Forgive and forget?

in #blockchain7 years ago

The blockchain doesn't forget which is something we should all remember. The content we post, including the edits, are stored immutably for what we can consider as forever. This means that anything we say and do can (and likely will be) used against us at some time in the future. Imagine all of the people acting under the guise of anonymity behaving poorly only to have their identity discovered later? What then?

Last night I came across a mention of an account familiar to me from the recent past and then checked out their latest posts. One post was upvoted a lot and it got me thinking. This was a person who two months earlier was highly self-voting nothing comments on a year old nothing post to hide the activity, and when discovered, started flagging someone who spoke out against him. The account now runs a bid-bot instead.

The highly upvoted post was one claiming to have been caught out in of all things, a scam. The saying is 'it takes one to know one' but it doesn't seem to have held true in this case. I am not going to get into more details but I wonder, is there a limit on what the community will forgive?

There have been plenty of cases of people shilling all kinds of obvious shitcoins that fail or Ponzi schemes like Bitconnect, yet a month later, it is like all has been swept under the rug. Some have been involved in questionable behaviour several times and nothing seems to stick to them or limit their abilities to earn. Is it that the community is very forgiving or does it have a very short memory for such things?

Personally, I like seeing people adjust their behaviour to act in more of a community spirit but, I can't help but be very skeptical of their intentions considering their past behaviours. Especially if their past behaviours are overtly poor and aggressive when confronted.

Sure, people are prone to embellish here or there, people can also have changes of heart, perspective and adjust accordingly but, if their behaviour was so obviously harmful, underhanded and openly known as such, perhaps it is in their nature, not their knowledge. Would you trust them in the future?

The concept of immutability of the blockchain is something that I think has a lot of restrictive control when it comes to personal behaviours but, they are possibly negated based on the guise of anonymity. This is something I think most think they have but, in the future, they will be connected to a real person as most tend to leak bits of information they do not intend to or think it is trivial or unconnected to them. I will talk about this later at some point perhaps.

I wonder how many look like cuddly animals but are actually snakes in the grass waiting for their chance to strike and how many will one day get connected and have their lives interrupted by their trolling behaviour from a decade earlier or their many ways they employed to scam the system.

It is going to get interesting as for the most part, many may be able to forgive but, forgetting is something altogether different and when it is continually brought up in blockchain scrapes, it is going to be even harder to ignore and potentially, impossible to live down.

Most don't think too much it seems about what they post here but I think the ones with a real person connected tend to be more socially aware of how they may be judged. I guess it is a question of skin in the game and when one must pay the cost in the real world, they are less willing to take the risks of scamming and cruel behaviour.

These are just a few thoughts I would like to get some opinions and perspectives on if you have a chance.

[ a Steemit original ]


As an artist, @Tarazkp, I have a fair amount of skin in the game. In fact, I’ve come to think that writers/thinkers/artists of all stripes are excepted to stand stripped, naked to the soul.

By laying our hearts bare, others are afforded a glimpse into their own. Personally, I view the mission of the poet as singing for those who cannot... lending them our voice, so to speak.

So, of course, I use my name when I write, as I launch one diary entry after another into the world, in hopes of some meaningful echo...

Funny thing is, though, I try not to think too much about it - the immutability, as you put it, or even who’s listening -as I find this inhibits my flow...

We give to live, each in their own way, my friend.

Thank you, for this opportunity to share, and for all you give of yourself. I admire your prolific flow!


By laying our hearts bare, others are afforded a glimpse into their own.

This is something that I think many here connect with without understanding why. Seeing a person and the reflection of themselves in another creates a connection they may no understand but binds them nonetheless.

Funny thing is, though, I try not to think too much about it - the immutability, as you put it, or even who’s listening -as I find this inhibits my flow...

I don't worry too much about these things either for the same reason. People talk about freedom of speech yet still care what others think of them which means speech can never come freely, it is always curated for the audience in the hopes for a favourable response.

Yes, I agree, what springs from the heart, reaches another (this is how souls touch, online and off...)

Interesting read out of free speech - of course, nothing is without its cost - but telling our truth is worth it 🙏🏼

I think there are so many new people each week here that someone who did wrong in the past can lay low for a bit and then start right back up. There aren't really any safe guards to protect anyone from those who want to scam others.

People need to use their brains and remember if something looks to good to be true it likely is. "Caveat emptor" as they say.

With that said being able to look back on ones history should allow people to make much more informed decisions on a persons intentions. But people need to do the work.

Honestly it's nice to think snakes change, but really all they do is shed their skin and wear slightly different colors...yet still a snake.

Honestly it's nice to think snakes change, but really all they do is shed their skin and wear slightly different colors...yet still a snake.

