Bits and Pieces #3 Coming off the $0.00 PayoutsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #bitsandpieces7 years ago (edited)

News, Rants and Recent Thoughts on Steemit Happenings



Due to the readjustment of the Steemit payout window we have been seeing a nearly solid zero payout figure as we scroll down through our feeds for the last week. Steemit did a hard-fork and has changed how long it takes for a payment to come in on posts. They moved from a twenty-four hour time period to a seven-day time period, which gives posts more time to gather a following and collect votes.


This has caused confusion, even more so than the "Whale Experiment" had, leaving people wondering if the platform stopped paying bloggers. Maybe they ran out of Steem!

But now that we have a few days of posting and voting behind us, the new code is starting to catch up and allow a penny or two to show up as posts gather fifteen or twenty votes. This is a relief to the users how had decided to give up their jobs and do blogging to make rent and food money.

I have to admit that there are less posts to vote on as I go through the new post list. I have continued voting on good content as if my vote adds money to your pockets, though not much showed. I believe we will get through this!

The list is starting to populate itself with pennies and sometimes even a dollar or two. This is Great News.


Even though rewards have been near zip, I did have a second place winner to #takemyvotes and run around the platform zapping people with .03-.05 cents of whale power. I am happy to announce that @dreemit was able to muster some good will and new followers while killing it with my voting power. It took all day Saturday but my voting power did go from 100% down to 85% and all had a good time.


While I had @dreemit using my votes, I was taking time to check out other ideas. Have you heard of This is possibly a new front-end to the Steem blockchain, which could offer a different look. It has added features like bookmarks, favorite hashtags, one-click-tip-an-author, and a private person-to-person chat feature. Nice!


You can see it for yourself and even log-in using your posting key. Note that the platform is not as polished as, nor is it in competition with this platform, but it is a new way to interface with the blockchain much in the same way that you could use Bitcoin with any of several different wallets.

What's lacking is a voting-power slider, no drag and drop when creating a post, and other small usability glitches.


The list of the top 100 Steemit investors came out for Q1. I have slowed down a bit, falling to number thirteen. Yes, I am holding off to see what the new algorithm does. I have to see what voting looks like when it has stabilized.

Face it! Nobody buys a call option on Apple until after the iPhone is released.


Note - I have been getting flagged lately so I am not sure when the next #takemyvotes will be.

Thanks for taking time to read and resteem!


Image Sources: My own screen, my own captures.

Long time 🐟 turned 🐋 to have a voice.

📞 You're invited to steemspeak 📞


Ok so not only are you supporting the little guys with votes and letting them pretend to be whales for a day, now you are pointing out cool new tools to use? You better be careful or people are going to start to think you really want the little guys to enjoy themselves here!

He is the man!

Hey buddy, have a nice week.

I had an incredible time on Saturday. In a way I think because of the hardfork problems it actually ended up being good timing for me to do it, people were uplifted by the simple act of kindness by us both at a time when they really needed the pick me up! No one seemed bothered at all by the small amount, in fact I even had a few people tell me that they made posts specifically because they knew I was taking the wheel, lol!

@hanshotfirst called me a class act, but we definitely have to apply that title to you. You have done so much for community morale, it's inspiring! And my husband has made a deal with me, that as long as I continue my dedication for the next six months, he's going to invest. And I will definitely take a leaf from your book when that happens!

It's great to hear that you have an investor! That is simply wonderful news. There is an old adage that says, "The love of money is the root of all evil." I would go a step further to the other side of that coin. We need to not love money, power, SP, Steem, or any other material thing.

Share those things and the world is already a better place.

Thank you for your kinds words. You are a class act. I actually left the house while you were using my account and had no worries that you would run a muck. My hope is that others will do similar random acts of kindness. The framework is there. The developers are bringing in delegation of voting power and also "rewards sharing". Rewards sharing is already in place (for advanced users - which I am not) and will be implemented soon on eSteem.

Thanks for the update! I think lending out your voting power the way you did is great. The rewards aren't very big right now but in a few weeks they will be right back to what they were... glad to have you aboard! :)

Rewards will be back again only if so called whale experiment will continue. In my opinion. But what do I know?

Yes, the same amount of steem will continue to be produced each day, that hasn't changed. However, if the whale experiment were to stop that would likely impact the amount of rewards that many of the smaller accounts were receiving... According to Abit he doesn't plan on stopping it any time soon though.

It would be nice. I just powered up some steem for that reason.

That is a good idea. I noticed that curation rewards have been much higher throughout the course of the experiment... There is some good curation to be earned for the dolphin and orca sized accounts during this time!

Thank you for sharing your thoughts. They seem quite reasonable, not pie in the sky and not doom and gloom.

I think the developers and SteemIt, Inc as an organization could improve communication. Those of us who have invested both time and money need to ensure we are also setting a tone within the community also.

I have heard the has steemit run out of money? thing and even briefly thought it myself! It looks like we are on our way back now. I think I shall celebrate it with an animation tomorrow!

I do chuckle when I get to the end of your posts and see your signature ;0)

Some think I am smooth - but I am not. I am ready to oppose him, however, if needed. I could have a quarter million dollars in SP within minutes to counter the whales. That shit will not be tolerated.

@htooms...since you have brought up the subject...are you aware that even with the lower rewards there are those with power who are continuing to down-vote was given to understand the HF17/18 would correct whatever was thought to be the there any rationale to the continued down-voting and what recourse does one have?

I have noticed that the downvoting continues. As far as I know, the HF did not address the issue the reward pool and if not, then the downvoting will likely continue.

I believe the developers should limit voting strength for whales instead of smacking the little fish after the fact. This would have no affect on the income of most whales and would still keep the curation rewards up.

Thank you for your reply @htooms. Sounds very reasonable.

Here's hoping reason makes a comeback.

Appreciate the information. Cheers.

That is one big pile of potential SP. I really like what you are doing here. I also confess I thought that you were him sometimes too. I am more than happy to accept that you aren't though, my bad! :O)

So much

#CryptoLove for you LOL

@htooms hi new whale in town, thanks for the up!

Yes. We just need to be patient and continue sharing and writing. I feel this is a good move although there will be a transition period. Those that were here for a quick buck will most likely be moved onto other things as the premise of this site is the content and community rather than a fast payout. Quality, patience and consistency will pay off in time. :)

Thanks for the update and for your supprt to this community, @htooms! ^_^

You get a Follow too! I am an art lover, you are an artist...

You should all know by now that if you comment on my posts, I check out your blog and will likely follow you!

wow, thanks so much!!! I'm an artist and a creative person, but at first I'm an art lover! I think that Art is an universal language and it can speak to everyone in the world ^_^

Hey @htooms -- glad to see you posting.., since posting seems to be way down, like you mentioned... It will be interesting to see how things play out in the coming weeks. CHEERS!

I have not seen too much of you here etc.

I have not changed anything, I just keep putting out good content and doing my best.

I steem on.

I hope you are doing well, @dreemit killed it, I was excited for her!

Thank you Barry! You are so awesome, I am so glad that we're getting to know one another better all the time!

I am doing the best I can with some of my situation in life not being awesome.

TY for always understanding and being kind to us.

I have to believe that life creates a balance, so if you're going through a tough time now, than awesome will be in your future! I truly hope that for you :)

Me too, believe me. Thanks.

Update article is just out on the $ETC ETF (Eth. Classic ETF project) if that interests you.

Have a nice day!

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