Some Of The Most Creative Sculptures From Around The World

in #art5 years ago

Howdy folks and greetings from the Great Plains of North Texas!

While I was trying to find information about a famous water fountain/sculpture in Japan I kept seeing fascinating sculptures. So many that I decided to do a post on those as well.

Mrs. J showed me this on one facebook which started my search just out of curiosity because it was so striking:


This went viral on facebook with 50 million views and was labeled as a fabulous new fountain in Japan but it's not really a fountain at all, it's a digital image by American artist Chad Knight. Kind of shows you how easy it is to be deceived.

But here are some great sculptures from around the world that ARE real:

This one is in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, U.S.A. I think it's called "Break Through." The artist says this is meant for all mankind because "we are all struggling to break free from the molds that bind us." That may be a true statement for some. Not for me personally but maybe I'm an anomaly.

All images below were found on

I don't know if this one has any special meaning but it's in Romania and is super cool:

This somber statue represents all who were imprisoned and killed during the harsh communist regime in Poland for many years. This is in Wroclaw.

This is a fun one in Taiwan:

This is an interesting one in New York city called "Expansion" by artist Paige Bradley. Since the figure is in a meditative pose I assume she is expanding her consciousness?

This one is so fun, looks like a bunch of kids actually jumping into the river. This is in Singapore and made by artist Chong Fah Cheong.

Another serious one, this simple but powerful sculpture in located in Budapest, Hungary and was created by Can Togay & Gyula Pauer.

It remembers the Jews killed by the fascist leaders during World War II. The shoes symbolize the victims who were forced to take off their shoes before being shot at the water’s edge. Horrible.

This is a fun one in London. I don't know if it has any meaning and couldn't find anything out about it but it's pretty cool. Reminds me of the Tom Cruise movie "War Of The Worlds."

Ha! This is the Salmon sculpture on Salmon Street in Portland, Oregon. I have no idea why, maybe just because!

These beautiful horseheads are in Grangemouth, UK. Look at the size of those things.

This is a fascinating one in Brussels, Belgium. It's supposed to represent the power struggle between classes by showing a man coming from the sewers and tripping up an authority figure. I don't know, I just think it's a clever sculpture.

Very simple but unique sculpture of Nelson Mandela in South Africa.

This is in intriguing. This is in Marseilles, France by artist Bruno Catalan. He does alot of sculptures of working people missing big sections of their body. I'm no artist but this may symbolize the hollowness of just being a cog in the Man's machine?

Oh this is a fun one! This is in Klaipeda, Lithuania. I don't know if it has a specific message but I think it would freak people out at night!


This is perfect. This is supposed to be a politician in Reykjavik, Iceland. lol. No more words needed.

This is another clever one, this is in Bratislava, Slovakia. I guess after it got hit by several cars running into it(and it was undamaged by the way) they put up a sign saying " Man at work." lol.

This is a great one but might freak some people out momentarily. This is in Prague, Czech Republic where this guy hangs out.

I saved one of the best for last. This is called Mustangs By Robert Glen, Las Colinas, Texas, USA. I love the way they have the water shooting up to make it look like they're running through it.


The creativity of artists is always impressive to me and the way they can inspire, memorialize or simply make us wonder in amazement.

I hope you enjoyed these unusual masterpieces.





I loved seeing these! So much creativity! Now I want to go go traveling and see them all!

Howdy again Melinda! Now that's an idea, pick out the coolest sculptures and plan a trip! That would be a blast!

That would be a fun trip! I'd love to see all of these!

I'd start planning it but I might miss some commenting so I guess I can't go. lol.
hey, you use steemworld for your autovoting right? do you remember the name of the other one that alot of people use?

I use Steemauto for voting. I use Steemworld to watch what is happening moment by moment in my account.

I got it. Steemworld is awesome. How has tonight gone? did you work on commenting most of the evening? I actually took an hour off tonight to watch tv.

I've been watching TV, too. And now it's close to bedtime for me. A few more comments and then I am out of here.

I have steam World open on my Chromebook all day long. It really keeps me connected with what's going on. I am liking all the FTG votes I am seeing tonight!

Oh, I haven't gotten any ftg votes today, I was thinking maybe since I got out of the League that they stopped but good to know that's not it.

This is a fun one, Janton. That Mandela one looks to be the most difficult to me. The politician one.. I think “hard headed” would’ve been a good title.

