🎨 "Heaven and Hell" - Another look at Schindler's collection

in #art6 years ago

Although in my opinion, this does not need the nsfw tag, due to recent experience, I'd like to mention, that this post might not be suitable for all audiences. Viewers discretion advised!

🎨 "Himmel und Hölle" - Ein Blick auf Schindlers Sammlung


This post is inspired by a comment from @erh.germany. After I mentioned that I organized an exhibition with 70 professional artists in 2015 in a comment, she wrote: 70 professional artists: sounds like paradise. Now, of course, one has to assume that she could just have meant it ironically. Nevertheless, the sentence inspired me to think about what "paradise" actually means for each one of us.


Dieser Post ist inspiriert von ein Kommentar von @erh.germany. Nachdem ich erwähnt hatte, dass ich 2015 eine Ausstellung mit 70 professionellen Künstlerinnen organisiert habe, schrieb sie (übersetzt): 70 professionelle Künstlerinnen : klingt nach Paradies. Nun muß man bei ihr natürlich davon ausgehen, dass sie es genausogut ironisch gemeint haben könnte. Dennoch hat mich der Satz dazu angeregt, mal darüber nachzudenken, was "Paradies" für den Einzelnen eigentlich bedeutet.



And then, hell too, of course.

Some time ago I wrote about an encounter, which at first seemed a little strange, but from which a wonderful friendship developed. Mr. Schindler owns over 25 of my glass paintings today. Among others, also the couple "Heaven" and "Hell".


Im Gegenzug dann natürlich auch die Hölle.

Vor einiger Zeit habe ich über eine Begenung geschrieben, die Zunächst ein wenig seltsam schien, aus der sich aber eine wundervolle Freundschaft entwickelt hat. Herr Schindler besitzt heute über 25 meiner Glasbilder. Unter anderem auch das Pärchen "Himmel" und "Hölle".




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All photos/scans by me of my own artwork done in my special technique as introduced in What is Hinterglas?


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I see someone beat me to the 'bottom' pun, oh well, at least it was said. The expressive faces of the characters in both Heaven and Hell is brillant. They make me smile and that is one of my favorite responses when I look at art. Again, amazing pieces.

I wanted to ask you how you were able to make the steemit image collections page that you get to from your "view all my pictures" link? Sorry, I seem to ask you far too many questions ;)

Thank you again very much for liking these works.

Your questions are always welcome. Ok, go there
Next enter you user name and click enter.
I used the link to most views but you can choose any option you like. Then just use that link for your post :-)

The bottom (pun intended) painting made me smile, very playful and fun!

Seeing you come over for a visit made me smile even more, thank you for stopping by 😊

I know I’ve been a bad fan girl lately, I’ll try to be better! :)

Not to worry, I totally understand. You have to tend to a big crowd of fans and I can only imagine how it can be exhausting at times. I fell behind too here lately and although I try to take at least a quick look at your blog every day, as I really enjoy your posts, it will be hard to catch up with the votes...

:)) Cool, how the chain keeps going, isn't it? She is inspiring me, I inspire you and you inspire another her or him and me again.

Himmel und Hölle (heaven & hell) : The aspects of our life as their visible extremes. Somehow tragic that we mostly do separate them or get the notion that there are two poles one cannot integrate into one existence and has to decide therefor between "either, or".

We seem to strive for the trumpets and glorious singings and only want the good stuff but neglect that pain itself and the ugly and horrific events and feelings are just the other side of the same coin. This does only come with that. :)

Stay as artistic as you are, my dear bavarian fellow.

@reinhard-schmid, hell is hell good! Made me smile seeing face of the devil like some nasty kid enjoying in pointing butt of that poor lady with red back.

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