Interactive paintings: The Vagabonds #4

in #art7 years ago (edited)

Presenting the fourth painting and interactive game of "The Vagabonds" -
small paintings (13x18cm), oils on panel, in which you can decide on the name and relationship of the characters, and randomly choose an adjective, a profession and an origin of the character.

First of all, thank you @w0olf, @fraenk, @deemarshall, @hazel420, @pv-p and @mahmuliadi for entering the game of _Vagabonds #3. Six entries is a new record for this little game, which is turning out to be some fun! And I've got a couple more in store! SBD will be sent to every player thanks to an awesome upvote by @ausbitbank: thank you and feel free to comment and play along!

Now then, then now - a recap:

From game 1, this is Salt, the Cheerful Globetrotter from The Black Lagoon (entry by @deemarshall):

He's the Son of Mabel, the Clumsy Chaperone from The Land of Make Believe (episode 2, entry by @hazel420):

Mabel is the Niece of Arlington, the Awesome Alchemist of the Irish Pub (episode 3, entry by @w0olf, congrats - the dice picked your entry!):

Arlington is the Sexual Affair of today's character:

Yep, she's pregnant, allright. So, what's her name and her story?

Well, that's now up to you! Join the game by making a comment with:
First: a unique first name,
Second: 3 numbers between 1 and 13, which will give you a random adjective, occupation and origin from my now truly extensive list...
And finally: any kind of relationship linking this character to the one of the next episode (coming online on Saturday - I have some things planned tomorrow-evening, and I'm really draining my voting-power on these posts - so if I don't immediately upvote your comment, it's because I'm recharging and will give you a more lucrative upvote later!).

So as an example of what you can comment to join this game:

Catharina, 1-3-7, Piano-teacher

will give (as an example) "This is Catharina, the Rebellious Enchantress from Santiago de Compostella. She's the Piano-teacher of... (to be announced).

I just made that up, by the way, the goal here is to create weird and wonderful combinations, and above all, to have fun! I will randomly select one of the comments as the "winner" as I can choose only one entry to move the series further.

A comment that follows the game-rules will certainly get an upvote, and a little bit of SBD on the side will follow, just for participating! Feedback is -as always- appreciated, resteems are too! Pointless or spammy comments will get an ironic, sarcastic or cynical remark, but I seem to get very little of those. Which is good! Let's see some fun entries!


Who's getting kinky with Mabel? That dirty girl is Portia (like the car, or porn star), 13-13-8, she is the prostitute of... Her specialty is bondage, S&M and gerbils

It gets kinky with Arlington ;) Mabel is Arlington's Niece... I know, it is a bit confusing!

Now for Portia, the Mercurial Saboteur from The Chamber of Secrets! She's the Prostitute of... (to be announced!)

My bad, I must have read through the character links too quickly there...thanks for the payment! didn't realise we were getting a payout too :)

(and your post)

Haha is mercurial saboteur some kind of butt pirate? If so, Portia's building a pretty strong profile and has the perfect location to practice

Yeah, with this kind of interaction/game, I like to hand out a little SBD - not much, and I can't tell how much beforehand... Enjoy! :)

From Merriam-Webster: Mercurial:

characterized by rapid and unpredictable changeableness of mood - a mercurial temper

I don't know what you're seeing in there, but if you're associating that with Butt Pirate (haha), then The Chamber of Secrets is indeed the place to be! :D

It was more the saboteur in the chamber of secrets that was forming an association for me haha. What's being sabotaged???... that's where the pirating comes in (she does have her expertise) ;)

Damn this took long to write, now I know why we get a payout! ;)

Haha, awesome stories you're coming up with!

Haha I want butt pirate as a possible job in the next edition!

My list for tomorrow isn't complete yet, so I'm putting it in - you got 1 in 13 to guess it! :)

Back again, sorry I'm a bit busy, and I think, Angel 7-3-1 she is a professional advisor. Very interesting, and then my first. And thanks for the previous one

Welcome back @mahmuliadi!
Cool: Meet Angel, the Shy Sorceress from Liechtenstein, and she's the Professional Advisor of... (to be announced!)

Thanks @marty-art, thanks to you I am so much to learn, success continues for you, I do not want to miss your post, greeting

I think so, jessy 3-8-11 she is a psychologist. Very interesting,

Cool, thisis Jessy, the Talented Damsel from The Forbidden Island! She's the Psychologist of... (to be announced!) Thanks for entering! :)

Thanks Back @marty-art, hope all goes well, and move on.

Demi, 7 - 9 - 11, tormentor

Thanks again for this fun game and the payment for yesterday :)

You're welcome, thanks for playing :)

This is Demi, the Shy High-Priestess of The Forbidden Island and she's the Tormentor of... (to be announced!)

