Loving Libra -- The mystique, mysteries and magic of the Zodiac's seventh sign -- Part 1

in #astrology6 years ago (edited)

Pink is a Libra color!
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The perfect sign

When I was young, I thought Libra was the perfect Zodiac sign, the one to be -- if you had a choice, the one to emulate, the one you got if you had great Karma. If you weren't born a Libra in this life, you needed to spend your time here doing everything you could to win the Grand Prize next time.

Libras were engaging and sociable and friendly. They were popular. Everybody liked them. They had tremendous people skills. They knew how to get along with everybody. They always had a smile. They knew instinctively how to smooth the troubled waters of social commerce. They were always there for you. They were ... in a word, marvelous.

They were all the wonderful things I wasn't. (I had a mother who told me so constantly.) Despite their terrific press and reputation, I had to admit, even I loved Libras.

My best friend was a Libra. More than 55 years later we are still friends. Believe me, that's saying something. We were so different ... and she was better. I still believe that. When I was young, I didn't know why -- but I knew it was true.


Pair of Pink Fuchias-092416.jpg
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Libras like to have partners

Today, as an astrologer, I know the answer to the why. We were the opposites that attract -- like magnets. I have Sun and Moon in Aries. My friend, God bless her, has Sun, Venus and Neptune conjunct in Libra. She has an Aries Moon. We both have Sagittarius Rising.

On that plain, we discovered common ground -- and built on it. I also married a man with four planets in Libra. Everybody loved him. Everybody who knew us told me how lucky I was. I believed it. A popular country song the year we married was Donna Fargo singing "The Happiest Girl in the Whole USA." That became my anthem. I sang along to the radio with true joy and passion whenever it played.

More deeply than any religious principle I ever met, I believed he was special ... and when life with him behind the closed doors of our house turned out to be less than heaven-on-earth, I knew the problem had to be my fault -- and tried harder.

Everyone else in the world could get along with him. They didn't have to try doing it day after day after day ... but in my rosy romantic enchantment, I didn't see that for a long, long time. And the few times that thought tried to sneak into my consciousness, I smacked it down again, harder and harder each time.


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And opposites attract

Then I discovered real Astrology -- not the dime-store, silly newspaper horoscope kind. I dug into it. I really studied it. Ok, I obsessively devoured the subject ... and I learned a lot more, both academically and through the wisdom of experience than I knew in the beginning when the mystique and allure of Libra was so intoxicating, so seductive, so undeniably fine!! In the magic of my memories, it still is.

I may be a double Aries, but I'm saturated with Pisces energy from many, many directions, and for Pisces ... memories are always like that. Singular and ideal! But then I also have Neptune in Libra -- opposing my Aries Sun like a shining mirage.

No wonder I see Libras and their many splendid virtues as elusive, captivating and grand.


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They are such "people people"

What I knew about Libras way back then wasn't a lie. It wasn't even the fine cover of a facade. Libras are, indeed, fabulous folks. They are friends to cherish, and Lord knows, I still do.

But I also know that Libra's qualities -- like those of us all -- are a mixed blessing, even for those whose souls own plenty of that energy. Libras are for sure charming and oh-so-likeable.

They are naturally refined, naturally sophisticated. They seem born knowing how to use their manners to make their way through life. They know how to talk, how to schmooze, how to seem genuinely interested in other people.

The doors of opportunity open at their touch. People who know them can't seem to do enough for them. Libras know how to capitalize on that. It's one of the best gifts in the world. When people talk about them, one of the things they always say is that Libras are so nice.


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They are so ... nice

When it comes to Libras, those two words are welded together ... so nice. In time, I learned to say that in a tone of voice that suggested lethal poison. So nice. An insult worse than anything else I could utter.

I was usually referring to something about my husband when I said them ... like that. And I always said them only in my mind.

Libras are friendly. Libras are considerate. Anybody with two good eyes and a few firing neurons can see that. What you don't know -- at first -- is that they aren't doing it for you.


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And they want everything else
to be "so nice," too

Sure, they may make you feel special. And sure, if your friendship with one lasts a long time, you may indeed be special to that particular Libra soul. But they do this for everyone. It's why so many people love them. Not a deep love. Not a true love.

But that's something else you learn about Libras. They're not really looking for that -- most of them. They'll settle gladly for the smooth appearance ... the lovely facade I mentioned a minute ago.

They want beauty. They want harmony. They want the atmosphere and their surroundings to be so nice. And if the glittery and tranquil surface is built over a paper-thin shell of rottenness like you wouldn't believe ... that's ok for the time being.

Libras can live with that -- and fool themselves into thinking it's real. Libras are absolute masters at that brand of self-deception.

