Beautiful Sunday and Sublime Sunday - Escape to Paradise Beach !!

in #beautifulsunday5 years ago (edited)

Last Sunday i escaped the concrete jungle to go visit my girlfriend in the North East of Thailand in Khon Kaen less then a one hour flight from Bangkok city two reasons i did this because i was missing my girlfriend and also because we both love flowers it was the perfect time to be in Khon Kaen as there was a international flower festival happening in Khon Kaen which i wrote about in my last Sunday's @beautifulsunday post.




So what happen this Sunday because we had such a good weekend last weekend my girlfriend wanted to keep the motion going so she said she needed to pick up some stock from Bangkok for the clothing business she has back in Khon Kaen and decided to fly to Bangkok do that and come and see me because she said she was missing sweet of her.




When she arrive on the Saturday morning we did the necessary buying for her business and decided that the next day we would get up early and take the speedboat from Bangkok city to Koh Sament island for the day it's a one hour boat ride to this island from Bangkok city.



We get to Koh Samet the day is beautiful nice and sunny with a lovely cool breeze checked into our Bungalo room because we were going to stay the night on this paradise island the Bungalo was a little higher up on the mountain cliff with a great view. We get changed and out onto the white sand , claer csystal blue water beach for a cool down.





The thing i love about the sea waters in Thailand they are not frezzing cold nor slatly like back in my home country Australia they are like almost stepping into a luke warm bathtube. My girl things they are cold waters she would never go in the sea waters back home in Australia then.





After doing a bit of a photo shoot for the Time my girlfriend discovered some little friends in the water it scared her at first because these things were nibbling around her body in the water till she relized they were just beautiful tropical color fishes then she wouldn't stop playing with them.



She was giggling that much that these guys were throwing more bread towards her so the fish would all gather around her nibbling at her body marking her giggle more because the fish must have been tickling her as they were nibbling on the wet bread around her.



She decided she had been tickled enough she said it was like getting a body massage by these fishes. Out the water she comes and we took a walk around the island to see what else interesting we could do on this island. We found some beautiful rocks and boulders to climb and became dare devils she certainly had no fear to do some mountain :)




Of course i had to be a little kid at heart :)


After coming back down to earth we decided to do a few more photo shoots for Time Magazine on a small scale of rock.






Then it was back in the water for bit more fooling around and to cool of ever though the blue skies had disappeared it had become hazy but the sun was still glaring hot.





After that photo shoot we continued to walk around the island and the little girl finds a swing of course girls will be girls she couldn't resist it and why not have fun my girl.




After having her little play on the swing we had been told by some people on the island that a ten minute boat ride would take us around the other side of the island which also had a white sand beach but with more mountain views so we decided to do this we got changed again and off we went.



And of to the boat we head for the ten minute ride around the other side of the island the reason we had to go by boat is because a huge mountain divides both sides of the island.




This side of the island look a lot greener and have all these limestones rocks protruding out of the ocean waters stunning to look at with lots of lush green trees growing of these huge limestone rocks.



And guess what the little girl found another swing to play :)


And guess what i even found one further around the island ...haha...So two can play the game..hehe:)


Walking further around the island we noticed that they even had a rescue helicopter pad on this island very handy to know and hopefully we wouldn't be needed unless the little girl decides to go climb bigger mountains.



After exploring the other side of Koh Samet island it was time to return to the other side of the island , it had been the most perfect day in every way full of fun and activities the little girl was content and tired it was time to sit back with a glass of red wine and enjoy the sunset and that we did before our journey back to the concrete jungle and back to reality i know which jungle i would prefer to stay.



With sunsets like this why would you want to leave this paradise.




Thank you @ace108 for hosting #beautifulsunday and thank you @c0ff33a for hosting #SublimeSunday.


Awww, this is paradise, splendid! You both look so happy! 😀

Thank you so much my friend she is so sweet and this place is definitely a paradise indeed :)

Nice beach and few nice boats there too. I got to see some nice boats recently too.

Definitely a spectacular beach and clean , yeah some pretty cool speed boats :)

This is my favorite shot of the entire day! She is not posing and it is such a wonderful moment of surprise and joy (and probably shock at the ahem! cold water!)

It looks like a most wonderful day steeped in love and magic. Oh, I can see it in your faces. :))

A most romantic ending to the day, with the palm tree dipping towards the water, the sun leaving you behind... Oh. yes. Thank you for sharing these wonderful moments and she is the cutest, sweetest looking. Catch her before you lose her. :)

That last side of the island, what was that called? I am loving the rock formations there!

Upped and Steemed

Yep she was caught by surprise will i was taking the photo a great natural reaction so cute and funny it really show in my face and better not let her go then.

I must say that palm tree just over our balcony and the sunset really made the day end well you guessed it very romantic...hehe :)

Hoping you will have a couple nights like that when you sail of to the Caribbean's.

The other side of the island is looking over to the southern islands of Koh Lan.

Thank you my friend for the upvote and resteem :)

Every night is romantic and beautiful here. How can you help it the Tropical Breeze and the moonlight, and the Sea calling out your name. Oh, life is but a dream.

I'm glad you had a good time and that part of the island is incredible. I think that is where I would want to go take pictures to be honest with you. I'm glad you call her mid post like that because it was really the best shot although all of them came out cute. I'm glad you had a wonderful time and I hope that you have many more.


I would believe so how can it not be beautiful on any tropical island i am just so happy that you keep living the dream enjoy my friend and i want to see some awesome blue water white sand photos enjoy every moment :)

And there are many more islands like that when you eventually get over here one day i know you won't want to leave this place or you will be coming back quite regularly that's for sure :)

Thank you for your generous tip :)

I posted just one or two yesterday, downloading was taking too long, but truth! Paradise is so hard to leave.

You never have to!

You are definitely right every time i escape this concrete jungle to a tropical island it's hard to leave it behind but i make a effort to do it more often as with Thailand your never far from paradise islands that's what i love about it :)

Will go and check out them photos :)

No rush!! Oh, I think I am burning... rolls over.

Rub it in paradise girl the people back in snow country are going to hate :)

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Thank you @dswigle and @tipu :)

What a great fun filled day!
These captures of it really are extraordinary.
Steem on & thanks for sharing this sunshine :)

Than you @jcsteem was truly a great day a prefect paradise :)

Great pics. Thanks for sharing with steemit

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Most welcome :)

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