The Freedom Speech Fucks the Censor: Again.

in #art8 years ago (edited)

First and foremost, those are f-words too.

Today has been interesting. The end result. Thank you.

"Dark Daze"

I heard about Steemit quite by accident. I was enjoying a few videos on Youtube. Auto play was in the on position. During an advertisement about things I'll never care about, I stepped away and headed outside to somehow convince myself the cigarette actually tastes good again.

It had it's usual taste of ass with a hint of rotten pussy.

After I was done fucking myself, I came back indoors. A video was playing, something random, I had no clue who these people were, but my ears shot up once I heard what they were saying. Steemit this, Steemit that but most importantly, Steemit freedom. Censorship, non existent. I've been waiting for a powerful tool like this for many years. I don't have connections to any industries or know anyone who can hold my hand. I also can't stand the middle man and know damn well if you want something done the right way, you do it yourself. I came here alone and knew, nobody.

Now, as it clearly shows within my blog, I am not here to be a juvenile piece of shit name calling troll who likes to say fuck a lot. When I'm making an attempt to entertain and utilizing the word fuck as a piece to play around with, then I'll most certainly use it. You can't tell a good fuck joke, without the fuck, now can you? A few people pouted.

Why did I push it to such an extreme?

I didn't, I held back. I stopped at hilarious. Also, I plan to work on some amazing ideas.

I'm not going to take someones word for it if they tell me I have total freedom. I'm going to check first. It was not hard to write a stupid article with the word used eighty seven times. I knew people at the bar who could have done a much better job of it. If I'm going to invest my time into a serious project, with certain content that many might consider far worse than a simple word when placed in a particular context, I'll want to know what my options are. I want to find out if I have an audience, a market.

It turns out, I do.

When I first started up here, I was holding back, failing, nearly quit. Why? I looked around, tried to be like everyone else. Do you fine folks notice this about new people? I do. I see myself in many of them. No clue what to do, no clue how to present yourself.

I received some good advice. I took that advice, but stayed true to myself. I was told to write what I'm passionate about. Have you noticed, many people convert that word's meaning into the definition of opinionated? I never spent much time in those facebook comment sections under the news stories. I don't really know how to be that person. I could fake it, but I won't make it. That market is saturated. People will do it for free. This thing doesn't work for us until we buckle down and start showcasing. Not ourselves so much, but our work, our offerings. I feel like entertaining. I'm also given the opportunity to be myself. I may not have very many adventures to talk about, but I'll share them when I do. This has been an adventure.

I was also told to make it look professional. That part, is easy. Your blog is your product, your version of being professional, is your version of being professional. The next person's professionalism may not be for you. They are never the only professional who knows how to be professional either.

I've come this far. I'm not stopping now.

So what the fuck happened today?

Recent Steemd screen capture

This link will take you straight to the source of the photo

I woke up, noticed something strange. Two of these profanity pieces, which are already days old, were attacked by a censoring robot coward. One article took 11 flags within seconds. It appears as if someone went on a bit of a power trip. Unfortunately, actions speak louder than words. So I used my words and took action.

I quickly wrote up two very rushed articles in an attempt to drum up support and find answers. At the time, I assumed a group of people were working against me, trying to sabotage my reputation. The answers came rolling in.

Not Only Answers

I received what could only be described as a mountain of support in the form of up votes. These people were doing everything they could to counter the negative impact of one asshole or a group of "pack mentalized" idiots who can't handle the things they don't like, nor do they enjoy someone finding success in doing the things they can't stand.

Censorship, in other words.

Apparently, this censorship thing isn't tolerated around here. I'm glad I spoke up. I was sitting at 59 reputation before this attack. I now sit at 60. How do you like them apples?

Nope, I'm not being smug about this. Just honest. I'm not sure if it triggered a battle of good robots vs evil robots. I'm sure most of those up votes were people, I hope they were and I know for a fact some were. I suppose someone had to be at the helm to control the good robots if that was the case. Regardless. You people, are amazing. Never once in my life have I felt fully confident that people have my back. Not once.

That all changed today. It has occurred at least once now. I am currently the proudest member of this community. I cannot achieve a higher standard of gratefulness, though I do always make attempts to do better. I will not let you down.

To You Fancy Folks With Your Nice Words

When you're on your best behavior at all times, you might be missing the harshness of a few realities. I respect all of your work. I don't read everything, but I know it's there. I would never, ever click on your work for the sole purpose of giving it a flag. Never. It's not because of how you are acting. The way you present yourself has nothing to do with it. I have strength. Many, many others here do as well. The strong outnumber the weak. We're also very smart. We don't need to tell the lion that it is a lion.

