Beautiful Sunday, Sublime Sunday with a Touch of Color

in #beautifulsunday5 years ago (edited)

It was a balmy 50 degrees today and another day to take a walk through town and share my #BeautifulSunday with you. It's tradition, you know! #BeautifulSunday is a challenge by @Ace108, initiated to share your Sunday with all of us. Inquiring minds want to know!


Say 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue-with or without Washington, D.C - most people in the US will know that this is where The White House resides. It is the official residence and place of work for the President of the United States. Long ago and far away, during the Roosevelt administration, it changed from being referred to as the Executive Mansion to the White House. For some fun facts about the White House, see here

Looks better on the outside than the inside. Surprisingly, the rooms are much smaller than they appear on television. Creative photography — at The White House


We used to run up the stairs to the Capitol Building, and I have to say that I felt a little Rocky Balboa-ish, every time I did it. I got to the point where I didn't have to stop at all. It was a workout. Trust me. Nowadays, I just look at them forlornly, glad that I had that opportunity to do it, thinking of those that will never know the exhilaration of sprinting up those stairs, knowing most people cannot. So much about the District has changed.
Change is sometimes necessary, but, that doesn't mean I have to like it. Have you ever had a change that affected you personally?

Strolling along Pennsylvania Avenue. Pennsylvania Avenue is a historic street in the heart of Washington, D.C. that has been the location of many important marches, parades, and protests. It is a ceremonial avenue that is among the most famous streets in the world and is listed in the National Register of Historic Places. Pennsylvania Avenue contains a mix of government buildings, monuments, parks, hotels, theaters, and museums. To read more about it, see here

This Memorial was built with the intention of being used as a bandstand. Preserved in the cornerstone of the District of Columbia World War Memorial is a list of 26,000 Washingtonians who served in the Great War. Inscribed on the base are the names of the 499 District of Columbia citizens who lost their lives in the war, together with medallions representing the branches of the armed forces. — at District of Columbia World War Memorial

No morning would be complete when you are doing a stroll - until you have your coffee on the steps of a monument. Sipping the hot, deliciousness of it, Jefferson sat and looked over the Tidal Basin, trying to see if the Cherry Blossoms were making a try for it.

When I get to do this, I am truly having a #SublimeSunday. I can thank @c0ff33a for this. Coffee and a perfectly great view of my city- I'm golden.


There is something about going to Arlington Cemetery to share a little coffee and conversation with those I love, still. Off in the distance, I could hear the lonely sound of taps, playing in a round, echoing the sounds throughout. I listen and say a prayer for the family.


Playing taps for the last time.

Flowers. There must always be flowers. These lovelies are for #PurpleSunday #ColorChallenge initiated by @Kalemandra.


The loveliness of you never escapes me
May I gaze upon you, always and a day?
Will you spread your brightness over me and cover me with joy?
When darker days hang over me, will you be my sun and shine?

Forever is not long enough, to satisfy my need...of you


¸.♥´¸.•♥¨) Let the sun shine in on your life
So the joy may touch your soul

(¸.•´♥ (¸.•´ ♥

Thank you so much for joining me as I strolled about town and stopped off at Arlington Cemetery today. Next Sunday I will be sailing to warmer weather, so perhaps my view will be a little bit different! I want to thank @Ace108, @C0ff33a, and @Kalamandra for hosting these wonderful challenges. Without people like them, Steemit wouldn't be what it is today. Thank you, truly. All of you and everyone who does their part in making this platform a shining star in a sea of social media sites.

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Don't ever forget what a wonderful world we live in, people. Let's hold hands around the globe and make this earth really spin. Some days, it is not as easy to see, so we must try harder to give everyone the proper focus.

Later that night
I held an atlas in my lap
Ran my fingers across the whole world
And whispered,
"Where does it hurt?"
It answered,


- Warsan Shire


Oh yes I am jealous. I will come out and flat out admit it! 50 degrees! We are at ZERO!!! My furnace will not stop running! Bloody Camelot! Well when you sail away, I am moving in to house the warm!!! LOL!!!! Ill be thinking of that Salt Life!!! Here is some more salty music...I know how much you love Kenny! :-)

50 degrees is not so warm, considering that it was almost 70 a week and a half ago. I even had to turn the heat on a little bit. I will be out sailing away next week, thank you for announcing it for me. LOL ...But, I don't want to just see it! I'm looking forward to it and if I'm a lucky girl, I'll find a reason to stay. Cold weather isn't Fun and it's beginning to feel cold up here. Thank you for my lovely song and you know just how much I like him.

I hope you have a lovely week ahead of you and keep warm! I can't believe your weather is so cold up there. How did you last 53 years in Tundra country? That's a big mystery to me.


If you get over to the USVI you might run into Kenny. I hear he lives down there. We are going to minus 19 Wednesday with a high of zero. I hate it here. I stayed coz I had a decent job and had to take care of mom. I know it sounds silly in today's world but that is just the hillbilly Gypsy way to go...

