SBI - Member Upvotes Drive Sustainability

Steem Basic Income

Steem Basic Income is a social experiment to bring a basic income to as many Steemians as possible. Members join by sponsoring others into the program. Steem Basic Income is delivered through providing regular upvotes to member content.

Some of our members have started using the #steembasicincome tag for their contests, so check there for contests that we might not have resteemed!

Support from Members

Thank you all for your support! The upvotes that we receive from our members are an essential component to keep delivering a sustainable basic income! We can also see upvotes from fixed return services like @smartmarket that we use to boost our long-term sustainability. I didn't count all the individual slivers in the pie, but since the 'Others' segment represents 698 voters, it looks like we have received upvote support from close to 800 accounts in the past four weeks.

img source:

All members that upvote consistently are rewarded with a bonus increase in their voting weight. To get the best benefit, we recommend using @steemvoter or @steemauto. As we move into full automation, we will be refining the way this works, to improve the incentives around supporting with your upvotes. I will explain the new system in more detail when we get closer to switching over.

You've seen the chart of upvotes received, but how does that drive sustainability? Here are our SP rewards received over the last 28 days:

With the trend somewhat flat over the last month (even with rapid membership growth), we've had to return to the delegation markets to maintain our target ratios. In spite of that, we still have extra SP that we can power up. If we didn't have the rewards shown on this chart, we would be relying much more heavily on leased delegation. Instead, we can invest in long-term sustainability!

The big dips underscore the importance of publishing regular updates, as the SP reward from curation alone is not as good as the SP reward from member support. It's my responsibility to provide regular updates, not only to keep members informed about the program, and about basic income in general, but to make it easier for members to provide regular support through upvotes and receive their associated rewards. Moving the other processes will free up a lot of time for things like publishing regular upvotes, optimizing curation rewards, and establishing synergistic partnerships with other programs on Steem...

To that end, we need to make a small change to the management fees. This may come as a surprise to newer members, but the managing member (@josephsavage) does not get paid directly. Instead, bonus shares are created relative to the number of outstanding shares, and the only compensation comes from the upvotes granted to those bonus shares. We think this is a great system (and ties in directly to support long-term sustainability), especially since it doesn't actually cost the members anything. We lease delegation to a target multiple of effective shares outstanding, so these bonus shares increase the amount of delegation we have to lease, but they don't decrease the value of the upvotes that members are receiving.

Unfortunately, the value of upvotes received on those bonus shares is not enough to pay for the development of fully automated systems. Rather than changing this reward system to something that would negatively impact the members immediately, we are going to keep the same system in place but increase the ratio of management bonus shares to actual shares. To this end, the management fee will increase from 1 bonus share per 100 actual shares to 5 bonus shares per 100 actual shares. When the program grows enough for this to equal 25000 bonus shares, we will cap it at 25k and let it drop from 5 per 100 back toward 1 per 100, until 1 per 100 exceeds 25k bonus shares. At that point the bonus shares granted will equal 25k again.

Since we will continue to lease delegation to target multiples, this does not immediately cost the members any rewards. The long-term impact of leasing more delegation instead of powering up the extra STEEM for permanent SP base will be more than offset by the benefits of automating. In addition, we will gradually move from the current bonus share level to the new target, to ensure that it does not negatively affect our ability to maintain the SP ratios we target.

Imagine near automatic enrollment processing, dynamic adjustment to changes in posting frequency, optimization of upvote times to maximize curation rewards without any decrease to value earned by members from their upvotes, more direct reward for upvoting @steembasicincome, better returns from delegating to @steembasicincome, ability to receive your basic income on comments when your posting frequency goes down (reducing the pressure to post every week), and full analysis of your income received already to catch you up if your basic income has lagged where it should be. These are all benefits that will come from the new system design, but... first we have to know that we can pay for it.

If anybody has development experience that is willing to work in collaboration (for an assigned portion of the management bonus shares) please reach out to me on the Discord. I know some have offered already, but we get a lot of comments and I couldn't find their offers again.

