Color Challenge YELLOW - Final Painting for Valerie...steemCreated with Sketch.

in #art7 years ago (edited)

12" x 14", Oil and Skratchwork texture on found cupboard door (wood)

She totally LOVED IT!!!

here are the posts of it's creation

Post 1
Post 2
Post 3


This is great art! You have real talent over there! Keep up the great work.You deserve for vote.Please check my post.

Your friend Valerie that you met on is probably happy and proud of you coz of that awesome painting. I like how the angel tried to protect her. And how the light shines on her. Very angelic. :)

thank you @pinaynomad for reading the articles and commenting! I appreciate that! I will check out your blog... I was actually blown away at how much she likes it - being the artist - I get to a point where I don't know if the painting is any good or not...

"You are your worst critique", so they say. :D

Beautiful. Nice work

thank you @rucoin... blessings! I am very pleased to see how well you are doing with your learning to be an artist. How do you feel now that you are doing this? Do you feel like you have opened up a different part of your brain?

Me, too bad at drawing. Such a great painting.

thank you @inahas - it just takes practice ...

Very nice @wahyurahadiann I will check it out.

@wahyurahadiann I now see that you are SPAMMING me by posting YOUR art as comments on MY post. Please CEASE AND DESIST this vulgar practice. I have reported you to @steamcleaners. They will give you a whoopin

A #Girl save life of #Turtle and an #Angle save life of Girl.
Innovative Creations....!!!!

thanks @yellowgeek - this painting is actually a message for Valerie that she should separate from her current relationship if he does not want to have a baby with her, and then find someone who does.

Naive and genuine with a strangely-religious touch.

We resteemed it on the Steemit Gallery of Art, where Steemian-artists are showcased and rewarded. Find out more about it here, leave your feedback and support us!
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thank you @sgoa I will check you out right now!!!

I finally included your artwork in the first exhibition of the SGoA. Come and have a look!

1st ex small.png

thank you it is a beautiful exhibition. I feel honored to be included.

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