beautiful sunday — a garden of love

Today we were treated to tropical humid weather, again. The temperature reached 92F (32C) with extremely poor air quality. Tomorrow will be more of the same except hotter and more humid. Weren't we just complaining about the long winter? I knew this would happen. No spring.

Although hazy, the sky was blue and the sun was shining.

The greens are rich and abundant. Blooms on the shrubs are showing their color but are quickly fading. I forgot to take a few cuttings from my lilacs and they are going to seed, so I'll leave them where they hang. Their scent is heavenly.

I learned that purple lilacs symbolize the first emotions of love, while white lilacs represent youthful innocence. Sugar Maple is a symbol of strength and endurance and in Canada where I live, it has also come to symbolize unity, tolerance, and peace. The lush hosta symbolizes devotion.

I have a garden of love.

There is a beautiful sun,
one of those misty suns that make walking agreeable
and sadness less burdensome.
Octave Mirbeau, The Diary of a Chambermaid, 1900 translated from the French by Benjamin R. Tucker

ISO 2000 | 200mm |f/5.6 | 1/500sec

Clouds come floating into my life,
no longer to carry rain or usher storm,
but to add color to my sunset sky.
Rabindranath Tagore

sugar maple
ISO 200 | 55mm | f.4.0 | 1/250sec

Wherever you go,
no matter what the weather,
always bring your own sunshine.
Anthony J. D’Angelo, The College Blue Book

ISO 200 | 86mm | f/4.2 | 1/100sec

photos by

Nikon D3100
Nikkor Lens 55mm-200mm
Adobe Lightroom

©All rights reserved, 2018

Thank you @ace108 for
initiating the #BeautifulSunday photo challenge.


Thank you @countrygirl for posting these stunning photographs and accompanying prose.......a lovely moment captured for our enjoyment.

All the best. ^__^


I'm happy to hear you enjoyed them @bentleycapital. Thanks for stopping by.

Very nice floral photos. That first one with the lilacs is particularly nice! Awww... Sugar maples should represent sweetness. That way, the syrup would serve as a physical reinforcement!

It's brutally hot here, too. 97 (33 ºC) with a lot of humidity. Living in Spain, it was hotter, but it wasn't humid like this.

Hot weather is fine without humidity. I don't mind that at all. But when it's humid, it is hard to breathe.

Maple syrup is like spinach. It's a very important food group. :) Especially on pancakes or ice cream with walnuts.

Weren't you just recently complaining about the long winter? :) The climate is changing Deb; it's the same in home country where we used to have four pronounced seasons. Iceland is pretty crazy too at the moment - although summer started (officially) in April, it still feels like winter.

Why did you have poor air quality? Pollution?

I like your lilac :)

Yes, yes I was. :)

The climate is most definitely changing. I think deep down I was hoping for a real spring because the winter was so long and cold and I also was hoping for a cooler summer.

The air quality is bad because of the it's holding the pollen in the air as well as pollutants.

Do you get lilacs in Sofia? I love them.

Do you get lilacs in Sofia?

Yes and the smell is amazing :) My grandmother used to have lilac in the garden.

Hope the air quality improve for you.

Me husband has astham and when he comes in from working outside or walking the dog he sounds foggy and I tell him, like Mickey Mouse :)

Lovely photos and I love the little poems. I thought the first flower was orchid but I guess it is lilac. Beautiful!

I can see why you'd think the first one was an's very soft and blurry around the edges. The color is similar to a violet colored or pink orchid as well.

Thank you!

Your garden is so lovely. I wondered what lilacs looked like. Northern flowers have all the pretty names. Down here, we have ugly names, like spiderwort. Why would someone name a plant that?

I looked spiderwort up and was surprised how pretty it was for such a scary name. I don't know why isn't called that. Before I looked I tried to imagine it and it wasn't a pretty picture lol

Lilacs are so beautiful and they come in varying shades of purples to violets to pinks to whites. Their scent is amazing.

As kids we called spiderwort "ink flowers" because after it rained you could squeeze the buds and paint with them.

Lilacs sound lovely. Maybe one of these days I will get up north in the spring and witness them for myself.

Oh my goodness...that sounds so fun - ink flowers!!

Glad you enjoyed your day Deb! Beautiful photos! I have some of those great smelling lilacs around my house also.It is wonderful to see the tree foliage finally getting fully developed.

Oh, you must have really old lilac bushes I bet. And loaded with blooms. Our trees are young as we planted them 3 years ago so we only have a few heavy blooms on the bush.

The scent is amazing.

Yes, there are some old bushes around basically white and lavender. They are very abundant. I transplanted a bush I found in the back bush and it has done very well. They seed like crazy.

They do!! I love bringing something from the bush or woods and planting it. I figure it's okay to take a small piece of nature and bring it home. I'm not selling it. Maybe I'm wrong.

Wild tiger lilies were some I loved. They produced black pea sized seeds and were hidden in the crotch where the leaves met the stalk. I'd collect dozens of those and plant them.

White lilacs - I haven't seen those in ages.

Yes, our lands have so much good to offer. I love watching things grow and helping them survive. I once was young and wanted to be a forest ranger but I was steered different in high school and became a salesman lol. ; )

Nice post and became moodboster to me at early morning on Sunday here.

Aw...that's great. Glad it brought sunshine into your heart.

So beautiful, lilacs are my weakness. Nothing like the spring smell of lilacs. So you have both white and purple? Amazing. Love your glimpse of spring in Canada @countrygirl

Lilacs....I know right? I remember walking through the paths in our neighborhood and the lilac bushes lining the was heaven.

Our lilacs are a deep purple, but when they start to go to seed the color pales. The neighbors have pink lilacs that hang over our fence - so they belong to me right? lol

lol YES! bring them in the house, fast! They are heavenly, you're so lucky :)

I like purple lilacs. They also smells great as always!
and I did not know what he meant. I am happy to know that. a beautiful composition and excellent colors. Features latest photo is terrific!
perfect gliding!
Congratulations my dear friend. you are always better at taking pictures!

Lilacs are the best smelling flower, even more than tea roses. Thanks for your kind comments Ceren. :)

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