The image is made of own imagination and thoughts

in #art5 years ago

Digital art made by @xpilar

natur åser busker 1A.jpg

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Wondering what your thoughts and description are from my picture

If you want to write a story,
it mus be related to my picture
and maybe you get a good upvote from me


The Place of Our "YES"

Awake but almost distant I was there, contemplating the place where our souls united with a "yes", everything was magical at that moment. She always elegant harmonized with her smile the evening, it was as if she felt part of this place, my beloved felt free the day of our wedding.

There, right in the center of this garden, two small birds gathered who gave everything to love each other, sang every dawn and fluttered until they found the most beautiful branches of the forest to play with her.

Everything was splendid and natural like the whisper of the wind, two birds captivated by a mutual love but that destiny separated them in an unexpected way. If, they are no longer together, she flew in another direction from which she will not be able to return. I still live in the hope of seeing her again, I look forward to taking flight to meet us and to join our songs again, meanwhile, I sigh for the moment of that happy sunset.


El Lugar de Nuestro SI.

Despierto pero casí distante estaba yo allí, contemplando el lugar donde nuestras almas se unieron con un "si", todo era mágico en ese momento. Ella siempre elegante armonizaba con su sonrisa la velada, era como si se sintiera parte de este lugar, mi amada se sentía libre el día de nuestra boda.

Allí, justamente en el centro de este jardín se juntaron dos pequeñas aves que daban todo por amarse, cantaban cada amanecer y revoloteaban hasta encontrar los más hermosos ramales del bosque para jugar con ella.

Todo era esplendido y natural como el susurro del viento, dos aves cautivas por un amor mutuo pero que el destino las separó de manera imprevista. Si, ya no están juntan, ella voló en otro sentido del cual no podrá regresar. Yo aún vivo con la esperanza de volverla a ver, espero con ansias levantar el vuelo para encontrarnos y poder unir nuestros cantos nuevamente, mientras tanto, suspiro por el momento de ese atardecer feliz.

thank you for your description / story @jadnven

Wow fantastic!

@xpilar, it's a very beautiful natural landscape. It is an artistic radiance with a stunning scattering of sky colors when the moment of the sun will sink in the western horizon.

At the moment when the sun sinks it will usually find where the sky will change very beautifully. Yes, like in your picture.

The color of the sky that is blue and white changes color to orange and mixed with purple which is very beautiful.

Behind its beauty, in fact there is a phenomenon that makes the twilight sky more beautiful.

At dusk or the sun sets, it turns out that small molecules and particles in the atmosphere change the direction of light that causes the light to spread.

Scattering that affects the color of light is apparently determined by the length of the light wave.

Air molecules with large amounts will produce orange and purple.

This is why we always see colors like that from all directions, because we also cannot see violet colors properly.

There is also a red color, among others, because the color has the longest wavelength of any visible light, moreover the sun is red when on the horizon.

Horizon itself is a place where very long lines through the atmosphere block all other colors, so that these colors can be captured by the human eye.

This phenomenon makes us always capture beautiful colors in the sky as the sun rises and sets in the sky. With all forms of admiration like the value of art that flows in your body and soul, @xpilar. [The sweetest greeting from me ❤]

thanks for your great description @black-horse

On a field trip.

Daniel studied at the university and there he saw a beautiful Indian girl, very shy and a lover of nature.
Daniel marveled at her face and frailty. One day they invited a field trip and Daniel did not hesitate to sign up knowing that she was going to attend.
He arrived the day of the field trip and when he got on the bus he saw it, and for his fortune the seat next to the girl was empty.
During the trip they talked, they were impressed by how short I made the trip, they had so many things in common.
When the bus arrived at its destination everyone was impressed with the countryside


It was very early and the sky full of colors gave a much more beautiful view, the field covered with trees and pines, stone paths and flowers.
Daniel looked at his partner and there he knew she was the perfect woman for him, looking at her so happy, surrounded by nature, he knew that his Indian ancestors settled on her filling her with more beauty and mystery, he knew he wanted her for him.
They spent a wonderful day walking among the stone paths, surrounded by animals and vegetation.
That same day I declare to her and she without hesitation I accept it, for a long time I wanted it.

Nice landscape almost like we have here in Scotland with ever green trees and hills, few paths crossing probably hikers tracks. Also I would say I can see little settlement on right hand hill. Beautiful sky with evening clouds :)

Very beautiful picture @xpilar

Sunset by fiery light
Covered the green hills
And he is beautiful this evening
Before the darkness comes.
The space fills the evening
And the time is nearing night
But I admire this sky
Against the backdrop of mountain beauty!

This is another beautiful piece from you it reminds me of ancient Asgard it's totally depicts natural beauty and although I do not know what you were thinking when you created this beautiful artwork, all I know is that it leaves a long lasting impression in the mind.
Infact, if we also look at what people consider as happily ever after this is definitely the kind of amazing peace that comes to the mind with orange heavens and the sun starting to fade Into The Horizon in a nutshell it is well depicted and some other time I would love you to tell us the inspiration behind your lovely heart because as a creator I also want to know what is going on inside your mind because sometimes it can also inspire another creator I also hope I can use your artwork one day to write my poems..
Well done this is beautiful.

i enjoy watching these digital art so much now that it is getting interesting day by day

You are one of the few who have been following my digital art for so long
I appreciate it @blazing

I hate "Dream city"

The place I lost my wife.How pretty eyes she had.!!!
She was the most beautiful lady I have ever seen in my life. She always told me, she want to die before me cause she can't survive in this world without me.Last summer She was with me and we wwere very happy.
I like to travel and she loves hills.
So,we decided to visit this place which is called "dream city".
It was pretty nice to see.we can see the sun from the hill track.we can touch the clouds.
The full weather was so romantic. I felt as I was the most beautiful person in the world.
My wife wants to touch butterfly. They were flying through.
Suddenly she sleepd her leg from the hill track and fallen down.
I tried to catch her but can't. I faild,From that time I thought I am a failure in the world.
I lost my wife.I didn't ever went this place.
I hate "Dream city".

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it was a sad story / description, thanks @rana2423

Yes, it was. welcome

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That's really very sad story brother.. May Allah bless you...

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Thank you brother, That's an imaginary story.

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The roads of life (poem)

The roads of life are always mysterious

They do not always take us where we want

But we always have options

we can take a dark, short and easy path

or we can take the difficult path, but full of light.

a path in paradise, full of color and tranquility

The ways of God are the right paths.

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