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RE: beautiful sunday — a garden of love

Your garden is so lovely. I wondered what lilacs looked like. Northern flowers have all the pretty names. Down here, we have ugly names, like spiderwort. Why would someone name a plant that?


I looked spiderwort up and was surprised how pretty it was for such a scary name. I don't know why isn't called that. Before I looked I tried to imagine it and it wasn't a pretty picture lol

Lilacs are so beautiful and they come in varying shades of purples to violets to pinks to whites. Their scent is amazing.

As kids we called spiderwort "ink flowers" because after it rained you could squeeze the buds and paint with them.

Lilacs sound lovely. Maybe one of these days I will get up north in the spring and witness them for myself.

Oh my goodness...that sounds so fun - ink flowers!!

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