We know you’re not struggling to break free from the mold, Janton, only everyone else is—even the term “redneck” is original and wasn’t taught by society. 😉

Great article, @janton. Good idea, sir.

haha! howdy sir dandays! I was thinking Blockhead for the politician but maybe that's too kind. lol.
Hey that one sculpture of breaking free of our bonds sure don't apply to you either, you done broke free already! In many ways! That should be titled Danday's Break! Except, I assume you usually wear clothes in public.


haha! Well, in some countries clothing is almost optional so I don't know about Costa Rica! lol.

Very cool selection, indeed! I've seen two of them - in Budapest and the one in Bratislava. And I think I'd add some of them to my list

Howdy zirochka! I actually thought of you when I was putting this together, I figured you've seen some of them. Do you have a favorite?

Oh, I'm very pleased ))

Cannot choose one favorite, bit I think 1st and 2nd. And the one with bottom half - it's funny ))

howdy back zirochka! I agree, they are all special in their own ways and very hard to pick a favorite!

The funniest is that hangman. The most profound, educationally, is that hollow man. The fish is the most creative beyond the jumping kids into the water. The big horses are amazing. My favorite historical one is that of Poland for sure.

haha! I agree sir Oatmeal! That hanging guy has to startle some people! lol. The hollow man is really thought provoking and the Mustangs are just magnificent but then I'm partial to that one since it's in Texas.
Thanks so much for reading and commenting!

These are very surprising statues for sure and yeah startling haha yeah.

Lots of good images there @janton, got me a small upvote to give you.
Half the man.jpg
♫♪Suddenly, I'm not half the man I used to be♫♪ ☺

haha! very good sir Jerry! I recognize that song, the Beatles right?
What do you think that statue means? I guess the artist could be just making
something different and saying "hey, now watch everyone debating what I was
trying to say with this one!" lol.

Yes, it was a line from "Yesterday" by the Beatles.
I can tell you what the statue says to me; it is either a business man on his way home
From the office, leaving half of himself there, or it is a man sadly leaving
Home with only what he can carry in that small satchel.
Either way, it is a sad commentary.

oh man, choose to believe that it's a man coming home from the office leaving half of himself at work.
But both could be what the artist was thinking of, I would do more research but don't have time.

Here is one from Calgary Stampede:


howdy sir oldtimer! Oh that's a wonderful sculpture, thank you!

The last sculpture of the mustangs reminds me of the long horn cattle sculpture in Dallas. Thanks for sharing all of these. Like bing on an art vacation from my couch! 😃

Howdy dfinney! yes you are so right! I saved so many photos of the Dallas sculpture that I decided to do a post on that one alone. Sounds like you've been around!

In my younger days I led those big bus tours across the US, Canada & a tiny bit of Mexico. I was super lucky to see big swaths of the country all while getting paid! ☺️ It was a wonderful time. In Texas we would overnight in both Amarillo (speaking of cool sculptures) and Dallas.

howdy back dfinney! Oh that's interesting, you got to familiarize yourself with the whole country on someone else's dime, I like that! . Are there cool sculptures in Amarillo?

Those are really cool!

Howdy heatherthebard! I agree and thank you for stopping by and commenting!
I've seen you quite a bit but never talked to you, I don't think, so pleasure to meet you!

Pleasure to meet you, too! 🙂

These sculptures are great fun to look at.

The horses drew me in. I have to ask though, how did you make your last photo, be the one that shows when the post is not opened. Is that a feature of esteem? ... or have I missed something?

Howdy jacey.boldart! You know what? That's what I want to know! lol. When I posted it from esteem that last photo came up instead of the first one so I just left it there, that was a surprise! It never happened before so I have no idea. But thanks for reading and commenting!

LOL !! Well that was a happy accident then... wasn't it?

I love that sculpture...... and like others have said, the creative way they have made the water look like it's splashing as they run through.

howdy back jacey.boldart! total accident but it worked out fine since that was my favorite one but I guess I'm a little prejudiced since it's in Texas. lol.

Great post @janton, really awesome thanks for sharing

Howdy there farm-mom! You are very welcome and thanks for reading and commenting! How's everything going over your way? You in Florida?

Nope back home now, but we are still reliving all the fun and warmth we enjoyed in Florida

Howdy again farm-mom! Oh that's a great place to be in the winter but New York will feel good in the summer.

Hi my friend, been busy with grandkids having fun, hence no reply. But spring is in the air up here you can actually smell it, feel it, AWESOME flowers are coming!! Hope you are well

Howdy again farm-mom! oh that's fine about the reply, grandkids are more important by far!
So glad that spring is there, it will be rather glorious after that long winter!

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