A Shy Tormentor, now that is a stretch! ;)

Thank you for the payout! It's very welcome :)

Let me try this again, since I am apparently to slow for steemit... 😩

Dixie-ann, 9-3-1, and she is the Anesthesiologist of...

Hey, no worries! It does go rather quickly, I'll slow down a bit :) Thanks for playing!

Meet Dixie-ann, she's the Uncontrollable Sorceress from Liechtenstein, and coincidentally also the Anesthesiologist of... (to be announced!)

Nice one! :)

Heh awesome, that sexual affair thing by @w0olf... brilliant... and you are going to tell me the dice picked him, yeah right :P

So today... I think she's Marybeth, 5-8-13, and since that's part of the Fibonacci series... she's the Math Teacher of... I already can't wait for the next one!

Hahaha, you can believe me or not, the dice is still in from of me (6 entries in total, how easy can it be to let a dice choose?) But I won't deny I'm happy with this scenario! :P

But, hey, here's Marybeth, the Jovial Damsel from The Astral Plane, she's the Math Teacher of... (to be announced!)

No wild card this time? :)

I think Marybeth needs a Handkerchief of Improbability, too... But that's why it was actually Archibald who fathered her unborn child... well... you go on spreading the fake news about this guy called Arlington... anyways... yeah... no wildcard this time... 21 is totally out of range in your universe and only half the answer anyways!

Whoah, you're going so deep here...

First of all, are you claiming Archibald is the biological father of the unnamed child that has nothing to do with this story so far (but still may be with Vagabonds to come?)

The Council of 34 will have a tough decision to make, let alone the Senate of 55, of whom, if I recall correctly, both Archibald and Arlington are trusted members?


Meta Vagabonds, I enjoy :D

The Senator signed during Act 76 that which provides relative to prescribers of controlled dangerous substances.

The Council amended directive 85 on the approximation of the laws, regulations and administrative provisions of the Member States concerning liability for defective products.

I know this sounds like it makes no sense at all, but it's all based on true facts!

"Dangerous substances or not," the Senator, aged 106, spoke with enthousiasm, "This is draining my voting power, yet I find it truly ludicrous. I can't even figure out this Fibonamachi-thing correctly."

And with that, Senator Archibald rested his case and went home to his wife Marybeth and their unborn child, which was destined to become a Vagabond

(Morgan Freeman voice-over fades away).

angelina jolie 4 -6-7, artist ...

Hey, did you mean 4-6-7 or 4-6-5? Ain't got a list of 75 options ;) Cheers!

sorry it was a typo 4-6-7

Meet Angelina-Jolie, the Gentle Phantom from A Particular Vivid But Almost Forgotten Daydream, or Was It an Almost Forgotten yet Particularly Vivid Memory? (There you go! :) She's the Painter of... (to be announced!)

Thanks for playing!

thanks again i like to play the game you post

Excellent painting... gives spirit of "the Vagabonds" ... great artwork... I am impressed! Upvoted, followed and resteemed. Peace and Loves from Spain.

Thanks @funworlding! Feel free to join the game as well :)

Why not... If I have free time... :) But your paintings are really nice...

A busy life is tough... I also barely find time to think of 3 random numbers and a name... and after all that time... it still needs a "relation"... does that mean I have to understand what's goin on... I think I have a point that I wanted to make... but I've got an appointment with the next comment already, gotta run... sorry, see you later, bye!

Drained, lost all my time reading your comments ;p

Same here, and as for your comment: I've been trying for hours to find the right reply to you, I just couldn't find the words.

Myeah I also see you had to whack out the dictionary for help there :p

I had to whack it three time, because I kept forgetting what it actually meant! ;)

First when I made a long list of adjectives, then again when I actually put it in as one of 13, and now again because of your comment. Got it referenced now, haha

I'm sorry, I had no idea what I put you guys through, yeah making that comment is work but it pays off, like you get my 100% $0.14 vote for it, c'mon.

A good thing I can write such a post in well under a minute - proofread, corrected with italics and bold and all that. Not to mention the daily lists of 13 unique adjectives, professions and locations. It's not like I'm making it up on the fly.

But hey, I'm good, everybody's free to spend his or her time as (s)he wishes :D

Did I mention I try to comment on every single comment and find your hilarious? Cheers!

great art ♥ keep going ♥ following you

Thanks again, @venox!

This contest/game is over - thank you to all participants for playing, but I won't be accepting any more entries on this painting/character/game!

Feedback on the painting and game is of course still very much appreciated, but if you want to play the next episode: check out number #5!

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