Steemit Adventure - Metal Head!

Just wanted to make a skull and mess around because well skulls are cool lol and what artist has not drawn them :) The metal part needs to be rendered better but I thought it still looks decent and since I did not have a real purpose for this picture I stopped before getting too into it. Hope you enjoy and thanks for taking the time to visit, I appreciate all the support!

Right on man! I will hopefully have an excuse to commission a drawing from you soon ;)
Honored that you would even think about it! Also I have seen you upvoting and posting in my blog so sincere thank you it means a lot.
New villain or new coin?! This army will be a strong foe for our hero.
I have no idea really, may alter it to use for something in the future, but I did like overall concept. That reminds me I have to check out your blog incase I missed anything recent. Thanks for viewing!
Alway @steemitadventure and if you have a moment to venture into my witness post also. See you in chat, and I 110% will support this comic.
Nice one! Did you take some inspiration from Kano (Mortal Kombat) ?
Actually I did not, but now that you mention that I can see it for sure. I miss that game in the arcade, forgot all about that character. Thanks for commenting btw!
nice, thanks for sharing!
Thank you for taking a look!