfectly in the end.

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