PRactiKal MagicK: 101 e: Make a Talisman out of your SigilsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #art8 years ago (edited)

I am doing this SIGIL for my artwork:

the letters are: M K T L H R N D S F Y W

Here is the sigil after I reworked it many times

I drew it into a bird, like the Holy Spirit, rising up to the Sun

Then I re-drew it so that I could use the drawing as a pattern for polymer clay
4" x 4"

I rolled out the polymer clay into a 1/4" thick square and then traced the drawing of the Talisman onto it. I cut it out with a razor blade and then with the excess clay, began making long snakes with it to "draw" my Sigil onto the bird.

I added glass beads and some turquoise (health, prosperity, love, happiness) from an old single-earring, and some howlite teardrops (calming, spiritual, psychic), as well. I baked them in the oven at 275 degrees for 15 minutes (per 1/4" thickness), and put a layer of mod-podge on top to keep the loose beads in. I am not going to wear this talisman. I am going to put it on my altar or glue it to wood and hang it on the wall. If I was going to wear it, I would have had to pop the stones and beads out, and then use strong glue to glue the stones and beads in after baking.

I added a green (growth, abundance) glaze to the bird, and an orange (passion) glaze to the sun, and then wiped them away.

I will place it on my altar to dry...
The Story: Artwork is a prayer - I put it out there to the Universe, and see what comes back to me... I will activate the Sigil (the drawing itself) on January 27th, by burning it. Then I will put the Talisman away for a month so I can let the spiritual seeds sprout, and put it out on the following New Moon, February 26, 2017, to hang in my house.

Artwork © 2017 Joanna Whitney


Oh that is really cool. I can thank you and @jphenderson for introducing me to sigils. I knew symbols played a huge role in sending messages to the mind but not really come across sigils before :S I chalk that up to simply not being ready for them. Either way my first was something simple. To be happy and successful. I can say my general mood throughout the day has improved the successful part we will see. I have since made 2 more that were a bit more specific and we will see on those. Thanks again for the awesome posts.

I am so glad this is helpful !! I feel so strongly about this - that's why I am sharing it. Please share photos of what you are doing if you are willing - that would be GREAT -

I don't mind sharing them but the 3 I made have been charged and destroyed already. I was way too antsy in the pantsy to try and bring more positive energies back into my life seeing that just about everything else has not been panning out. It also had me thinking that I might have inadvertently cursed myself when I was a teenager playing around with dark witchcraft spells (being a non believer at the time). The first sigil seemed to take the following day. Where my minds wandering would be all doom and gloom, woe is me, the only solution is the end type thoughts became instantly more optimistic and finding tangible solutions. I still have a long way to go getting out of the holes I have dug but at least I feel I have a shovel again!

well that is FANTASTIC!!! I am so happy to hear that. Do as you will - but now that you have gotten a little optimism perhaps prepare for the New Moon - Jan 27 to start the year off right with a bunch of positive sigils to charge!!! You know that the positive is much more powerful than the negative. I am sure you have made right what you were doing as a teen - as long as no one was harmed... but you...

No one was harmed but a friend and I were scared shitless. I have an Aunt (cousin but she is much older we always called her Aunt growing up) who was into the esoteric and I used to baby sit for her. I notice in her books one on witchcraft and asked to borrow it and she said sure. She knew I was always wanting to read and learn all I could about whatever piqued my interest.
I had came across a conjuring spell and my friend had a milton bradley Ouija board so we decided to try it out. We got a mirror, candles and that night did the process, once it was complete the mirror broke and candles went out. The next day we tossed the board into the trash can on the way to school (it was garbage day and the can was at the street for pick up). The kicker is when we got off school and got to his house the damn thing was on the table again. We were really freaked out then, he lived across from the school and I though he played a trick and went home at lunch to put it back but he reminded me we both seen the trash truck coming when we left.
I asked my Aunt what to do she laughed and said I told you be careful (she did). I seriously just thought it all hocus pocus. Boy did I learn. Her advice was just burn it but knowing what I know now surely just burning it released whatever was conjured and who knows where it went after that.....

there are spirits all around us all the time. I pray all the time. I ask the Highest Entity that I know of to protect me at ALL times. When I am at work (retail) ESPECIALLY - I ask Him to stand between me and every customer - I don't what they have and I don't want any of my old mean-spiritedness getting on them - so I ask for a barrier between me and every human so that I am protected from them and they from me. This point-of-view keeps me in a bubble. Prior to this, however, I did need to go back through my life and right all wrongs, so that I am "clean". Any new wrongs - in the form of thoughts or actions have to be rectified immediately. Negative thoughts can be rectified by talking to someone and acknowledging it - or prayer- and then taking a helpful action toward another. I dabbled when I was a young adult - I was in a coven with 5 other women - but I don't think we were ill-intentioned... I have been scrying my drawings since 2012 and have not run into anything that has harmed me - although some of the readings reveal demons in people's spirits. I have also been involved in a sort of exorcism activity for many years - but I have not gotten anything that has harmed me - as long as I follow natural law. Listening to Mark Passio - has really helped disuage my fears of the occult. Occult just means "hidden" - sigils, ouija boards, spells are neutral - and it is our responsibility to recognize them as powerful tools - like a gun - guns don't kill people - people do - so I just have to learn about the tool before I use it and then use it in a spirit of Love, not hate. See, I would never "hex" someone - I see a lot of people who teach magickal work - about hexing - what they don't tell you is about the LAW of CAUSE and EFFECT - what I put out there, comes back to me, 3 fold. Sometimes more. Why would I put out a "hex"??? No WAY. There are things to NOT do to prevent negative consequences falling on you. Look into the Kybalion - the 7 Hermetic Principles - which lie behind magick and these occulted traditions - they are the principles that govern this planet. All this stuff is based on using these principles - which are Laws - you should familiarize yourself with them so you know what you are dealing with - the Law of Correspondence - As Above - so Below ... As within - so without... and the Law of Cause and Effect - are both operating as well as the Law of Polarity and the Law of Rhthym and Vibration... check it out - you will start to see that all the practices - of old - are based on using these principles - and people can use them for GOOD or for self-interest ... the trick is to use them for Good and have enlightened self-interest. I think this all gets such a bad rap because most people use them for self-interest without prayer and without thinking of the Highest Good of All... I have done a lot of bad things in my life, but I was able to make them right and start with a clean slate - you can too - I have had demonically possessed people yelling curses IN MY FACE - and me literally say "God Bless you" and not even mean it - and they literally DISAPPEAR into thin air - so - hope this rant helps.

Oh we hit the nesting limit already.

Hm that's funny....everything you mentioned to study was my area of awakened research last year. However throughout all that I never came across the sigil (lots of symbolism but no mention of 'sigil'). The last 5 or so years seems to have been my alchemical breakdown. Only last year it was being sped up like crazy. I let go finally of the egotistical sense of control and let consciousness do the walking. 2016 the year of my reeducation. At least this time around I learned some real knowledge. That is what I meant when I said I must not have been ready. I took in all of the principals before getting to the 'meat and potatoes' of practice.

well I haven't found sigils either until now... so I guess we both were not ready... :)

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