Steem Basic Income Enrollment

If you want to join Steem Basic Income... Send 1 STEEM to @steembasicincome. Include in the transaction memo the name of a Steemian that you would like to sponsor. You and the person you sponsor will each receive 1 share in the program and receive regular Upvotes on your posts.


We broke down the mechanics for how the program works in the complete overview. You can check your share counts and upvoting weight in our spreadsheet explained here. If you have any questions, ask away in the comments section or join us in our discord channel.


Just added myself to your fan base on SteemAuto. I’m giving auto votes, now!

@mcoins do a few comment upvotes on their posts to get your bonus! You get curation also this way. is another option :)

Thanks for sharing. It is helpful for members to have multiple choices.

I'm using @steemdunk to give you autovotes as well and also my son @bxlphabet uses it - we are both very glad to be in your program and happy to support it. I expect it to grow over time as more people "get it."

Thank you for all you are doing here.

Thank you for your support!

Well nice initiative. I think is a great way to build a community of people towards the gaining of some little or passively income which will be huge in the long run. I think this is good and people should get on board.

Thank you for the kind words!

I have a question guys. I have sponsored quite a few quality members to SBI and some have come back to me saying they have not been receiving any upvotes from SBI, which I have checked and found to be true. Also, just out of sheer curiosity, I'm looking at nearly 20 shares personally, but am receiving a .03 SBD that right?

Upvotes come from four different accounts (@steembasicincome, @sbi2, @sbi3, @sbi4), so there's a pretty good chance they are getting their upvotes, just not noticing. I periodically check the logs to verify that upvotes are actually going out. I have you at 14 shares (pool 1), unless you have pending transactions that I haven't processed yet. That's 0.52 (ui value) which is about $0.75 or so per week. Your posting frequency is lower in the last week than over the last month, so your history is dragging down your upvotes a little. After we finish automating, the response to change in posting frequency will be much more dynamic (and we will catch up any members that have received less than they should have).

Well, yes 8 pending I guess you can say. I have 19 sponsored people as well as 1 from someone sponsoring me, as far as im aware of. Is there somewhere I can check my shares and such, as well as somewhere to see other information regarding SBI? Also, how can I get this number to go up, as I intend on continuing to support this initiative and build with it. I'd like to be able to get my upvotes significantly higher, so shed some light on that for me please. I appreciate it!

Also, would you guys be willing to sponsor a couple for a giveaway for my community initiative @greetersguild? Not looking for anything drastic. If you could do 1 I'd be thankful, it is to grow the community, and yes I'm continuing to buy shares regardless lol.

You can check your share counts and upvoting weight in our spreadsheet explained here.

Can you reach out to me on discord about the sponsorship?


Sure man, what is your Discord info?

Thank you for the help btw! Awesome working with you guys!

Our channel is on

@steembasicincome, Joseph, I have to confess that I didn't really understand the bonus share reward system, and not even the leased delegation to a target multiple. As you may, or may not, remember I chose law for my atavic aversion for math 😅 Notwithstanding this, you have my full trust and endorsment: you're executing this project with managerial determination and professionalism, promoting the social ideals of distributing wealth through a basic income. I like your attention to the sustainability in the long term and I am enthusiast for the benefits that will come from automating the system. You're doing all the right steps, once again kudos to you and keep it up!

The thing that is most important to understand is that you sponsor people and then you both get regular upvotes... and you seem to have that down pretty well! (:

thank you for your endorsement and support.

When I decide that something is good I go for it with no hesitation. Everything that helps this world to be a more equal place has my full endorsement.
Btw @steembasicincome, allow me to tell you about my recent fiction contest for a 3 SBI shares winning pot ;-)

Signed up a friend. Just checking with you guys. I was wondering if I get another share of votes?

As you sponsor more people, the upvotes that you receive will grow. You're currently in pool 3, so your upvotes are coming from @sbi3.

So I keep spending 1 SBD and for you to make money with only a single vote? And one that's not reliable? And you want me to sponsor more people? If your vote you gave me was worth something I can see it. But 1% of nothing is wrong. And when I have 2 shares in this project?

