Bits and Pieces - Q&A, Trading, WhaleShares and Blah

in #bitsandpieces7 years ago (edited)

News, Rants and Thoughts on Steemit!


Some have expressed confusion with #takemyvotes. Several said they don't really understand how I give away my voting power, what it takes to win, and why I am doing it.

  • What

It is a contest. I choose one winner from all those who comment below my posts. The winner gets an evening of voting with power, using their own mouse on their own account, they vote what they like. On my end, I set up my account to shadow their votes. A single vote from the winner can add $3 to $5 dollars to a single post or comment. This is less than full-power. I usually assign 60% of my full power to the winner because 100% could adversely impact the reward pool (not good).

  • Why

Biggest answer. Because I like giving, it's fun and it costs me nothing!

It is better to give than receive

One lucky winner is perfectly qualified to choose a great post or a good comment. I could vote all night on what I like. I love voting. But, letting someone else do the clicking for a night is fun too! Your opinion is just as valid as mine.

This contest engages new-comers, inspires minds, and hopefully provokes people to invest in the platform as I have done.

  • How

There are bots and extension out there. I while ago, I ran across a website / bot made by @unipsycho called autosteem and I found that one of the options is Vote Copying

Just enter your posting key (careful: not for newbs), select a user on Steemit, a cut of percentage and vote strength. The bot will copy every vote that user makes. Simple.

  • Winning

I used to ask that people watch a video, answer questions, and give me a reason why you want to have my voting power. I would ask that they submit entries to my email address. Too much like a scam.

Now I just ask that you post a comment. If I like it, I will write down your username. If you meet the qualifications, your name goes into a hat and I might draw you as our next winner. Simple.

A common question I still get is, "How do I know how much voting power I have?"

There are several ways to view or interact with the Steemit blockchain. For posting and voting, you have Steemit,, and eSteem. To view who is interacting with you, vests, voting power, etc. there is Notice that it is steemDB instead of steemIT - clicking the link here will show you my voting power, rewards, power-ups, ets., but you can just put your username in after the "@" and see your stats.

To see live votes when my account is being hi-jacked, I use, again your username in the URL instead of mine brings up your stats.


Bitcoin is broken.

Showing up to a meeting with no bitcoins in my wallet has become the norm. People are expecting to give me their paper dollars and that I will send them bitcoins. Not so. They are surprised when I tell them, "You really don't want bitcoins. The network is bogged down and overloaded." We all know that bitcoin is still secure. It just takes up to two weeks to make a transfer and costs more than a Swift transfer.

Nine out of ten unsuspecting traders find a way to accept dash or ethereum. The others end up making claims that they are buying bitcoin for a family member or is transferring it directly to an exchange.

A likely story

In those cases, I scan their bitcoin address directly from my (alt)coin wallet inside coinomi and with the help of the built-in shapeshift, my coins are sent! How long it takes them to get the bitcoin is out of my hands. I make no guarantees. If you have ever sat in a Starbucks while someone repeatedly says, "It didn't arrive yet." Well. Not fun.

I used to give away fractions of a bitcoin to promote the coin, the technology, the idea. Now, 0.069 tops out my maximum withdrawal on Poloniex, until tomorrow this time. Bittrex is a bit better as their limit is one whole bitcoin rather than a worn out, has been, paper currency limit.

As more and more traders contact me, recommended by a friend, asking to buy bitcoins, I am happy to offer up Steem as an instant and free alternative. One problem. There is a new approval period after people sign up to Steemit which makes it hard to get people on board with Steemit, then sell to them Steem on-the-spot. There might be a good reason for delaying new accounts. But it would be easier if I were able explain the four private keys to them while we are still sitting in one room.

Yeah, I am disappointed with BTC

The security is still iron clad, but utility? Not so much.


I keep running into talk of this whaleshares idea. As soon as I have a chance, I think I will be part of that movement. I am already looking for my login and keys for the bitshares exchange.

Need more info!


But I did hear that @MrWang is giving some away!


Getting back to #takemyvotes

  • I am in the process of choosing a winner.

I was reading the comments on my last post as they came in. There were twenty that caught my attention. I am going through all 20 to see which ones are within the 50-20,000 SP limit and check each one off if they have 80% or more of their voting power to spare. Winners should have voting power reserve because they will be spending theirs and mine in a three to six hour period.

next winner.jpg

I will likely toss the qualifying names into a hat and pull one out. It is too hard to choose a favorite among you all. This contest is really fun to put on and I love seeing the interaction that it provokes. It's hard as hell to sit by and let someone else vote, but I stop myself from clicking that blue arrow. Your opinions and abilities in choosing good content are as good as mine.

Check out previous contest results

March 20, The Announcement.

March 21, The first run.

The March 26, The second run.

June 6, The third run.

June 8, The fourth run.

The Next Winner to be Announced Tomorrow

You will be contacted by reply to your entry. Watch for it.

What I am looking for is someone who holds Steem Power, is involved in blogging and curation, is social on the site, and needs the boost that this contest provides.

There is no trick to winning. Post a comment and that IS your entry.

Thanks for taking time to read and resteem! 👍


Long time 🐟 turned 🐋 to have a voice.

📞 You're invited to steemspeak 📞


The idea that I like most is "giving without receiving" but actually in steemit, we also receive a portion of what we give. Truly an amazing platform because rich people can help anybody without losing a penny from their pocket, in fact, they gained in return.

an excellent post - you are very articulate and that always impresses me. But, please don't put my name in a hat - I take so long to ponder posts and make a comment that I'd waste this precious vote. I have been upvoted by people using your vote and I think it's a wonderful gesture and helps to redistribute steem. Good work, my friend!

I still think your posts and your ideas are some of the best going on here.

Take my Votes is still genius and will never get broken... like Bitcoin


Thanks for what you do and how you do it.

Join us in the Whaleshares discord right now if you wish!

Cheer @htooms! :P Get in here! :D

I wish I could but it's bedtime in these here parts...

It's "for the children!"

Another time then @htooms. We'll keep the lights on for you.

Whaleshares would definitely love to have you. We have several contests going on right now actually and more constantly being created. @nepd already posted the invite code to our discord server so I won't but hope to see you there.

I really like this because it helps see where minnows and other users go. For instance the last post I just upvoted was my friend talking about her medical expenses for hitting a tree with her horse. This is someone I know personally as I was talking to her mom via text when she was in the ER. I don't really care if I win this. I just want to raise awareness for my friend because she lacks insurance
and now has to pay 3,000 American dollars over five years.

Every upvote counts.

Whaleshares is an awesome initiative that will help regulate the payouts. I mean it will help minions to get payout, while they are motivated to stay longer on steemit in a competitive crypto world.

If such initiative existed in August last year I would have stayed back here. You should really get on board my dear @htooms. Thank you!

Good idea..
Awesome, great work..
So interesting..
Upvote and Resteem.!!
Dear friend @htooms ^_^

I still would still love to be apart of the #takemyvotes but unfortunately i lost access to my @surpriseattack account so i lost all of my steem power :( So @timcliff was kind enough to get me a new account which is @surprisebit . So now is my time to come back swinging and steeming stronger than ever! Thank u for doing this and i hope i can still be involved some how even though i lost my steem power. maxresdefault (7).jpg

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.20
TRX 0.13
JST 0.029
BTC 65688.41
ETH 3444.44
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.64