Well, I will look for him! :) Although not this time. I will not be going there. I am trying to spread some money to the neighboring islands. :)

MInus 19... Well, you totally win although, I think we are going cold tomorrow. Only a high of 44, however, perhaps some snow/rainy weather. So Camelot falls.

"Only a high of 44" Pffft that is shorts weather, we both know it lol. Bring those shorts up here and try some blowing snow and gusty winds! PLUS no one has shared any coffee with me...I suppose I must hobble over to get my own :(

Yes, well I'm sure you will be happy to know that we will be freezing to death on Wednesday. Good thing I'm getting out of Dodge soon.

Stunning photography, I especially like the District of Colombia War Memorial.

#thealliance #witness

Thanks so much, @c0ff33a!! I really like that Memorial too! Do you know the funny part? I lived here for a couple of years and spotted this old, abandoned Memorial in a wooded section downtown... two years later, someone donated money to have it refurbished or actually just clean it up and make a few repairs! I couldn't believe how beautiful it really was!

Thank you, always!


🎁 Hi @c0ff33a! You have received 0.1 STEEM tip from @dswigle!

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Ah wow! We were looking at a trip to the US a few months ago, and Washington was a MUST SEE for my hubby, who is super into American politics. I think it's an important place to visit if you are going to the US of A.

It is one of the places I would visit! (That and New York City and the Grand Canyon in Arizona and... and...! There are just so many cool and different places within these borders. (Also your borders!!!! Lions and Tigers and Bears! Oh, my!!!!)

We should do a house swap! LOL

We live, eat and breathe politics here. Not me! I am in it just for the ride! ;) It is an interesting place, for sure. I hope you and the hubby make it someday! Thank you for stopping by! I always love seeing you!! Mwah!!


🎁 Hi @princessmewmew! You have received 0.1 STEEM tip from @dswigle!

@dswigle wrote lately about: Beautiful Sunday, Sublime Sunday With A Touch Of Color Feel free to follow @dswigle if you like it :)

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Congratz, your post has been resteemed and, who knows, will maybe appear in the next edition of the #dailyspotlights (Click on my face if you want to know more about me...)
Check the rules of the Daily Spotlights if you want to nominate someone!
Pixresteemer is also listed as promoter on The Steemians Directory

Thank you so much @pixresteemer!


🎁 Hi @pixresteemer! You have received 0.1 STEEM tip from @dswigle!

@dswigle wrote lately about: Beautiful Sunday, Sublime Sunday With A Touch Of Color Feel free to follow @dswigle if you like it :)

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Oh nice
Glad you experienced channelling Rocky up and down those stairs ;D

Many changes have come over the years that I dislike (perhaps bordering on hate for some... perhaps not perhaps hahaha)

Thank you for sharing :)

Oh, trust me! The changes have been the biggest pain in the you -know-what!

Nice story and nice photos of the White House one day i will get to DC and i will challenge you running up them stairs we will most probably both collapse half way up but what the hell it will be fun ...Na....really i have seen the White House in so many movies i would love to see it in person :)

You do know that I am a runner, right? :)

I will challenge you any day to run up those stairs! I used to do it with my sisters and brothers when they came to visit. It is challenging to do at first, but. once you do it for the 100th time, your body starts to catch on. :))

I say I am a runner, but, since I had broken my distal fibula (first broken bone in life except for a few fingers) I have toned down my running. First of all, it was hard to heal bone and second, I still have good knees and the doctor says with twenty plus years of pounding the sidewalk, I should consider it a win that they are so good and try to walk a little more. :))

So, I am sure he is right, but, there are days where I am itching to run anyway... and I do. But, I must say that walking is great too.

Oh, yes! Seeing it in person is pretty cool.

!tip well i better start looking into getting back into shape , sorry to hear about your injuries i hate when you can't do the things you want to do with your body i try to maintain it best possible way , i love running to but only in the pass 10 months i have not been able to , due to a injury sub-stained by a accident at my local gym i train at a 5 kilo steel weight slipped out of a fellas hand at the gym and landed on my foot luckily no broken bones but 5 fractures and still till today it is not 100% yet but am missing my exercising and jogging doctor said about a year before it's fully recovered but as you know bones are never the same again but i am feeling it's a lot better so get ready the challenge will be on...hehe :)

You know in my time of jogging i have never jogged on roads or hard surfaces always on beach sand or grass so my knees are fine.

Oh..go check out my @beautifulsunday you will see my beautiful girlfriend and how fat i am on a beautiful paradise beach last Sunday :)

He is the link my friend...

Beautiful Sunday and Sublime Sunday - Escape to Paradise Beach !!

Haha! Thanks. I am fully healed now, but, your doctor is right. I did all the right things and mine healed 100%. I can tell you that I never thought it would, but, in time, of about the one year mark, I feel like it never happened. So.. faith!

I used to jog on a beach, when I lived there but, once I moved away from home and lived in various parts of this ole globe, the streets became my treadmill. I am fortunate as I have good knees and never have had a problem with them, but, even jogging on the beach will wear them. It is the constant impact, be it soft or hard that will eventually kill them.