I want my SBD back. I want to opt out! And yeah go ahead and keep your votes if all you are is a leach sucking off the hard work of people.

I took your work on faith. And seeing the scam in action? Yeah. Not happy or interested.

Edit... Seems I need to vote you to make this work. I'll try this on auto-vote and see what happens. But I'm much more wary of this.

Thanks for giving us another chance. The upvoting bonus can take some time to build up before it becomes noticeable, but it will help you over time.

I would like to respond to your other comments.

I get a 1% vote from sbi3... So I don't really get a vote worth anything.

According to Steemworld, you have received 19 1% upvotes from @sbi3 in the last 7 days. That's equivalent to a 19% upvote, which is currently worth 0.07 (yes, it shows 0.08 but I went with 0.07 to ensure that any rounding in the following calculations goes in your favor). It doesn't look like much on your posts because of your posting frequency.


But you get curation on everything I post?

We currently upvote every member at 19 minutes, which means we give up 37% of our potential curation reward by voting early. That means that you keep 84% of every upvote that we give you.

If you post at 50/50, your 0.07 weekly is $0.029 worth of Steem and 0.029 SBD. At this moment, Steem is worth $2.50 and SBD is worth $2.79. So your weekly rewards are worth $0.11. And your friend gets a similar reward.


At $0.11 per week, and $2.50 for STEEM (not SBD - we are very clear in every update that the enrollment fee is STEEM. If you choose to enroll using SBD, we accept it at our discretion), it would take you 22.75 weeks to completely recuperate the cost of your entire enrollment... Whether you post 1000 times or 23 times in that time period is entirely up to you. If a 228% annual return is a scam, your standards are too high.
We can point you to calculation breakdowns some of our members have done, which come to the same results. Our original goal is for every member to recuperate the entire cost of their enrollment within 6 months. Since you have 2 shares (one was gifted to you) the current time for full return on investment is actually 44.5 weeks. With STEEM and SBD in a slump, we sacrifice some short-term reward for long-term sustainability.

Obviously this analysis is dependent on relationships between STEEM price, SBD price, and USD - which are factors entirely outside our control. In addition, we rely a lot on leased delegation to deliver these returns. If the delegation market were to break down, we would cut down on the leased amount and the returns (relative to original enrollment fee) would decline. This is one reason why we don't promise any particular level of return; instead we promise a fair share of the voting power of the pool, and then we keep the voting power consistent relative to the number of shares.

Yeah so I'm at 2 shares then? And didn't see the sbi votes for a bit

And I get a 1% vote from sbi3... So I don't really get a vote worth anything. But you get curation on everything I post? So your making money off of me and giving me next to nothing? How is this fair? And if I have 2 shares? And only get one 1% vote from an account with no sp?

So not really seeing anything but a leech growing off me Content.

What actual service is this providing for me after I spent 1 SBD? I have to do what 1000 posts for a return?

Sorry but this when I actually have seen it is making me less than happy. I'd rather give a friend that 1 SBD.

This seems cool , I haven’t heard of it this project . Hope it helps more people to join steemit and make this community more stronger . Go for it :) <3 x

Thank you for the supportive words!

It's a cool project man! I'm glad to have sponsored three shares so far.

Working on getting some Steem to purchase some shares. I have a very worthy person in mind.

Awesome! We love to see very worthy people getting rewarded!

I recently enrolled in this experiment. I have to say much of the talk and explanations are going over my head and I can't say that I understand everything but I am on board and using it to see how it works out.

Wishing the Team success.

Thanks for giving us a shot! Even if the how it works is hard to follow, we hope that you will appreciate seeing it in action.

Got recently one share. 😎 Good program looking forward to see it growing.

Received three STEEM from a contest and I'm searching for 3 steemians to sponsor them, if they are going to sponsor me.
Kinda like a 2 for 1 deal. 😁

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.19
TRX 0.15
JST 0.029
BTC 63313.88
ETH 2629.50
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.76