If only trees could move, horse accident

in #life7 years ago (edited)

So we were on our way down the drive way for a nice relaxing trail ride. Well our drive way is pretty long I live at the very back of 20 acres so our drive is about 15 acres long. At the drive we have a big red gate and on the inside heading out there's a button you push to open the gate. But having 5 horses and at the time only 3 riders the others follow wanting to come with us! So usually one rider has to get down and open the gate only a little and let the other riders pass and keep the other horses in. I'm not sure why, I guess she wasnt thinking but one of the riders just pressed the button. The gate opened and before I could react my youngest horse and donkey were running out of the gate and down the road, heading right for the main road. I immediately jumped down off my thoroughbred and switched with my friend, who was on my quarter horse and took off after them. I had been working with this horse teaching her how to pin up and she's smart she knew what I was asking and she did it, at a full run down this little dirt road trying to block him off and turn him around he dipped, real quick and went right taking a tight turn in front of a tree. Well my horse, doing her job followed right on his heals. But my friend had been riding her and I was in her saddel, and she's about 5 foot, and im 5'7 so her stirrups were very short and i lost the right one instantly that's when my shoulder and back met the tree. I take pride in this moment because I didn't come out of the saddle😊 but I did mess my shoulder up pretty bad, and I could feel it. But getting my horses home safe was my number one priority. Luckily the neighbor didn't close his gate! And my horse and donkey went right in, and I shut the gate. I did at this point fall to the ground in pain. My friends got grain and halters and got them home safe. As for me, my mom had to take me to the ER. image At first I refused because I hate doctors and hospitals and I don't have insurance and I just knew it would be expensive. But when u can't breath apparently its a big deal so there I was. Turns out I dislocated my shoulder and had severe bruising on my ribs and back. I was right tho, 3,000 dollars in medical bills that I will be paying for the next 5 years. If horses weren't my whole life I wouldn't ride 😉 but they are and its all apart of life and I wouldn't trade my horses or this life for anything ❤


They are such amazing animals but so large and powerful that if they want to go one way and you want to go the other the horse always win. Hope you are fine now.

Yeah they are! Im just in a lot of pain, but ill be okay, thank you so much!

Glad to hear that you are okay maybe taking a stroll around Steemland will help to ease your pain and maybe I'll see you around the corner. Take care!

Get well soon, please get insurance. With your passion on horses, I know you will keep riding.

Thank you so much, i will try, and yes i will never stop riding ❤

Yeah, this literally about getting back on the horse.

Hahaha yeah i havent yet but i plan to be back up asap!

:) Wow! That's the first time I made one of those smiley face things. I was reading what you wrote about yourself. "I'm not promising that I'm entertaining, but I think I'm funny sometimes. that is me also. I always tell people I'm funny but they say I am not. I think they need a sense of humor. I think we will have a good time here. Now get back on that horse and ride like the wind but stick to the open fields. It seems you are no good with trees. See ya!

Doing any better?

Not so much ❤ but thank you! And i will be better really soon 😊 i hope

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