Part 2


Thank you for stopping by!

If you've always known there was more to Astrology than Sun Sign material and the three line daily horoscope in the newspaper, climb aboard and follow this blog. You'll find a world of wisdom detailing how you were designed to work with life ... and why you are the way you are -- all in quick-to-read, easy-to-digest-and-remember, written-in-plain-English essays that offer plenty of food for thought.

Little by little, I'm doing a set of articles that talks about all the elements in your horoscope and what they have to say about you. If you "know something" about Astrology -- or know something about your chart placements, that will help you get more from this material.

If you don't ... well, this is one place you can learn. We all have to start somewhere ... because we aren't born knowing this stuff. Meanwhile, if you've never seen your horoscope ... and don't have a clue how to work with it, maybe it's time to find out. There are lots of "chart services" on the internet -- some of whom produce decent, readable charts "for free" and some are so awful and confusing that even I can't read them easily -- and I've worked with charts for decades.

One extremely user-friendly chart site is here: AstroLabe. I recommend them if you want a simple, easy-to-read chart. I think they even give a reasonable little interpretive reading of your horoscope as part of the package. You'll need to know your birth information -- day, month, year, time and geographical place. Without all that your chart will have limited accuracy.

Or, if you want to get serious and really talk about this, upvote this post and start a conversation in the comments section sometime in the next six days from the time of publication. We'll go from there depending on what you want to know.


Questions about any of this? -- Upvote this post and talk to me in comments. It's a terrific way to build value for yourself and the community ... and it will give me ideas of what to write about in future posts. Believe me there is lots to say about the way The Sun, The Moon -- and all the other elements in a horoscope, all the other components of Astrology -- work together to interpret you and your story -- and what it all means to the person you've become.

This is who I am.


About the art in our visual essays ...

Although sometimes the background pictures in our visual essays support the topic and text, they don't always. Sometimes the connection is clear. Sometimes it's symbolic and subtle. Sometimes, there's no connection at all.

The scenes depict landscapes and natural features, buildings and wildlife. They were chosen because they show something lovely or interesting ... or simply because the photo appealed to me.

Our spectacular and remarkable planet is changing at astonishing speed. Rarely are these changes for the better. Few people seem to know ... or care ... or have the will and power to do anything about this. It may not be long before the world humans have known and lived in for centuries is forever lost. We certainly won't be able to make repairs as fast as we destroyed it.

So a few years ago I began collecting pictures of the way things were ... and still are for now, a record of the beauty we have while it is still ours to love and honor.

The photos here are part of that collection, with sincere thanks to the artists who saw these moments ... and with their cameras ... preserved them. All of us at Enchanted Spirit are profoundly grateful to them for their generosity and skill ... and for the added grace, depth and dimension their art brings to ours.

Original images used under this Creative Commons license or this Creative Commons license and modified by added text.



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That's really interesting to read about the signs... I know I'm a libra and much of what you write I can relate to ♎😉👍
But I didn't know much about it and I love how you putted your personal experience in here to and shared with us 🤗
Awsome writing and really interesting my friend.
Have a wonderful evening. Cheers! 💕🌹

Cliffhanger! That last bit made me want to keep reading. I was impossibly in love with a Libra for most of my early adult life, but from a distance. He still shows up in my dreams sometimes, just out of reach, like always. Maybe I'm lucky he didn't pick me. ;)

Will be interesting to see how this plays out. Nice delay tactic, lol.
My ex (20 years) was a Libra, started out good, but we both changed dramatically over time. I'm a Capricorn, my wife now is a Crab..
Anxiously awaiting the next episode....

I just went to astrolabe and WOW ..that is pretty accurate. I've never done a chart but you intrigued me talking about Libras. My husband is Libra. I was thinking about his lack of filters and wondering how he fit the description. Then I read further and went, "oh..that's more like it."

I must admit I'm curious and confused by how it all works but looking forward to learning. Thanks!

Posted using Partiko Android

✿ ❤

Interesting to know so much good quality about Librans. Never ever realised it.....thanks for detailing..about librans quality.

Posted using Partiko Android

Maybe we've found the problem. I only have one good eye and a perilously small number of actual firing neurons. :)

So. I'm a bad man. It is possible to be too nice for me to genuinely like you. I like spit and venom when I play. I don't want somebody to roll over every time I have one of my hair brained ideas. Have you lost your guzbucking mind? is a term of endearment to me. Cept I respond best to the real word :)

Thanks for a great look at somebody I'm not.

You are definitely interesting to know ... and I enjoy reading your comments. I'm especially glad to hear some of this is starting to make sense to you. As a means of understanding yourself and what's happening around you, I haven't found anything better. It continues to amaze me.

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