Intuitive Drawing, with Reading & Sigil for my friend ValeriesteemCreated with Sketch.

in #art7 years ago

My new friend, Valerie, is helping me market my Intuitive Drawings with Readings, & Sigils. I met her on
She is a Reiki healer, and she is cool. I am going to do my full treatment for her so she can tell all her friends and write stuff about me. She already hooked me up with a gallery, to do quickie readings on "First Friday" which is Denver's drunken brawl art show - every month - down on Santa Fe Drive.

I met with her this morning at her house. I set the stage by asking her what her intention is - for the Sigil, and then I would do a reading after she told me. She said she wants to have a baby in a supportive relationship.
I wrote that sentence out for the Sigil.
Then I did the drawing:

I saw "her" holding the baby, immediately and the angel above but I did not know what was below until I had drawn in the other "known" images - then I realized it was a turtle - which made sense to me because "slow and steady wins the race" - and she is going to have to have the patience to follow the process. Little did I yet know her relationship with turtles. When I showed her the image - she got it right away - it's straight forward - it shows that her path is to have a baby. Her path (is indicated by the Infinity symbol). But she told me that Turtle is her power animal and she understands the drawing on a deep level, because of her relationship with the island of Hawaii. She told me that her brother generously has given her a trip to her beloved Hawaii, and she has not taken the trip yet.

It seems that in order for her to get on this path, she needs to take the trip.

I colored it in for her while we talked - about other things - our families, our lives etc

I was unable to make the Sigil in her presence, so I went home and made it in a turtle.

"I have a baby in a loving supportive relationship"


You have some amazing artwork!
I hope one day I am as good as you.
I wish you and Valerie the best of luck with marketing your work

Thank you @arckrai - I have been at it for long time... just keep practicing - you will find your voice.

That's a really fascinating piece of artwork! I like how you tied the elements together.

thank you @amberyooper - sorry I did not see this reply till now... this is my thing I invented to try to connect more with people since ART has become sanitized - except Tattoo art -

that's a lovely painting and I'll be glad to hear your opinion about my work here is the link and hope you'll enjoy it :)

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