Being Steel, an interactive story/game part 11

in #art6 years ago

Episode eleven! of the weird and extravagant interactive story/game, loosely based on my paintings. And it isn't over yet (though it may be anytime soon now)!

Episode 10 was great again with six players again choosing and deciding the outcome of the story, so thank you, @deemarshall, @kaelci, @veryspider, @elainetheinsane and @niko3d!

And yes, everybody and anybody is still free to join and play along in this interactive story/game - this is how you can play: read the story and choose an option on how you think the story should continue in a comment. You may add three words that come to your mind in the comment - I try to include the given words as much as possible in the next episode. Feel free to upvote and/or resteem: it's much appreciated! Stay tuned for the next episode!

Read Episode 1 here.
Read Episode 2 here.
Read Episode 3 here.
Read Episode 4 here.
Read Episode 5 here.
Read Episode 6 here.
Read Episode 7 here.
Read Episode 8 here.
Read Episode 9 here.
Read Episode 10 here.

On the previous episode...
Option 1 (Revenge!) got four votes [woo-hoo!],
Option 2 (Live peacefully for ever and ever!) received zero votes,
Option 3 (Return to your love, the Jester) received two votes and this option would have ended the story!

I received these words and will try to include as much as possible in this episode (appearing in bold): coffee, rebellious, anger, epiphany, intertwined, drastic, disguise, brilliant, shadow, bouncing, unavailable, gong, explosive, diaphragm and glider


Important! We've reached episode eleven of this totally improvised story/game and it was (and still is) a fun ride! Ever since the previous's episode, I am adding one option that will end the story in some way or another. E.g. today has four options to be chosen from, two of those will be an ending for the story. If one of those options is chosen, I will write the story's finale. If an option is chosen which will keep continuing the story, there will be an additional 'terminal' option for the next episode (so then 3 out of 5 options will end the game...) and so on...

Let's see what happens!

Part Eleven

My name's Chris P. Bacon - also known as Steel, and my story gets weirder every day. Or every other day, I'm not sure, time seems very episodic these days...

I've been on the run from the cops, but I got into a travelling freak-show where I petrified a troll. So I got kicked out, then got drugged with minced Unicorn-meat by three slave-traders but was miraculously saved by a jellybean from a masked stranger.
He offered me a cleaver to get revenge on the three slave traders, which I gladly accepted.

I had been following the tracks of the slave traders, but one thing had kept me thinking: who had been the stranger that knew my old name and cared enough for me to rescue my life? I then had an explosive epiphany and, grasping my diaphragm in drastic and dramatic anger, I realized it could only have been my true love, my sweet Jester in disguise! I had abandoned her a second time, fool of a Chris P. Bacon I was!

Torn between my lost love and raging revenge, I kept following the trader's trail all day, stopping only for a coffee from a vending machine, standing there in the middle of the marshes. To this day I still wonder how on earth it could make a cup of steaming hot coffee there without electricity and I shall probably never know, but I sure was grateful for that brilliant cup' o' Joe, there in the shadows of the swamps.

And then, I had found them. It was the stench of fried Unicorn-meat intertwined with the smell of sheer stupidity in the air that gave them away. They were near the harbor, I could hear the sound of the surf as well as the voice of a stereotypical Capt'n' o' th' sea. A ships gong struck in the distance, signalling it was time for supper. I was just in time.

The Cap'n and the three slavetraders stood huddled around a campfire and were having a lively discussion: -"Y'arr, y'er' g't m' s'me pur't 'n wh' m'r bloody th' spr''n''nt" p' s'" bouncing in't' 'f'r """, me' laddies!" I heard the cap'n say, although to me it wasn't clear what he actually meant by it.

-"Agreed, Cap'n!" I heard Peter, Paul and Phineas roar in unison, and they all spat on their hand and shook 'em and then they spat on the ground, and spat on the fire and in the air and soon they were spitting all over the place like rebellious teenagers. When they started downing bottles of rum, I knew it was time for action.

It was time to get revenge!

But how..?

Choose an option on how the story should continue!

OPTION 1: "Use the cleaver, of course, hack 'n slash, let 'em hav' it!"
OPTION 2: "No! The pen is mightier than the cleaver! Write a dazzling letter with your complaints and let them read 'm 'n weep!"
OPTION 3: "Be smart here for a second: free the slaves and let them rise against and defeat their masters. Be a true hero!"
OPTION 4: "This story has come full circle, having escaped from the cops from this harbor in episode 1! Now let's call the police and let them arrest these rotten scoundrels!"

Make your choice in the comments, but remember, two of these four options will end the story! If the 'ending' is chosen, I will write the finale, once again with your three words included (or as close as I can get, this time I didn't get to include unavailable and glider, sorry!


Option 1 or 3 hmm..... Can't decide.... Both?

Ok ok rage it is, end it with a bang :D or is it the end? Hmmmmm.
My words for you are: diced, crunch, idea

Hehe, we'll see :D

Well... if this is coming full circle... we never learned what crime it was that put Steel on the run in the first place... but maybe we can blame it on some unicorn mincing slave traders?!

I chose Option 4, but maybe use Option 2 as a distraction and to set them up for the police, while also freeing the slaves in Option 3 to make sure none of the scum can escape... Oh and then... a little bit of Option 1 in a boss-battle showdown?!

Meh... let's not make this overly complicated... Option 4

And then, once "CeePee" Steel is free to return to his old life, we'll probably enter telenovela territory as the Jester and Steel's old love can start conspiring against each other... that would also open an avenue for family portrait sketches in a prologue maybe?! Just saying... where's your art Mr marty-art?!?

oh... here are my words: triangle, roses, decapitated

Haha, combining all four options would make for a grande finale, hilarious :D
And true, it has never been revealed for what crime Steele is running away from the cops. Always gotta have a cliffhanger, right?

And my art, right, I've been enjoying writing so much that I keep forgetting to add art, I'll make up for it, promise! :D

Option 2
Mysterious suspicious strategy

This comment was made from

Option 2 in the lead now!

Option 3, please Mr Bacon.

My words: conflict, release, free

First vote for option 3, Be a true hero! Nice :)

I join the game! And start following you,
it seems I met a person with valuable content, great :)
Number 3 please!

Thank you @karolinabaum, I try my best :)

Second vote for option 3, we'll see in a few days!

Option 3 (Return to your love, the Jester) received two votes and this option would have ended the story!
Ooooooohh!! Very tricky. ;)

Ok... this time I'm choosing between reckless rage, and the hero life. And I'm going to go with.. Option 1! Reckless Cleaver Rage! With the words: yodel, dignified, twisted

Hehe, I figured that would've been a nice ending :)

And alright, Reckless Cleaver Rage gets the first vote!
Now to see if I can include yodel next episode hahaha!

Surely, shirley, the PEN is mightier than the sword???

OPTION 2 please !!!

And i implore you to accompany the next one with illustration, please, dear author. For I have missed your beautiful strokes muchly.

Three words from me: Singing, affluent, coy.

Stop calling me Shirley :D

Thou art brave, choosing option 2!

And you're right, I admit I'm having so much fun writing these and figuring out options, I'm completely forgetting to add artwork :-/
I'll see to it! :)

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