It's Astro-Logical -- practical advice for conscious living ---> Issue #60

in #astrology5 years ago (edited)

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Mars is in Gemini until May 15

So. Mars moved from Taurus into Gemini over the week-end. He's settling in for a six -week tour before moving on into Cancer on May 15. This change takes some of the pressure off your financial interests and fires up your intellect instead.

For some, that's a good exchange. Taurus doesn't deal well with pressure in the first place, and Gemini is far more flexible. It will at least research tactics for solving a problem -- or getting things done, and motion itself creates momentum in ways simply "digging in your heels and doing nothing" -- doesn't. That's the big advantage we have now over where we've been for the past month and a half.


So what's this all about?

Mars in Gemini combines the energies of Mercury (communications) and Mars (action) ... Aries and Gemini, thought and initiative. This is a fire / air composite, and so these two energies as a partnership mix well. You can get strong echoes -- even virtual clones of this mix -- with other groupings like Mercury in Aries, Mercury in 1st House, Mars in 3rd House and Mercury conjunct Mars.

If you have any of these features in your Natal Chart, this mix -- or one of its very close kin -- is part of your make up. As a matter of fact, I have Mercury conjunct Mars (in Pisces) and both in my 3rd House -- a doubling-down on this medley and its meaning, so what I'm about to describe says a lot about me -- and my behavior. I'll try not to get too excited talking about all its virtues. It's a real temptation.

Mars in Gemini comes alive in the presence of new ideas ... and provocative things to think about. Put this mix in a situation where it can learn something, talk about what it knows, teach, advise or share knowledge and it's in high clover.

It is noticeably open-minded and curious because a new approach -- to virtually anything -- is always appealing. Exploring an unknown path -- or just gathering up information that might be useful somehow someday -- gets the owner of this energy up, in gear and moving.

They actively add to their database of information -- giving them a lot of reserves to draw on when expressing what they know ... and what they think. They can get caught up in shiny-object syndrome if they're not real disciplined, which limits their practical effectiveness without some other character assets to keep them on track. Part of being so versatile is that they're easily distracted -- and have to round themselves up and get back on the road repeatedly.

Focus isn't really focus in the usual meaning of that word. They take a scatter-gun approach to life and its challenges, figuring there's more than one road to Rome -- and if they take several, that increases the chance they'll eventually arrive.

Yes, this means they can spread themselves really thin working on many inter-related projects simultaneously -- the very definition of multi-tasking. But they do get a lot done, and when reading, writing, study, teaching or any form of communication is part of the effort, what they produce will be informative, educational, engaging -- and often entertaining.

Sitting still and doing nothing -- or being forced to do only one thing at a time is tough for Mars in Gemini -- and all its clones. (When the power goes out in the house -- and I'm forced to live without electricity, lights and my computer -- you'd think we'd reached the end of the world to hear me fuss and dither.)

That's one of the downsides of this energy -- you simply cannot be still. Life to this mix is thought and movement -- and when it can't do either or both, it's one definition of hell. (And we try to solve it by making everyone around us jittery and miserable, too. I wouldn't say that's effective, but at least it burns off energy -- which ultimately is the point.)

As you can imagine, that makes insomnia a problem -- oh, Lord, does it ever. Sleep for this mix is not nearly as interesting and exciting as all the things they can do in real life, so they'll put it off as long as possible. Turning your mind off is not an option with this mix. You have to exhaust it. Otherwise, you'll just lie awake, playing with visions of all the things you'd rather be doing -- all the things you could accomplish with this time instead of just wasting it.

Until I am literally falling asleep where I sit, I don't even try to go to bed. I've learned my lesson well over the years. Too many times when I tried to "get to bed early" -- because I had to get up in the morning, I'd either have to get up again and do something for a few more hours to get the mind worn out enough to disengage ... or lie awake until dawn fretting about the shape I would be in when it was finally time to start the day and move on.

I no longer schedule "appointments" of any kind if I can help it. I'm either around or I'm not. (And I usually am.) Somewhere on that schedule it all gets done. (24-hour grocery stores are a big help.) Or at least enough that I can call myself satisfied and productive.

