Interactive paintings: The Vagabonds #3

in #art7 years ago

Presenting the third painting and interactive game of "The Vagabonds" -
small paintings (13x18cm), oils on panel, in which you can decide on the name and relationship of the characters, and randomly choose an adjective, a profession and an origin of the character.

But first, a recap:

From the first game, this is Salt, the Cheerful Globetrotter from The Black Lagoon:

He's the Son of Mabel, the Clumsy Chaperone from The Land of Make Believe (from episode 2):

Mabel is the Niece of today's character:

What will become of this guy? That's up to you! Join the game by making a comment with first a unique first name, then 3 numbers between 1 and 13, for a random adjective, occupation and origin from my list, and then any kind of relationship linking this character to the one of the next episode (coming online in roundabout 24 hours).

E.g.: Wilbur, 7-9-7, Father-in-law;
I will reply with, for instance: "This is Wilbur, the Triggerhappy Mayor from Coyote County. He's the Father-in-law of... (to be announced).

I just made that up, by the way, have fun! I will randomly select one of the comments as the "winner" as I can choose only one entry to move the series further. For episode 2, I was happy to see entries from @deemarshall and @hazel420, thank you very much! The dice decided on @hazel420's entry, so Mabel it was!

As with the first episode, I promised a bit of SBD to the participants of episode 2 and I will honour that, but as I'm starting to run rather low on SBD, I may or may not send a bit of SBD to the participants of this episode, we'll see, ok? Don't let that stop you from entering, this should be fun!

Feedback is always appreciated, upvotes and resteems are too! Pointless or spammy comments will get an ironic, sarcastic or cynical remark! Let's see some fun entries!


Beautiful, really beautiful paintings!

Thank you Silvia! Why not join in the game, it's fun :)

Ian, 1 - 3 - 5, dog-walker

Thank you for this fun game!

Haha, this is Ian, the Mysterious Counterfeiter from the Shadowlands, he's the Dog-walker (of all relationships possible, hahah), of... (to be announced). Thanks Dee!

Haha that´s fun! :D

I´ll go with Arlington, 4-2-7, sexual affair of...! hehe

Haha, good one! meet Arlington, the Awesome Alchemist from The Irish Pub! The Sexual Affair of... (to be announced!)

The game is funny and interesting, I am interested, and I will try it, Ruther, 2 - 9 - 7 wolves - last. Hehehe :-D

That's what every game should be @mahmuliadi, thanks for playing!

According to my list, this is Ruther, the Happy-Go-Lucky Adventurer from the Irish Pub!

I don't understand "wolves-last" though. I need a relationship with another person to continue the series there; such as Father of..., Uncle of..., Gardener of..., Portrait-painter of..., you name it!

Sorry for the first time I played in this game ,, what if I choose "Uncle of":

Perfect, thanks! Tomorrow's the next episode, feel free to follow up :)

Yes, I definitely wait for the next post, and do not want to miss your posts. @marty-art Thank you.

How did I miss episodes 1 and 2?? You're on a roll! Love the paintings too @marty-art :)

Max Power, 5 - 13 (but actually a secret spy) - 11, the spy who shagged...

Thanks! Yeah, these went rather quickly :)

Allright: Meet Max Power, the Wise Painter (but actually a secret Spy), from Down Under! He's the Spy who shagged...(to be announced!)

And for the record, I actually had a Spy in this list, and you were very close to getting it!

Haha that could have made him a double spy! Who's he spying for? (can that be the basis for a whole new collaborative story?... :)

I should have put this with my first post haha

Haha, cool! And with that, you provided an entry I didn't think of for this evening's list, got a double spy lurking in there now, thanks!

Thank you for the mention, I will gladly join again @marty-art! :)

Wilbur, 6- 9-12, Dentist

Good to see you joining again @hazel420 :)
Meet Wilbur, the Legendary Adventurer from The Haunted Castle! (First double-entry there, @mahmuliadi made him a Happy-Go-Lucky Adventurer, you made him a Legendary one :)

He's the Dentist of... (_to be announced!)
(these relationships are getting crazy, btw, haha :D

Oh no! Just saw that you mentioned Wilbur in your post!? That's embarrassing now lol.. :P
The fun thing is, I was actually thinking of this guy here:


Wilbur & Willy Wonka

Hahaha, guess we were on the same frequency :) Radio wilbur.104.7 :D

Haven't seen the new Willy Wonka movie, Wilbur just popped into my head, it's good as it is!

How did I miss these... man already #3 you are having quite a pace here...

ok, I'll say:

Archibald, 1-3-3-7, Creator

I know... I'm not playing by the rules, I gave you a wildcard there... the magic 7. Curious to see how you'll use that card :P

Whoah, you got me there!

If you can bend the rules, so can I - for once ok? I'll switch your first 3 with your 7 (don't want to have too many doubles in there), so we get 1-7-3 with an extra 3:

Then, be prepared to meet Archibald, the Mysterious Night Prowler from No Man's Land with (here goes your Lucky 7): The Handkerchief of Improbability (whatever that means :) He's actually the Creator of... (to be announced)!

Any good? Thanks for joining!

hahaha... I'd say that turned out just perfect!

Game #3 of _"The Vagabonds" is over - this is

Arlington, the Awesome Alchemist from The Irish Pub!

And he's The Sexual Affair of...: see episode #4 here

Thanks again to all participants, and @w0olf, I rolled a dice to randomly choose a winner, your entry came up, cheers!

Feedback is still very much appreciated, but no more comments to enter the game, please check out game #4 now!

Firstly, I love these, awesome sense of impressionism that I think is great!

Now for the fun part...
Jefferson, 9-12-3, Favorite baker

Hey, thanks @skippyza, this particular game is over, but Vagabonds #4 is live; post your comment at the new contest here, thanks! And glad you like the Impressionism in my work, much appreciated! :)

Aah, apologies. I've had this open in a tab for a while, and only had time to reply now, will check out the new one. :D

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