I'm simply writing this to create awareness. Many of you on your "best" behavior might not experience what happened today in the land of @nonameslefttouse. I just want everyone to know, this shit, it happens.

What will happen to your work when someone decides to disagree with you and pull the same stunt if censoring our colleagues becomes fashionable? Maybe you don't like me, my style, my words. That's fine. We're all on the same playing field though. You won't be exempt from this abuse by simply being "nice".

Segregating ourselves into tag lines combined with the will to fight will fuck us all. Fight back. These nasty censor types hurt our product, our share value. Not just as individuals, as a group. My use of a few select words won't make us all look bad. It's the one's with the happy trigger finger, every time, fucking it up for everyone else. Proven in history countless times. It's about damn time we stop blaming the arts.

What's Done is Done

I stand for free speech, all of it. There's a strong chance you won't see me attending any irrational debates here though. For me, this place isn't about that. Themed discussion in relation to the article, always fun. I've been forced to mute a few members who decided it would be wise to graffiti my comment sections with strange renditions of psycho babble. That's not censorship. It's unfortunate we had to come to that conclusion is what it is. If you abuse your freedoms with me, I'll exercise mine on you.

I'd probably censor your face if you were forcing me to take some of the shit I see a few people putting up with here. If someone is causing harm to your property, being crazy or just a general pain in the ass, that's life. They will be removed. Show of hands, who here likes an asshole? I don't see any hands. Nobody is under any obligation to be nice, we simply choose to be. It's reasonable. Reasonable people have a limit.

About Three Strikes

My articles are performances. I'm much like everyone else who writes here. We all decide which character we'd like to be. Even when you say, "I'm just being real," you're committing yourself to the "being real" persona and begin to act accordingly. Some are good actors, some are bad actors. It's still the same script. We all have more in common than some will allow themselves to see. The ones who show symptoms of avoidance, we still see you hiding behind the curtain. It's not hard to figure out why you are there. It's a roll that is never handed out. Join the play, or stay away. A decision we all make, every single day.

I will be professional in the comment section. That's like walking into my store. If you disrespect my customers, I will kick you out. If you can't handle that and decide to go a little loopy in the head, that's not my problem. The point is, we should not have to be walking on egg shells while we're here. There's no room for the high school hallway mentality. That shit is outdated and this world is new. Some of us might stand up for ourselves, and many, many more will have their back.

The two recent articles I wrote speak of this censorship problem here. I've come to find out, we don't have censorship, just a few tiny minded assholes. Not many. Now that you know they exist, make sure you do everything you can to expose them, like I did. Be proud of your stuff, stand up for it, stand next to it. Push them off the edge.

They bring an army of robots to take down the signs of society which they cannot read. I don't need some government machine of disastrous extreme. I came hear to write, engage, and maybe make some Steem.

Maybe those few flags I received in this fashion are insignificant. I can see the intention behind it though. A scare tactic. Sorry.

Better luck next Halloween.

Developers, please do what you can to remedy any issues you might see here. I'm sure you've heard it all before though. This only put me a day behind. If I'm truly the issue, let me know.

To everyone else who stepped up to the plate today, there's so many of you, I can't mention you all by name. Thank you. You have my back, I have yours. Vice versa. Count me in next time someone else needs help. Just use the email address. Sorry about the delays on a few other projects. I hope you can understand.

Follow @nonameslefttouse

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©2016 Two Insanity Productions. All rights reserved.

"He just told me to stand here. I do have something to say though. Did you know... a few pieces of art, a few simple images... they were also censored. I heard, those pieces could not be deemed offensive in any way shape or form due to the nature of the presentation. They cannot be labelled as obscene. The art world would not be happy about this.
What do I know though, I'm just a Regular Llama.

  • As a talking point, I'd like to add something.

I combine my art with my words. My personal style is quite evident. I've done it many times.

I agree with the talking llama. It's different for many users here if they have simply obtained an image and used it within their article. They did not own that image. They do not suffer any losses.

As you can see, there's more to this story than meets the eye.


As a talking point, I'd like to add something.

I combine my art with my words. My personal style is quite evident. I've done it many times.

I agree with the talking llama. It's different for many users here if they have simply obtained an image and used it within their article. They did not own that image. They do not suffer any losses.

As you can see, there's more to this story than meets the eye.

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