So, get ready to live this life for the next six weeks. You may like it. You may find it drives you crazy. But knowing Astrology has taught me we get to try out a whole lot of options as we work our way through the world. Some come around more often than others, but it can teach us a whole lot about how other people see, manage and work with their own lives.

This specific energy hasn't been around for about two years -- but we have had practice with it in the past. Some of its clones come around more often, so I won't seem terribly unfamiliar ... but it's time to work with this lively action / communication mode for a while. Just to stay in practice.

It is intellectually assertive. It generates tons of ideas -- and will vigorously promote and defend them all ... sometimes just for the heck of it. It is inventive, inquisitive and it loves innovation and novelty. It finds variety delightful -- instead of the option-overwhelm so many choices can give some of the signs. It will get your blood pumping and keep you on the move. You'll have to decide how well that suits you.


So ... what to expect?

When Mars is in Gemini, people focus on interests that are intellectual and inventive. Attitudes are clever, imaginative, quick-witted, and versatile. People talk more, read, write and study more. There is a restlessness in the air ... and an emphasis on communication and mental skills as tools to "get the job done."

You, and others, will promote your ideas and knowledge ... be interested in finding information, doing research and generally "learning more. You want to "work smart, not hard." But the truth is, you'll probably do both.

You also want a variety of projects, and will look for back-up positions and "fall-back plans" in case one strategy fails ... or you lose interest. You want to have a "lot of irons in the fire." With this energy around, people -- including you -- get bored quickly, and may not stick with anything for long.

Under stress with Mars in Gemini, people are inattentive, scattered, narrow-minded, opinionated, argumentative, and "chatty" -- as in "all talk and little action." They can be unfocused, impatient, easily distracted, superficial, inconsistent, ... and even dishonest and insincere.

There is some stress coming up toward the end of April with Neptune in Pisces (which squares Mars) and Jupiter in Sagittarius (which opposes it.) But, we'll talk about that when the time comes. I've rattled on with this one too much already.

That's another trait of a Mercury / Mars mix. But those of you who know me ... know that already. Maybe you learned something else about this though that made it worth the trip. I hope so. After all, that's the whole purpose of writing this stuff down in the first place. Now go find something to do. There's plenty to choose from.


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Yeah, I have really felt that shift in the last week or so. It's like an opening into a different type of clarity. And it has coincided with a slowing down of work (thankfully), which was kind of all-consuming for a while there (60-hour work weeks and so on).

Which was perfect... heading to Japan for a holiday next week. I think Mars-in-Gemini is going to be perfect to tickle my anthropologist-mind as I immerse myself in a very different culture, and allow that to be the well-spring for creative endeavours.

I always enjoy Mars in Gemini when it comes around. It is so active, so creative and always comes up with so many plans of action. As I said in the post, I have two clones of this energy in my Natal Chart -- and yet, until I wrote this post I hadn't put it together ... how much I enjoy having multiple paths to victory. Even after decades of study, I find new stuff to think about all the time. This is just the latest example. Enjoy your travels. Be safe. Thanks for stopping by.

Japan! That's so exciting. Have an amazing trip. :)

Turning your mind off is not an option with this mix. You have to exhaust it. Otherwise, you'll just lie awake, playing with visions of all the things you'd rather be doing -- all the things you could accomplish with this time instead of just wasting it.

This is me trying to go to sleep every night. I know it'll take at least an hour for my brain to wind down. Also, Gemini over here, so... yeah. Let's do this!

I hope all this -- plus the New Moon in Aries -- gets you out of hibernation and back with us regularly again. Things are too quiet when you're gone.

Aw, thank you. My body has required a ton of self-care lately, and less screen time. Plus, I've been focused on manuscripts to feed the novel-writing side of my soul. Hard to be everywhere at once and still get the early bedtime I need because 12+ hour days with small children. ;) Could I please have an extra 10 hours per day just for me?

I've seriously thought that 36-hour days and 8-day weeks (3 of them just for week-ends ) might actually let me get caught up -- so we're thinking on the same lines with that one. I have no idea how I'd deal w/ 4yo twins. That's why I never had any. Life was always too full already. I hear teenagers are even worse -- so you might want to factor that into your plans and sleep schedule. Getting a jump-start on it all might not hurt. Take care.

Boarding school? 😏😝🤣

Great idea! Let's pray Steem continues to rise!

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