Stencil Painting | The Twins

in #art6 years ago


"I have multiple personalities and none of them like you." ~ unknown


That quote made me laugh. I thought it is really funny. If I have say, five different personalities and none of them like you then I must have dislike you very much. Please bear in mind that I am not mocking those who have Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID). There are people who have multiple personalities because they are suffering from DID and this condition often present in those who were severely abused.

However, I am sure all of us have the tendency to behave differently when we are with certain people. Like for example if you are a churchgoer, maybe you tend to behave better among your church friends. Maybe you do not curse in front of them, or use church jargons (amen!, praise God!) in your conversations. In other words, you tend to be more careful not to show your quirks for fear of being challenged or judge. Or if you are with your close buddies, you tend to let your guard down and show more of the real you to them. You are not afraid to be emotional, angry, annoy, or even make mistakes when you are with them.

I don't know about you but I do have a "twin". I admit I do behave differently among different groups of friends. I tend to be more playful when I am with this certain group of my buddies. I am not afraid to show them the fun side of me and I can take their silly jokes. However, I admit they don't really know the real me.

I have another set of friends who know me on a deeper level. I don't joke with them as much as I am with the previous group of buddies but this group of people know my struggles and life issues. When I am with them I am truly who I am. They know me as someone who is serious, passionate, and sometimes can be emotional, impulsive and unstable. However, despite my quirks, they never judge but accept and love me the way I am. They are not afraid to tell me the truth and challenge me to change if there is an undesirable thing in my life that I need to work on.

I believe we all have a "twin" (or twins). Whether we realize it or not we do behave differently when we are with different people. I think it is normal to behave this way. I think it is a way for us to protect ourselves. For me I don't share my most private thoughts with just anyone and only share them with those I truly trust. Why? Because there are people out there who appear nice and kind but they are not trustworthy. They gossip and spill your secret to others. I am not saying everyone is like that but sadly there are many who are like that out there. Sad but that is the truth.

The painting

This mixed-media painting is actually of a set of salt and pepper shaker. The shakers look similar but they contain different thing, one contains salt, the other, pepper. To me, they represent every one of us who have this "twin" personality.

Here are the process photos:






Thank you for checking out my post!

My previous posts:

Stencil Painting | Life Of Privilege

Building Connection With My Children Through Play

Daily Devo | A Man of Suffering

Daily Devo | Short Lesson From Gideon

Stencil Painting | Roses, Here Today Gone Tomorrow

A Page From My Sketchbook | Roses!

Mixed-Media Stencil Painting - Frustration and Despair | Making A Decision to Change

I am selling some of my paintings over on Artfinder. Shipping is FREE worldwide. You can check them out here: ARTFINDER.

My gifts & merchandise available at REDBUBBLE (international), Printcious & CreativeUnited (Malaysia).

Thank you!


My avatar was illustrated by @pinstory


Spot on.... different face for different situations/people and I think the “real” you only you know or a certain situation might purge it out... the part we keep under lock and key ... haha ... or is that only me🤔 ...
Love how you related it to the salt and pepper shakers .😊

Your comment reminds me of this quote: "sometimes it's not the people who change, it's the mask that falls off". Thanks for stopping by @kaerpediem :)

We are just such complicated beings ....

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Nice drawing you did there

Agreed. Sometimes we put on masks to suit situation or environment, there is never really an exact of who we are when we are around people. But when we go home, when we are alone, we are back to who we REALLY are :-)

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