🎨 [Inktober 2018] - Day 4 | ✨ 🎃 ✨ Time Witch ✨ 🎃 ✨ | #Inktober2018 #31Witches #31Witches3 - By: Tesmoforia.

in #art6 years ago

"A man who dares to waste one hour of time has not discovered the value of life."

• Charles Darwin •


• Drawing/Photos by @Tesmoforia, with a Lumix/Panasonic DMC-FH2. Gif by the loveable @Vanuzza.


Today I noticed that I don’t follow any web comic at the moment, because of a good time where I found myself sick, and a somewhat chaotic move.


Until almost early this year I was absolutely stuck every week to the masterpiece of the duet WhiteMantis, but I don’t really know the reason of their hiatus with "Blade Under Mask" (the authors are from Brazil, and their quality in what comes with Illustration/Anatomy is marvelous).

I also remembered the sudden end of "Tea House", and after it: the Emotional Massacre done to all my feelings (and my fangirl friends’ feelings) with the sudden interruption of "Best Friends Forever"... From this moment forward, I started to feel terribly afraid about getting attached to any new web comic.

At the moment, I only know about two tittles with which I want to catch up, those are "A Matter of Life and Death" and "Starfighter", although I’m more than excited to know new options.

If you happen to read web comics, feel free to comment some of those tittles here (it doesn’t matter the language in which those are published). I would love to read something entertaining at these moments (especially about comedy romance, or suspense), premenstrual syndrome already bought me a ticket to an emotional roller coaster full of peaks, my pillow fortress is ready, with my super duvet and blankets included.

I think that’s why I remember all this, and how much I also hated Teddy (from "BFF").

👉 [ WARNING: If you are a minor, or you have prejudices/you lack of gray matter (also known as being homophobic), refrain from opening any of the links above which are linked to the mention of the previous titles. ] 👈

{ S U M M A R Y }


Inktober Day 4 - 1.png

"First Sketch, starting to ink and cleaning the guide lines." - Drawing/Photos by @Tesmoforia, with a Lumix/Panasonic DMC-FH2.


Inktober Dia 4 - 2.png

"Last strokes of Ink and Details." - Drawing/Photos by @Tesmoforia, with a Lumix/Panasonic DMC-FH2.


Inktober Dia 4 - 5.png

"A travel across the 5 steps to summarize the process!" - Drawing/Photos by @Tesmoforia, with a Lumix/Panasonic DMC-FH2.


The Topic for the 4th day of 31Witches3 is "Time Witch".

My proposal for this occasion is based on the idea that this Witch has assimilated and understood certain hermetic principles. As the Time being non-linear, making her able to walk freely within it by using her new powers (high consciousness) to "open windows" and know what was, what is, and what will be.

{ D E T A I L S }


Inktober Dia 4 - 3.png

• Drawing/Photos by @Tesmoforia, with a Lumix/Panasonic DMC-FH2.


Inktober Dia 4 - 4.png

• Drawing/Photos by @Tesmoforia, with a Lumix/Panasonic DMC-FH2.



✨ 🎃 ✨ Time Witch, finally finished! ✨ 🎃 ✨ Drawing/Photos by @Tesmoforia, with a Lumix/Panasonic DMC-FH2.


I drew this sketch using anything but the lantern of my cellphone!, I spent part of yesterday on complete darkness so it was quite difficult to ink, also, my favorite part was drawing those 2 tiny sceneries; and by the way I adore black backgrounds so I may use them more frequently too.

"Talking about Time..."

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• Tick Tock Tick Tock •

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While I was drawing this Witch, I remembered that one of my favorite Youtube channels has several really interesting videos about this topic.

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"Time only Exist in our Mind (Spanish)"

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I frequently visit this channel, almost daily, and the host is really clever and good, it doesn’t matter the topic he will be talking about.

All his Videos are good options to hear something while you are working or redacting your post.

Listen to the Mysterious Husbando esta noche, les aseguro que no los defraudará ~

👇 Chronology of this Adventure 👇

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🎨 [Day 3] NANNY/MAID WITCH - English | Spanish

🎨 [Day 2] HIPPIE WITCH - English | Spanish

🎨 [Day 1] SEASONAL WITCH – English | Spanish


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✨ 🎃 Follow the OFFICIAL LINKS for this prompt at ~ 🎃 ✨

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🌿 ✨ Happy, soft, and creative day to All ✨ 🌿

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Firma en Blanco y Negro.png

💌 Thank you so much for Reading! 💌


🍓 Text and Images’ Credit: @Tesmoforia 🍓

🍓 English Translation: @Vanuzza 🍓

✨ Separators: FlatIcon.com ~ • Gif´s: Giphy.com ~

─ ═☆ All Rights Reserved / ⓣ ⓔ ⓢ ⓜ ⓞ ⓕ ⓞ ⓡ ⓘ ⓐ - 2018 ☆═ ─

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