I will check out your beautiul sunday on Saturday! :) I know, I know... you are always running ahead of us here.

I love your beautiful girlfriend. :)

I am glad you are all healed we don't let anything get in the way of that and true jogging has always got a impact on the knees but i do find sand is a bit more gentle on the knees.

And thanks for your kind words have a great Sunday my friend :)

🎁 Hi @hangin! You have received 0.1 STEEM tip from @dswigle!

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Thank you @dswigle and @tipU :)

Nice and warm Sunday walk! Other places in Europe are under feet of snow! What a contrast on earth!

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The difference in the weather always makes me scratch my head! South America, especially like Uruguay is only a couple of hours away and yet, it is summer there, with BBQ and beach bikinis! Right?? I know the equator and all, but, it still feels wrong!! :)

Admittedly, we live in a banana belt, where we are sandwiched in between the Bay and the Potomac River and it keeps us warmer than all around us.

Have a wonderful day!


Thank you so much for the tip too!
I think the weather will get crazier as time goes by. Scientists are warning us of solar minimum cycle which will make weather much more extreme by the end of this year!

Even in north east of Thailand, the winter season is getting longer and colder.


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Noooo!!! It cannot get cold in Thailand before I visit there!!!

Don’t worry! Cold for us means about 20 degrees Celsius! Hahaha!

Yeah! Come to Thailand, @hangin will organise a party in one of his favourite markets to eat till you drop!

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Hahahaha! I am still wearing shots at that temperature! Oh, no!!! I cannot go with him!! They will have to roll me home! :)

Although Thailand sounds like a great idea. ;))

🎁 Hi @kaminchan! You have received 0.1 STEEM tip from @dswigle!

@dswigle wrote lately about: Beautiful Sunday, Sublime Sunday With A Touch Of Color Feel free to follow @dswigle if you like it :)

Sending tips with @tipU - how to guide :)

Thank you very much! Nice surprise!

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My friend told me how he visited the place with some friends and wanted to go over some place to take photos which he wasn't sure was allowed or not. He asked the officer nearby he saw, “Can we go over there and take a shot?". The officer said, "Never said shot around here". :-)

Well. depending on when he came... There was an incident where there was a shooter that went to the Capitol Building. Or when President Reagan got shot... they are overly protective of living in a city where every cuckoo with a grudge against the government comes to visit the president.

I guess the same reason you wouldn't go into a crowded theater at Disney World and say the word bomb. Although, I am sure the policeman was half joking. At least I hope he was.

Good Morning from here, Ace! @ace108


Yes, he may be but it was serious times then. I cannot remember it was desert shield time or desert storm but it was around then.

Even now, I think they are just more careful than they ever were. We live in (unfortunately) different times now. :(

🎁 Hi @ace108! You have received 0.1 STEEM tip from @dswigle!

@dswigle wrote lately about: Beautiful Sunday, Sublime Sunday With A Touch Of Color Feel free to follow @dswigle if you like it :)

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So many mixed feelings when I'm touring with you through your photographs... Thank you, Denise! As I've not been to all these places... :)

Well, AC!!! You need to change all that!! Just like I need to get to Bali before it gets too Westernized! Oh, isn't that the worry? That these places will be corrupt before we can see them?

I think about that. I don't want to see a bunch of tourist-y trinkets, although, I can understand people needing to make a living. I am torn about that. I hope you are having a fabulous week and thanks for popping over!



Ohhh there is the touristy Bali too... I choose to close my eyes to that, and I still can see the Bali that was there before...! :) The week is starting to look quite good actually... Happy to be here! :)

So glad to see you back! I am so bad, I cannot even keep up with two sites! I don't know how everyone else does it!

🎁 Hi @ackhoo! You have received 0.1 STEEM tip from @dswigle!

@dswigle wrote lately about: Beautiful Sunday, Sublime Sunday With A Touch Of Color Feel free to follow @dswigle if you like it :)

Sending tips with @tipU - how to guide :)

I only see Washington in movies and on tv. I would love to see it one day. The monument looks very huge and appears to have a lot of visitors everyday. Are these locations close to each other? Is a whole day enough to visit the sites in Washington?

Well, you could easily go on a bus that they call Hop on, Hop off!

It does the entire circuit of monuments and such. I have lived here for years and still haven't seen everything. Every time I think I have, it surprises me to find something else. There are tons of monuments I didn't show you. And Arlington Cemetery, The Vietnam Memorial, World WarII Memorial, The Washington Monument. I would say that three days would be good, because you have to make reservations to get into the Capitol Building, The White House and a few others. But even then, you'de be running.

If you ever get here and you need help planning out an itinerary to keep a timeline, you know where to find me. :) Have a great day and I say that we keep dreaming about that beachfront beauty with the huge shade tree!!!


🎁 Hi @watersnake101! You have received 0.1 STEEM tip from @dswigle!

@dswigle wrote lately about: Beautiful Sunday, Sublime Sunday With A Touch Of Color Feel free to follow @dswigle if you like it :)

Sending tips with @tipU - how to guide :)

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