AskSteemit: What was that Facebook suggestion that made you wonder "how did it know?"?

in #asksteemit6 years ago

With Facebook getting a lot of backlash lately, only a fraction of what I brought up in my post yesterday about the company, it seems like the perfect time to ask this question as it seems so many users have started to notice lately the way it stalks and saves your data to use it against you.

Checking the r/technology subreddit today I can understand why the company lose over $50b in stock evaluation over the weekend.

Like I've said many times before, the giant media companies that all rely on advertisement seem to slowly dig their own grave. All fueled by greed and using their userbase for their own profit. It is like they will be a big reason the new web powered by blockchain will be so successful in the future as it is pushing more and more people looking for alternatives.

There was a similiar thread on Reddit with this question today and in the post I wrote yesterday there were also many users mentioning the creepy things Facebook does such as marketing items to you that you have recently browsed for or even talked about in voice with others. Suggesting certain people for you to befriend that you've recently happened to meet or get to know has also been one of the things people have noticed.

The amount of information they save about you and sell is very, very scary.

We are in for some interesting times in the near future.

Steemians, what is something Facebook has suggested that creeped you out recently and made you aware of how much they know?


Suggesting certain people for you to befriend that you've recently happened to meet or get to know has also been one of the things people have noticed.

Owk I think this happnes to be one of the creepiest. Owk I happned to meet an old time friend at a bar and we got talking about a whole lot of stuffs . We talked about our social media life and how wev been able to utilize it for our own benefits. I use social media for fun but the guy is into interior designs and so he uses social media for his adverts .

Before we departed, he asked for my Facebook username and I gave it to him. When I got hom , I saw his friend request and other suggestions and that's where I got scared. Facebook suggested about 10 feinds I have known for a very long time but lost contacts with. People I never knew I would see or contact again and I was shocked. Could they have pulled the data when the guy went me the friend request? How did they know he was an old friend for them to start suggesting old friend for me to follow? It's kinda creepy but I just overlooked it till now.

Another thing Facebook does that creeps the hell out of me is sending friends request and accepting friend requests on my behalf. Sometimes I just log into Facebook and see that my friend request has been sent successfully and I am like what the heck?

Facebook actually infringes on peoples privacy and I think it's time people speak out about this

Am really surprised to hear that Facebook have sent or accepted a friend request on your behalf. I know a lot of shitty thing Facebook do but sending or accepting friend request on someone behalf is out of it.

I don't think this was done by Facebook, it this occurred on your account, I suggest your change you login password and select the log out of all device option as your account might have been hacked.

So apt we all need to unmute and take a stand against this evasion in the name of making money for the already rich

It wasn't a one time thing, it was a routine. This is how it goes.

  • I meet someone today,
  • We talk a little, exchange phone number and call each other later that same day
  • By the next day you have a friend suggestion from Facebook and it is the person you just exchange number the previous day.

This happens like everyday and considering the fact that I rejected Facebook sync of my contact, I wonder what else they know apart from my phone contact. It totally creep me out, so I just don't have privacy right over who I meet and whose contact I have in my phone?

For me it was logging into Instagram, for the first time, without connecting to facebook, but it was already suggesting me to follow people that I had as friends on Facebook.

And second but more important:

I stayed in train next to a guy I have never seen before, had a talk with him for about two hours (some people are just friendly) and when I got to my destination, Instagram was suggesting me to follow him!

Do you even believe that Instagram was tracing our phones through GPS and it knew that we stayed next to each other for two hours so we should be friends...

How sick these things can get?

That is really disgusting...

I feel that it is still too late for me, and for us as a population right now. I have already sold my soul to these guys by uploading so much data about me when I was still a kind in highschool and now it simply can't be removed, like my birthday, my real name and other things.

I stopped being active there, just sharing songs right now, so I can pollute it, but as I said, too late... This company will never run out of business, the social media they have built has a lot of money around and can not lose value. They are buying everything which can be bought, like they did with Instagram (and they tried with Snapchat too I guess).

Maybe with Steem it will be a different case, but as the power they have, I don't think these platforms even compare. We still have problems with user retention and many others that we need to solve...

