Ben Swann update: I found a website that is pretty thorough at this pursuit...

in #benswann7 years ago (edited)

Some of you know that Ben Swann is probably my all time favorite journalist. I liked his unbiased approach to news reporting where he just reported information and encouraged people to research and make up their own minds. He did articles and documentaries on many controversial subjects. He is definitely a Libertarian and possibly even Anarcho-Capitalist leaning journalist. As such I felt a kinship in the search for the truth no matter how uncomfortable it may make us feel.

Considering the fact he challenged everything from Big Pharma, Monsanto, and other controversial subjects, and the fact that he interviewed President Obama about Syrian Terrorists being provided weapons by the U.S., it is ironic what it took to take him down.

He did a RealityCheck episode on PizzaGate on CBS46. He did not accuse anyone of anything. He simply looked over the information, and went through the FBIs own documentation and said "It looks like there is at least enough here to do an investigation" and that was all it took. It is important he was not accusing anyone of anything. He just noticed there had actually been no actual investigation though the things people pointed out do match FBI signs to watch for. People were saying PizzaGate was not true yet there had been no investigation. They are stating it is not true when not a damn thing had been done to prove or disprove it. So that was the scope of Ben's crime. He said there should be an investigation to see if there is anything to it.

The flood gates opened and soon he was having to post that his site ( was going to go dark on Tzuday, Feb 1st and to trust him. When that time came around the purge of Ben Swann was significantly greater than that site going dark. which had great documentaries and journalism was gone. All of his youtube videos were deleted. His facebook and twitter accounts were also closed.

Had I and many of us known the extent of what was going to happen we would at the very least have archived his videos and documents, as there was extremely informative and good content that he had generated for years.

As I kept writing occasionally about this on steemit I found myself increasingly worrying about his health and safety. Why? People hadn't really seen him. He had supposedly appeared once on CBS46 with the microphone turned off. It began to make some of us wonder whether he had disappeared or been suicided.

After some time we did find evidence he is still around. What could so silence one of the best journalists I know is concerning.

Anyway, I decided to do my occasional search to see if there is any new Ben Swann news and I found a website that did a pretty comprehensive write up and details on it. I highly recommend it to any of you that are Ben Swann fans or if I have just interested you enough that you want to know more.

He has spoken about many things beyond PizzaGate and they are reported in an unbiased fashion that is extremely rare these days. It was simply a 5 to 6 minute blurb on a local news channel about PizzaGate that did him in. I will say that prior to that I only was vaguely paying attention to PizzaGate. After the extreme overreaction to Ben's piece and then later on a similar thing with Alex Jones (who is far from unbiased) I started to take the topic a lot more seriously. I didn't see why something that hadn't actually been investigated would warrant this crazy a crack down unless there was something to it. This is especially true considering many of the other topics Ben has covered over the years.

Here is the website I just found that inspired this post:
Click here to go to that website:

I am going to quote a few sections here using screenshots. I may also grab a few images, but if you are truly interested I recommend going to the site as I will be skipping a lot of material.


Before I started on Steemit, I investigated this stuff like it was my job. Below is a video from a credible source.
If you question the pedogate stuff, take an hour and listen to Ted Gunderson. A man who ran the FBI LA field office who looked into the matter.

I don't really question it. It just wasn't really on my radar until Ben did his piece on it. Then it was a "Hmmm... there may be something to this", and then when the reaction to his piece hit full force and he was purged from the internet. At that point I realized there really must be something to it. Especially considering all the other stuff he had reported on, and the people he had interviewed like Obama. If THIS was the issue to hang him for then there must be some really big things linked to it.

After all the other news pieces he did, this one hit a sore spot. It's very bad news.

I try not to dwell on this subject, or much conspiracy stuff, on steemit due to what appears to be a lack of interest. When I see it brought up I will comment tho. The conspiracies are real.

The conspiracies are real.

A lot of them are. There is nothing wrong with conspiracy theories. It actually has a very legit meaning. It has just intentionally been cast into a negative light so they can keep people from asking questions.

In fact as far as 9/11 the official story itself is technically a conspiracy theory since their story is all put together based on guesses/speculations after the fact. Or that at least is the claim. It is a theory about a group that conspired to pull of the act. These people are allegedly dead and destroyed in the act so they couldn't be captured, interrogated, etc. So that makes the official story itself nothing more than a conspiracy theory.

A lot of people do not realize this.

I enjoy your logic. 911 is a total conspiracy. I live in New Jersey. So many don't want to hear about it due to knowing someone who perished. Anti-American to speak that way. It's absolute crap.

If you want to sell the 911 conspiracy to someone, just talk about building 7. The third building to come down. If you accept the official story, nobody would live in a high rise.

