My Art on the Blockchain at R.A.R.E. Auction

in #art6 years ago

One of the three paintings I have on the blockchain currently as a digital limited edition print.


The entire image:

Please feel free to visit this new site R.A.R.E. digital art network which is a pretty amazing site.

The idea of art on the blockchain is part of the movement to present limited editions of art in our new virtual world. This quote from the site makes it a bit more clear:

“Digital art...there’s no way to really say who owns it...But once you put it on the blockchain, then it becomes something very limited. Then you can control how many there are and say, “No, the only real ones are attached to this token.” -
Artist + Illustrator – Los Angeles

I first heard about this from fellow Steemit artist (my favourite artist on steemit if I am to be honest) @reinhard-schmidd.
Please visit his work on the site as well

I love when artists are open to the emerging digital connections. And I honestly feel that we, as a species, are moving ever deeper into living a virtual/digital life.

I feel Art is always a mirror of our current society reflecting back to us a sort of proposed future from where we stand.

And Digital living seems to continue to grow with each passing year.

I will be putting more of my work on this site and also have been invited to a second site, which I am currently looking into. I just love the idea that a piece of artwork is somehow almost like a token or coin. It is like a giclee print married with a bitcoin or somesuch. Though I think on this site they use ethereum. Either way, I am very excited about where we are all heading with art and the idea of digital ownership and even digitial viewing and experience of art itself.

I cannot wait until I can get together a VR set up and concurrent programmes that allow you to paint and sculpt in a totally immeresed digital space. I think how we look at and own art in the future is really going to be exciting and interesting.

The two other pieces currently available as limited blockchain prints are two of my Singularity series:

Singularity Dream

(my first finished singularity piece) Here is the link to that one on the blockchain


And my latest Singularity piece

The Cage

available here on the blockchain

So, if you would like to own a copy of these images as a blockchain print (they are limited edition in this format) then by all means follow the links. And definitely check out the site to see all the artist pieces available this way.

I hope you all have a grand day and take a moment to look at some art, it brightens any day. And in today's digital world, it couldn't be easier.

If you like my work by all means upvote, resteem, and comment. I always appreciate comments.

And check out my other posts.


Very nice, Donna ! Her pose is so lovely and I like that she's sitting on top of a circuit board ... that foot pose (the mechanical pink one) is so nicely done * ___ *

Thank you. I based her (she is a Singularity version of Danae) on Klimt's version of Danae and the pose he chose to use, so it is a sort of double homage to story of Danae as well as to Klimt :)

your works are of a brightness and delicacy very difficult to obtain with digital, you have a lot of talent and class. Brava! @donnadavisart

This post was shared in the Curation Collective Discord community for curators, and upvoted and resteemed by the @c-squared community account after manual review.

Love seeing your works on r.a.r.e. It is still all very new, but its great to see such major changes in (art) history!!

Thank you for putting me onto them. It's such an interesting idea.

Dear Artzonian, thanks for using the #ArtzOne hashtag. Your work is valuable to the @ArtzOne community. Quote of the week: Art, freedom and creativity will change society faster than politics. -Victor Pinchuk

Amazing work ! About the Singularity piece, I am sure you wanted to express the chrysalis with the butterflies, and the evolution of trans-humanism , but did you know that they are as well a symbol of mind control, so I think there's a double meaning to it especially knowing who is controlling this hybrid, the human or AI!

Very good eye and I'm glad you like it :)

Hello my friend. It's been awhile. Things are busy here, and I've not been on site much. One day, things shall return to normal, whatever that might be. So glad you are doing this project, looks to be a large part of the future of art. I don't really fully understand it, so must do some more reading, et al. But not tonight. Time for bed.
Just wanted to say hello, and that your art works are looking quite spiff. I have a lot of catching up to do in the wondrous world of dda, that's for sure. I miss our chats, but know we shall be 'back to normal' (?), one day soon, when the rains start and life slows a bit. Hope all is well in your corner of paradise, and keep on smiling. And painting. Yours in the land of Steem, dds

I understand 100% I am So busy. I know I keep missing out people and not have proper time to comment and such, but needs must when the devil drives. Though I am not sure if art, cottages, website, et al is the 'devil' in this scenario. However I do know that 'it' must and so I am driven...onward to busy busy days.

I, too, hope your lovely West coast is giving you a fine summer. We are desperate for rain here! The lawns don't need to be cut as often, but the garden cries out daily and next year's project is going to be autodrip tubing for watering, I can't keep up with it and everything else.

Hej hej, what is this, sounds interesting ...not sure how it works but thanks for sharing girl :))I will have to put my nose into it :)

I was given an invite but I think they are opening to requests, go to the site and apply, it's another move forward for we artists!

I think it is great that you can find a market for your work on the blockchain. So many possibilities are being opened up for people and we are just seeing the tip of the iceberg.

Thanks @broncofan99 it's exciting times.

Dear Artist @donnadavisart ! This post has been resteemed and upvoted from FineArtNow account ! See you soon !

Thank you so much!

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