Things to Know about Pluto in Capricorn -- Late 2008 through late 2024

in #astrology5 years ago

Pluto is about destruction and rebuilding.
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Pluto moved into Capricorn in late 2008, so, we've been working with this energy for the past decade. Somewhere, its crafting, demolition and rebuilding are showing new progress, new growth, different strengths and directions in your life.

Pluto moves slowly -- and has an irregular orbit. It will spend a total of about 16 years in Capricorn -- so we have a while to work with this energy, but the finish line is beginning to appear on the horizon. So any unfinished business may take on a greater sense of urgency and insistence as time goes on.


With Pluto in Capricorn,
you are working with an energy that is

  • Fueled by a profound desire to make sweeping changes and improvements -- now tackling long-term projects that involve reworking your life's fundamental structures

  • Determined to demolish what is exhausted, inappropriate, useless, obsolete or in disrepair in life areas where you already feel constantly vulnerable and insecure -- and replace these broken investments with new arrangements that will boost your self-esteem and status, provide far more protection and future security, and let you operate from a new set of rules, regulations and guidelines in your conduct / efforts / expectations

  • Built to give you more control -- even a feeling of immortality -- in professional projects, career interests, public work that provides prestige and importance through your contributions, and the conviction that what you are doing with your life matters


What to expect during this time

  • Extensive questioning of conditions you have always taken for granted, things that seemed permanent and unshakeable ... and that have been so essential to your picture of "how the world works" that you have never seriously examined other alternatives.

  • Now you have to ask yourself what can be improved, what can be done differently, how can I rearrange these basic supports so that they function properly again -- because you can see too many ways in which the intended purpose of what now exists here is no longer working for you and likely never will without a major shift in your life's direction and the work that takes place here

  • Either bold, even ruthless actions that refocus you / your work / your perspectives / your professional contributions / your public life involvements into far more constructive ventures than anything you've experienced in the past ... OR imposed crises and emergencies from the outside world that bring about these changes in your purpose and apparent destiny

  • Ultimately, the clear proof and undeniable realization that you have been reborn, refined, reconfigured and repurposed into something stronger, more noble, more productive and important through behavior (and events) that brought considerable upheaval (and destruction) to life as you know it.


This process will have replaced what was swept away with something completely -- even miraculously -- revitalized and refocused, something with a polished majesty and scope breathtaking in its differences and splendor from what existed before -- built from the "raw materials on hand" as the demolition began ... and revised into something much better -- something almost unbelievably / miraculously redesigned -- that will serve you well for the rest of your life and possibly for centuries to come.

This renovation effort will not be easy. It will not be comfortable. It will not be quick -- but it will be total and complete. And there will be times when you question the vision and "intelligence" of what is happening ... and when the results you can see around you don't look "improved" in any way whatsoever. That it will involve the very stuff you depend on for your security and outer world respect will not make all of this any easier.


Pluto aspects

Aspects to Pluto involve the work of substantial Karmic forces -- even ones rooted somehow in mass Karma / cultural Karma -- to correct past errors and / or to launch necessary progress. This will cause major disturbances to the status quo in order to build / allow / prepare for very different needs and demands in the future. We've felt these coming -- at least on a soul level -- for quite a while.

These are usually changes life requires you to make rather than ones you want to make -- because what's comin' at you in the future -- will require you to be stronger, wiser, more skillful, more resilient, and better in almost any way you can name than anything you have made of yourself or done with your "raw materials" so far.

You will need new alliances and certainly better investments of yourself and your resources in order to survive the turmoil. Pluto aspects often bring life challenges you would not ever undertake voluntarily, because they are so harrowing and all-encompassing in their effect -- and outcome. The urgent pressure of "compelling and dire necessity" will be part of this mix for a reason.


Pluto in Capricorn brings "destruction and resurrection" to the permanent outer structures you've depended on all your life -- things like established laws, traditions, institutions, authority, even government itself.

Your basic ideas about power, limitations, image, independence, shared responsibilities, the use of force, individual rights and what you are allowed / empowered / authorized to control will be reworked and set on a better course ... through revolutionary experiences both in you ... and in the world you inhabit. Life as you know it will be different when this force finally finishes its assignments and moves on.

Aspects to Pluto inevitably make you part of the show -- ready or not. You get to decide (all over again in a wipe-the-slate clean kind of environment) the kind of "say" you have in your life ... over yourself and your choices ... and what you will agree to cede to some "higher authority" to make decisions and set up rules and regulations to operate for your good and on your behalf.


It is a time of reclaiming the radical notion that secular government is a structure whose design and purpose is to serve you ... not the other way around. (This happens, of course, because "business as usual" has gotten way too far out of hand in the other direction.)

It involves redefining who you are and your place in the Grand Scheme of existence in ways you may have never even imagined. It is a time of redefining and re-establishing "what's important" and the means by which you maintain and support that.

This work will originate in the life affairs ruled by the house(s) where Pluto in Capricorn is transiting now -- where these particular degrees fall in your chart. Ultimately, however, what you produce here will be used to support the life affairs of the house(s) with Scorpio on the cusp.


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Pluto is transiting my 10th house now, won’t be leaving until about 2022 (-ish) ... it’s been an ‘interesting’ period, to put it lightly.

Pluto made the transit across my Midheaven point in the months before my daughter was born. And will leave around the time (maybe a bit before) she finishes school and becomes an adult.

He certainly disrupted how I engage in the world, that’s for certain!

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Pluto has been transiting my first house since it crossed my AC at 23° Sagittarius a while back. I am definitely different than the person I was then. I honestly miss the person I used to be. This one may be stronger, wiser, more resilient, etc., but I still miss parts of the old one. A lot.

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