New June 2017 Video: On-Camera Confessions of Dutch Banker Ronald Bernard Reveals Terrible Crimes of the Global Elite

in #news7 years ago (edited)


The following video feature Dutch Banker Ronald Bernard providing emotional testimony as to the debauched lifestyle he led while working in the most elite branches of the worlds banking system in Europe. His revelations prove to be incredibly revealing as to the practices of high level financial elitists. I will let the videos speak for themselves. They are incredibly powerful and moving to watch.

Caveat: This particular subject of (child sexual abuse by the global elite) is not one that I have delved into here at the Clarity of Signal Wordpress site previously. My primary focus is on war, terrorism and geopolitics, however, I do think there is something nefarious going on when it comes to the disturbing subject matter discussed in the video below, as well as those at my site, and the issue should be investigated much more thoroughly, thus, my reason for putting together this post to offer the opportunity for others to see all these videos in one specific location.

For the Steemit community this is a smaller version of the large post. I have just included the most recent video here. I have the others up on my Clarity of Signal Wordpress site today. The full version of the post features numerous videos on this important subject. I have compiled them all in one place so that interested persons / future researchers can easily access the information. My Clarity of Signal site is created to raise global awareness about the nefarious doings of the global elite that enrich themselves and maintain control through war, propaganda and other illicit means. A portion of any funds generated here at Steemit will be shared in the future with aid groups in war torn regions that I deal specifically with.

Full version of all videos is here:

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