I think this has already been happening with a few of the core Bitconnect people. How long until the scam a few more billion?

Yeah it's kind of scary the lack of morals some people have. The worst part is if these people put as much effort into something legit they would probably do great things.

Yes, it is a shame indeed. People put so much effort into scam when they could probably do so much good with the same volume.

Wonder if anyone is keeping a solid list of know steemit scammers that can be referenced. One which showed why they are on the list with some detail so it can be trusted.

Not sure but there may be risks with that too due to objectivity and proof. I'd rather not have the Salem witch trials :)

That is a good point. Who would be trusted to keep such a list and then at what point do they become corrupted as Power Corrupts All.

"There have been plenty of cases of people shilling all kinds of obvious shitcoins that fail or Ponzi schemes like Bitconnect, yet a month later, it is like all has been swept under the rug."

This is why I think it's important to study history instead of watch the news. When you watch the news everyday they make it seem like what happened today has never happened before, but there are very few things that haven't already happened before (wars, market crashes, elections, and the like) and by studying history you get a better idea of what to do than reacting mindlessly to it. Same goes for Steemit and crypto.

Definitely agree with you here!

I lean strongly towards forgiveness and mercy. My experience with criminal behavior shows the energy used to fight them is wasted. They will always be around. Kill one snake and a new snake will appear. I try to avoid them and focus on personal production.

Amen to that @doctorjohn I had the lightbulb moment a few years ago. Sure I can get annoyed but I know it just hurts ME to get involved in "drama". There will always be an online drama to read then ignore. I'm going to follow you. I enjoy your peaceful attitude!

Pilot fish don't care, they feed off leftovers and will follow sharks whatever they do, as long as they provide food.

Yes fact is. I myself started 4 months ago. First I didn't know anything about crypto currency and business stuff as I am a Scientist, But later on I started to read blogs from great steemians.Many started with me and many left many turned to wrong paths like spamming and doing other shitt stuff but I went onwards with very few honest and great people. In start I was not passionate but afterwards I started loving it. Now I gather knowledge from poeople posts. Yours are one of them you are very ethical and moral.
Yours posts teach ethics and good will to keep on going with honesty.
Thanks for doing this @tarazkp

Indeed, when you think about it, everything you post or do here can't be deleted, so scamming or doing something bad is not a good idea for your future reputation, especially if you reveal your real identity.
I see a lot of people who chose to do better with their postings and actions when they got exposed of scammy activities, but I tend to remember their past and I never truly trust them in the future, because who knows what they are actually up to in the end...

but I tend to remember their past and I never truly trust them in the future, because who knows what they are actually up to in the end...

I think this is normal human behaviour. It isn't always correct but still...

Yeah I guess that's how it is...

It is impossible to do something to control these spammers..But when the individuals are in a learning curve and committing mistakes due to that,It is pardonable because we are all still learning something even now.

When there is so much information available, the behaviour shouldn't last very long but, there are people doing it for months.

I choose to exercise my right not to speak at the risk of self-incriminating, myself =P

I think that where there is money involved, comes influence, and on Steemit, if you have money (Steem Power), then you have influence. And that influence tends to continue on the platform for perpetuity as long as you continue to have that Steem Power. As long as you have that voting power. And as long as you continue to feed the little fish who are constantly propping you up.

But hey, that's true in the real world as much as it is in the digital world and we're not likely going to see a change in that matter until the robots take over the world.

Yeah, the problem comes when they are not feeding the little fish.

Only if they haven't figured out another way to continue earning (* ahem * voting bots * ahem *) without the * direct * support of the little fish. The little fish support this wonderful voting bot, while they are completely unaware who is providing that voting bot service.

Ignorance is bliss?

It does appear so. As long as people aren't knowingly harmed themselves, they don't care. And If they think they can benefit, they care even less.

I always though the transparency is pretty interesting. Yes someone could be using 50%+ of their votes on themselves, but no one will really know...until someone decides to be an investigator to look into their history. Someone just has to take the time.

Everything is available somewhere pretty much and even the voting percentages etc don't tell the whole story, one has to dig deeper again but, it is all there. For example, I have paid delegation which I actually run at a loss because even though I upvote all of my posts, it is still only about 30% of my voting. It doesn't cover the costs but, I can share a lot of value outwards so I wear it. But if someone just looks at the voting percentage, they won't see the delegation or the costs involved. all of the info is available though which is pretty cool and strange.

I didn't think about it that way too! Its easy too to look at someone's posts and how they interact with posters. Some just upvote on themselves and own comments and don't even interact with comments. Obviously by looking at your posts you interact and boost the people that interact with you.

It takes people time and effort to read and comment and if they comment well, I think that they are engaging and adding value to the community so it should rewarded where possible, even if they don't agree with me.

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