User retention has been one of the major things I've put a lot of time, energy and sacrificed a lot of rewards for in the past through the @ocd group. An analysis showed that over 74% of the authors we have nominated and rewarded with votes and views/followers were still posting and 85% still voting, this analysis was done before the intial pump passed $2.

I wish projects like those would get some more support and delegation than businesses making thousands of rewards through beneficiaries and barely helping retention rates. Oh well.

@acidyo i'm new in steemit.i post my #introduceyourself.can you see and support me!

I know you have made efforts for user base increase, this is a thing that I (and more than sure many others) really appreciate!

Holy lord, this is the worst case I have heard before. Now imagine a scenario where the guy was a known terrorist and was suspected to have met someone on that train. With what you are saying now, it means you sure would be been getting some water boarding torture in an undisclosed facility just because you sat next to someone on a train.

It's pretty disgusting what these companies are doing with our data. And who knows what else they have been digging and selling out for profit.

Personally I was surprised "How can FB be such a dumbass?"

More than once I have bought something online, just to start getting ads for the same, specific product I had just bought.

This hasn't been an issue though, until it was showing ads for a product I bought for my wife. I'm showing off something to my wife and "boom" FB is promoting a product I would never personally use.

Luckily she didn't notice that.

Facebook stalks you trough Whatsapp. A month a go I meet someone new that just moved to my street and he was having some pc issues so I offered him my help and got his phone number to contact him through whatsapp, then a few days later in browsing my Facebook and I find him as a friend suggestion with no friends in common. I only sent him one message, we have no common friends and he just moved to my street, the only thing connecting us was a single message sent tru whatsapp.

Yeah, all apps that belong to Facebook are pretty much Facebook and do the same things.


It was around when I was pregnant when I started noticing more "family" and "baby" oriented news, ads and suggestions on Facebook, although I'd done all of my Googling about pregnancy and babies in incognito mode (not logged into any personal account either).

Well, that and all the times I get a push-notification along the lines of "We can't help to notice you're at /---/". Like suuure, I definitely want to share all the times I go to a doctor's office or a public bathroom with all of my "friends". (I get those from both Facebook and Google).

Every time I Google something with my computer that I never use for Facebook I get that exactly same add in my Facebook which I use with my phone. So annoying.

I would say what bothers me the most is any product look at online there is automatically an ad for on Facebook and sometimes directly in messenger hence the reason I’m browsing here much much more than there!

That was when I joined Steemit!

I didn't use Facebook much last year, and I didn't use it at all around November and December. In January, I joined Steemit. Then I met some people and started using Facebook more because I had to organise some communities for content-creation for Steemit and Steemit-related people.

When I used it again in the first week of January, the first thing I saw was a Steemit post ad. Someone had promoted their post and Facebook had thought that it was relevant to me. I shared the screenshot around and haven't ever seen Facebook with the same eyes as before.

I mean, I didn't even mention Steemit because it was my "secret project". Only people I talk to on Telegram knew of this at that moment. I don't even know what led them on it. Is some Steemit service selling info? Are they listening to my devices?

I haven't heard of any Steemit services selling info yet.

Steemit/ and other Steem apps already have lots of tracking scripts following users so it should not be a surprise that info will leaked to Facebook and others.

See this screen of all the scripts on a random Busy post:

When it started giving me massive amount of ads for cryptos and ICOs.. i have never been so spooked..

Yeah.. Reddit did the same to me based on what subreddits I used the most. :/

Yupp.. they know everything. How do we browse, what do we browse, what are our likes and dislikes, our peaking interest in something.

But its actually our fault, most of us never read Terms and Conditions prior to signing up and just tap “i agree” to move ahead. I am pretty sure that facebook T&Cs include a clause which says that facebook is authorised to access your browsing history, your phone mic, speaker, contacts, messages and right down to toilet paper brand you use..

Same with me, all my ads are about icos and mining companies. On Reddit, Facebook, YouTube, everywhere! at least I use ublock origins to block most of that cheap crap.

Everywhere I go online now Iget ICO ads. Most look scammy too.

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