Yep, I watched that video months back. Dumbfounded really, though it doesn't surprise me one bit.

Ben Swann was one of my heros. Being a Ron Paul guy. And i kept watching his videos right up until that happened. I feel like I did see him on his local news station a couple times though, I could have been wrong. And he was doing some news story that got him an award or nominated for an award this year. I'm still excitedly waiting for his return. He was one of the last real investigative journalists left! Thanks for sharing though!! I was soooo proud of ben when he got mitt romney on, talked shit on him. Then got obama on right after, and talked shit on him too! that's the chess moves of a legend! And thats why im sure ben swann gots this. He knows what hes doing!

The media has been playing the Issue X is debunked because we said so game for a long time

If there is any truth to the child abuse side of the story, AND IF it comes out, I think some journalists are going to fall down the stairs here and there (not advocating that, just guessing)

Trust in the media is at it's lowest, and continues a long down trend; they have been doubling down on wrong for a long time.

FWIW. I don't think PizzaGate is centered around child abuse, but that the codes known to be used in child abuse cases were used by the Podesta ring to discuss illegal campaign activities; that they are sick bastards we already know from their "art" and their spirit cooking.

I could be wrong, and I wouldn't bet on it either way.

But either way, the media as Ministry of Truth are in full rearguard for the democrats and the Deep State

Nice work. Resteemed and tweeted.
I have been following pizzagate and saw the Ben Swan expose'. He did a great job as you say. No hype just facts. Then he went away. Pizza gate - pedogate is real. The "Franlklin Report" from the 80's exposed DC pedos. A documentary that was suppressed before we had the internet. You can see it on youtube now. Pedogate is nothing new and has been part of the secret society for many years. Thanks to the net it is being exposed now.

Hi, I'm Clarity of Signal who put the linked to post on Ben together. Ben is a true American patriot and one of the best of the best when it comes to real investigative journalism in the United States. Hence the reason for my research on his whereabouts. He and Robert Parry of Consortium News are two of the best we have. I wanted to link here to exposure of the White Helmets that myself, Ben Swann and other researchers have been working on for the past few years. Its important information and needs much, much more daylight. My Clarity of Signal blog is focused on exposing the current geopolitical insanity and acts as a resource for people looking to make sense of all that is going on now. I appreciate your post Dwinblood and the attention given to this vitally important issue. You've inspired me tonight to create a Steemit account and this is the link to my very first post. I hope other see it clearly and wake up to the reality we are facing. Hence the reason for the elaborate congressional smoke and mirrors show now.

Awesome. I am glad you are on here. I've written a Ben Swann post almost once a month since right before his PizzaGate Reality check. You are the first other person I referenced outside of Steemit that has responded on Steemit. This makes me pretty happy. Welcome to steemit and your article was great.

Thanks Dwinblood. I definitely think there is something there with Pizzagate. I was a member of the site Jackpine Radicals back in October last year when the Podesta emails were released and I (along with others) acted to helped the site go through all the emails as WikiLeaks released each batch in the run up to the election. My personal primary focus was on the Clinton Foundation and Saudi/Qatari financing of ISIS during that timeframe (I will soon put up a Steemit post on that also, however, I noticed that there did seem to be something of serious importance to the pizza related emails. Since that time I have studied the subject further and feel that the Podesta brothers are quite evil people and should be considered as serious suspects in the disappearance of Madeline McCann. More on the subject here at the following informative Steemit link:

Right around the time of the election in November, the site owner of Jackpine Radicals banned any discussion of the subject of Pizzagate which led me to point out that the owner Manny Goldstein seemed to be operating the site as a controlled opposition chamber. He then started attacking my posts on the White Helmets and within short thrift I was banned from the site ( a site which I had been posting at for over a year at that time). Thus, I definitely concur with you that there is something there when it comes to pizzagate. Since that time I have only intensified my research into these important subjects and the nefarious doings of the people that run the world. I wanted to highlight this video which came out a month ago and features a global banker insider confessing the crimes of the global elite. It is quite compelling and emotional.

I have a new post up on this subject today at my Wordpress site and I have posted it here also.

I will be posting more as I get up to par with Steemit and I thank you for turning me on to it. I found the link to your post on my tribute to Ben Swann through my ping back data. I will do an introduction post on my self and the site when I get a little more time. Kind regards, Chris

If you just joined tonight that makes me very happy too. I believe you will love it here. This community is amazing.

Ben should really create a steemit account if he is still alive, nobody would be able to take the articles down. hooray or decentralized social networking, I was following pizzagate on reddit before they closed the sub-reddit and started voat, definitely alot going on and many people trying to suppress the information. nice article mate, I'm enjoying your stuff lately.

God bless Ben Swann! He's back!

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