Is TMC Correction Over?

in #bitcoin6 years ago

I would say we are close to end this long correction (4 months). we having some signals like this one:

Some hours ago TMC got +$30billions in less than 2h! (+11% TMC)

30 bill.png

Could be another whale move to atract investors then dump and get the daily profits like we have seen during this last months? but 1 single or coordinated whales can move 30billions in 1h? sure they can!

so many questions i have in mind when i see this moves, however i end asking myself will they risk to lose the rally train? if $30billions can enter the TMC in 1h? how long will TMC take to achive the $835 billions we had on january 7th?

tmc 2018.png

things could go really quick! look at this $30bill / h x 18h = $540billions in less than 24h

am i dreamming? yes i am, but thats only a data, a data that is telling us that it could be possible! it would be just amazing but at this bottom i think no1 is going to risk losing the train!

Anyways i think the following week is going to indicate us a lot of things and signs!

Remind you that I am not a TA expert. The data I collect is a personal exercise that I carry out weekly and help me to understand the data and information that allows me to be updated about the cryptoworld. Finally I share this in steemit for fun! so feel free to comment anything!

@beiker <3


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It definitely “feels” different this time.

Vingaaaa que em vull jubilar!!!!😹😹😹🚀🚀🚀

Forramos vamos nos ? :-)

sip hemos de tener claro el plan de salida jaja no dejo de pensar en ello antes de que nos jodan los whales mamones again!

ai guish iu masif profis

no em siguis jaejin! jajaja


Has visto? ha acertado otra vez!!!!
Solo tiene que repetirlo todos los dias ;-)

Loving to hear that news.

Haven't see a pump like this in loooooong months.

Que vé l'estiu loko.


Esperem que aquesta vegada sigui la tornada a com estavem al gener...
M'ha matat llegir que has venut VERGE perquè jo en tinc i no ho he fet...
Seguim en contacte!

Una abraçada. :)

Bones company!

Si tots esperem el tren! jaja

amb Verge vaig fent trading la veritat ara he fet un buy the rumor sell the news quan torni a baixar es probable que entri però no és un projecte tecnològic en el que hi cregui molt


Gràcies per la info! :)

"Bitcoin exchange rate broke the mark of $ 8 thousand against the background of news from the leading market analyst Mati Greenspan, who announced the day before the intention of wall street to introduce a "new liquidity" in the cryptocurrency."This is the news from the Russian portal about cryptocurrencies, which I watch sometimes. Maybe today's growth is really based on this event?

could be, others saying is about "Margin Shorts" of Bitcoin on Bitfinex, whatever it is ... is welcome hehe

nice post friend

A very large pump I have never really seen
We hope to improve the situation until we achieve the benefit


Sneaky Ninja Attack! You have just been defended with a 11.63% upvote!
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