To Whom it May Concern with a Hint of Everyone Else

in #art8 years ago (edited)

It's me again. @nonameslefttouse The Writer Him the BEEP Self.

As of this writing, two of my articles with a few swears delivered within an intended humorous approach still remain in censored status. The true story of how they got there exists and has been published proudly. I've not received any official answer as to why this all occurred.

To honor those events, I present to you and without further adieu:

My "Censor"

The red and white represent the colors of my country, Canada. A country known for promoting freedom rights and entertainers who speak freely, without shame. The curtains are closing in on free speech due to government intervention worldwide. Black represents shattered dreams in a sense and proves itself to be wrong. The blue represents the depressing cycle of oppressive goop that never seems to end. When they fail at one thing, they move to the next. Nobody wants to be held back so why keep trying. The rest is my burning fire within, or yours, if you can relate.

To protest, I will start out by doing my best imitation of the noise people would prefer to hear when a selected few words are sounded out using the vocal chords.



Thank you, but there's no need for applause.

I'm not sure why people prefer my reverse gear warning sound over this BEEPING word, I find it to be quite hard on the ears. Whatever though, if that's how you roll, it's not up to me to get in your way. If that is your taste in music, then who am I to judge, right?

Interesting Thoughts About BEEP

  • It hurts puppy and baby ears.
  • Kittens are affected.
  • Small children grow up thinking this is a word they simply cannot pronounce properly which leads to late stage inferiority complex.
  • Preferred volume settings must constantly be adjusted on a case by case basis.
  • More batteries end up in the landfill than necessary.
  • The sound has become a mainstay on many reality television shows. This leads to confusion within the average viewers brain function as well as a few short circuits.
  • Producers spend countless hours perfecting their beeps. Families have been destroyed.
  • Why can't it just be a rooster sound? Something pleasant.
  • I hate alarm clocks.

Get Somewhat Serious Damien.

I'll try. The sound of silence should be preferred over this nagging noise. The beeping is not there to protect us. We are not stupid, we know what they said. If that truly is a reality television show, let them say it. In reality, someone can change the channel. If you would prefer your product does not include foul language, do not use foul language. If you would prefer your viewers not be exposed to such atrocities, do not use foul language. We all know you're just using this annoying sound to get attention. Please stop.

To the censor, the beep is a show of force.

I Was Here

They tag nearly every instance of entertainment known to humanity like an artist at the freight train station. The only difference. I like watching trains go by. Thank you, train taggers.

Of course, I do not encourage "destruction" of private property. Luckily, my brain allows me to see past the surface. I've noticed many rail cars still function as designed regardless of paint scheme. Still, I would not enjoy the day if I woke up to find out someone has ruined my vehicle or shaved off one of my eyebrows.

In my case, the censor has ruined my property. These are a few of the images contained within the censored articles which I produced. Please explain to me how these are offensive.




Due to the nature of the presentation, some of these pieces were given fake names. BEEPER and Mother BEEPER. To get a better understanding of the joke, please observe these two fine productions of mine at a later time. I will not be linking the censored articles. The eyesore is available to witness in my blog, just watch for the flags, can't miss it.

Presenting: My Penis
Ass: For Sale

The Technicalities

This next image is an example of profanity art. It was also censored. A legitimate art form which dates back hundreds if not thousands of years. Many great artists of their time were also treated like second class citizens on a few occasions for taking the same simplistic approach. I have also observed pieces similar to this, on trains. Some more extravagant pieces may be found in museums and rich people art lairs.


Understandable, that piece may not be up to your personal standards of viewing pleasure. This does not mean by default I must be treated like a worthless human being. Know your roll.

The article where this particular piece of profanity art is showcased was intended to be humorous. The same joke as the Penis piece and the Ass piece was recycled. Someone either did not get the joke, or simply could not get the joke. Either way, a simple question from their fingers to my eyes would have been met with a simple answer from my fingers to their eyes. One can also choose to look away, though I did see much scarier things last night walking around collecting candy.

Strange Plot Twist

I wrote another piece of legitimate art in the form of profanity literature. Again, I realize that is not for everyone. That is fine with me. Humor was the base of the demonstration. Many people found it to be funny, I was quite impressed. I also cut up the article to bring attention to a good cause. Yes, click bait in a sense. No different than the images you use to attract attention to your articles. No different than Bob Barker showcasing his talents for an entire hour only to end it all with, "Help control the pet population. Get your pets spayed or neutered."

No different than a feminist with her tits out.

I am free to be like everyone else, if I choose to be free.

Access to this article: Tis the Season: Blowing the Whistle on the Big Blue Box

...was also censored in the mix. As superficial censorship can be at times, I feel the superficial treatment of our food in North America can be located on the same playing field. Every time you glance over that thing you don't like, you contribute to some form of waste. A blemished apple, deemed unfit for society. Nothing good comes out of this superficial nonsense. Yet that behavior is praised! What in thee actual BEEP is wrong with this world? If it truly is opposite day, I did not receive the memo.

So What is Haffanower?

Well. It's a combination of many things. Fiction, non-fiction, comics, abstract art, humor, activism, satire, entertainment and more. It's my flagship series where I've given myself total freedom to portray many messages, as I see fit. The total package. It has been well received, so far.

Why am I bringing that up?

Lets go back in time. The absolute truth to my best ability has been reported on here today. My art was censored due to a few choice words located on or around the art. What's stopping me now from believing there's a chance this entire series might be flagged by an insecure robot train simply because...

They did not like it!

...and that's what the entertainment industry will think of this platform, unless someone gets on this and remedies the situation. Not a remedy for me only, but measures taken so everyone shares the same freedoms. I am only speaking the truth. Not trying to be a BEEP disturber. If I have to use your special sound to be heard, I'll use it.

Thirty six years. That's how long it took me to find the proper platform to be able to showcase my talents and publish them without the "guidance" of others. Nobody is telling me to use this word instead of that word. I can release the most hideous piece of art and don't have to worry about some sort of "professional" holding me back to protect their image.

I'd like to feel confident in my decision to recruit a few like minded individuals to this platform. I presented it to them in much the same way I was led to believe. Total freedom. This does not mean I'm here to abuse those freedoms. I do know the difference. If I truly did step out of line, I'd like to hear it.

Those words with the humorous intentions have now become protest pieces... and I am very proud of them.

I thank you for your time and would once again like to thank everyone who's had my back throughout this entire ordeal. Two Insanity Productions. When you say it, use your hand gestures. Look at your two fingers. I just said that to you.

Follow @nonameslefttouse

[email protected]

©2016 Two Insanity Productions. All rights reserved.


Your content is brilliant! It's a shame to see it get flagged. I hope the flaggers will come to their senses and make this right. Just keep doing what you do! Good luck!

I thank you very much for this comment. I will continue. Thanks for having my back as well. I've not lost faith in this place, the people, or anything I offer. One bad apple does not spoil the whole bunch.

I enjoyed reading your article, although I prefer reading without profanities in the text, I do think you should be free to choose for yourself:)

That's to be expected. When I do write and include certain words, I'm not doing it to offend those who do not like the words. I'm not targeting them with my words. It has nothing to do with the people who don't like the words.

If people come along who don't mind and do enjoy what has been presented to them, I can only say thank you. So, thank you!

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