"My 2019: The last 2019 Showcase Weekend - My Best from 2019".

A @blocktrades sponsored contest - "My 2019: The last 2019 Showcase Weekend - My Best from 2019"

2019 is coming to an end with just a day more to go. Getting into 2020 is just a change o f the day. Nothing actually changes. You get up at the same time, you do the same things, there is really no lifestyle change. Everything is the same, but we still like this change of the day to happen in a special way. People set New Year resolutions and within a week's time they get fizzed off....hahaha....isn't that correct?
I do not believe in setting New Year resolutions, but in 2019 I still made one, because my 2018 was so deadly and it had taken me down so much that I needed some boost to bring myself up. My resolution for the year was that no matter what comes my way in the year I will be always happy. I will live my life to the fullest and not regret about anything. I will do all the right things and will not worry for the results. When I reflect back today on my resolutions I am so happy that I have managed to walk my talk and keep up to my resolutions. Not that I did not have my downs or challenges but it just seemed to pass off smoothly with the right attitude.

My journey on Steemit also has been fulfilling in 2019. I made all different types of post. Majorly on Health, In February I did a Health series of 10 posts, then a series of travelling posts through out the year, posts on Crystals, Children mentoring, random daily thoughts, some photography posts. I also made my first DTube video followed by a lot of other video posts, then there were Steem Fest 4 post series, participating in @Ecotrain QOTW and @NaturalMedicine posts and also @Tribesteemup biweekly question. Phewww.....actually that's a lot and I am feeling so happy I could do so much through out the year.

As I review all my post of 2019 there are quite a few posts that I find very interesting, but then if I have to pick up 3 best ones then those are the below ones. I personally like them because I feel that what I have tried to communicate in these posts if we can follow it wholeheartedly then we can make our life very beautiful.

So in order of my favorites are:

Can Ungrateful People ever be Happy in Life?

I believe that having an attitude of Gratitude elevates us and raises our frequencies to higher dimensions. we open up ourselves to the Universe. The Universe has everything in Abundance and if we are able to tap into those higher levels everything that we want and desire will be in our periphery. When we constantly keep focusing on what we lack, what we do not have or what we are losing we are getting into the pattern of constantly attracting similar vibrations in our life and hence such people are never able to realize the importance of what they have in life and keep falling into the trap further.

Fear and Insecurities can hamper our growth in life

This is another topic that I feel that a lot of we are trapped into. Our fears lead us to feeling insecure which eventually weakens our whole life structure. Fear of losing job, fear of losing our loved ones, fear of old age, fear of getting health problems and so many, these are the general ones which I see with most people.Fears are very natural to us, it is not that we can never be fearful. It is ok to be fearful but we should not allow the fear to build up and spread. Fear for the moment is ok, but then confronting it and dissolving it will allow us to progress.

Time is Ticking; Are We Living in the Now?

This is one more block that a lot of us are stuck in. Waiting for the right time, but is there really a right time? Waiting for the Right Time for things to happen means waiting forever and ever. There is no right or wrong time it is all in the now. So whatever we desire whatever we wish for do not put it up for future with a thought that I will do it at the right time, because that right time may never come or even if it comes it may not mean anything much at that point of time. Life is very unpredictable, what holds important today may be meaningless tomorrow. Future planning is required but living in the future is a waste. Life keeps unfolding in various forms and keeps giving us surprises at all times. So what is Now is Now, rest all is a probability which can or cannot occur but if the Now is missed then the time is gone forever.


2019 comes to an end and I absolutely feel that I have had a fulfilling year and I move into 2020 with same resolutions, same attitude and same zeal. I am hoping for a joyful and adventurous time ahead.

You can also follow me on twitter at @nainaztengra1

Thank you for visiting my blog.* 👼🏻👼🏻💖💖🌹🌺🌸

"Unlimited Abundance, Blissful Happiness and Unconditional Love"

My other blogs of Interest

"Travel Diaries # Visiting the Dubai Frame"
"My 2019 Steemit Achievements 🥇🏆"
"My Thank you Note for My Superstars of 2019💖💖"
"The Annual Xmas School Choir 🎅🎄🎉🎈💖🥰🥂💃"
"We Fall, We Fail, We Learn, We Overcome, We Heal......."

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Supporting People Who Help Make The World A Better Place @ecoTrain


Wishing you all the best in 2020! ✌️

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