Pet shop animal rescue

in #animalphotography7 years ago (edited)

Some people like animals. Others love them. But a few people simply live for animals and dedicate their lives to the welfare of weaker and smaller creature. My friend Moran is such a person. 

Moran runs a pet shop in my town called M.L. Pets and proudly advertises that the store does not sell animals or choke collars for dogs. Obviously, I buy all my cat food and litter from her. But offering competitive pricing while donating a portion to animal rescue organizations is not the only thing I love about Moran's relationship with the animal world. She also rescues and helps rehabilitate urban animals and neglected pets.

Every visit to Moran's store is an adventure. This month she is taking care of a fruit bat and an abused parrot. A few months back she adopted a crow that had fallen out of his nest. Another time she was dog-sitting for an adorable Shiba Inu (Doge Puppy).

Since our cats were out of moist food (spoiled bastards), we stopped by her shop today and I decided to take some photos, add a few I shot in my previous visits, and share with you.

Itty bitty wounded bat

No srsly, itty bitty!!

Resident @mrlightning for perspective of tininess

This poor fellow is named Monroe and has seen some bad shit in his life

This is me and Georgy. He likes pink and shiny thing.

... and posing for selfies.

I wonder what creature will greet me on my next visit!


Check out some of my previous posts!


No lie, but this is definitely my favourite post of yours to date.

hugging kitties.jpg

You should come visit Moran with me next time you're in Kfar Saba. Get something nice for your kitties and meet some urban wildlife. :)

PM me where the store is; I just might!

Also, I get some wildlife already, like all those wild cats :P And also the hedgehogs. There used to be a fallow field many acres big behind my house, and we'd get snakes and scorpions inside the house regularly, but they've leveled it and built all over it. No more olive trees, cyclamons, or anemones. Less turtles too.

Damn you, progress, damn you! :( Though not having to catch scorpions in the kitchen in empty tennis or chummus boxes is a relief.

I like wildlife OUTSIDE my house. I am the only wildlife in it.

This is so beautiful. The world definitely needs this, as we live in times where most persons neglect animals and treat them very badly and cruelly. But now those rescued and rehabilitated pets have Moran to thank for being such an angel. Especially the bat and monroe too :)

And Is it just me or does Georgy actually look like one of the ravens used in game of thrones lol. He's cute though.

He's a little terrorist. Here's a video of him trying to make Moran quit smoking:

He's basically a cat with wings. She used to bring him to the shop every day, but with the little bats needing her 24/7 Georgy stays home to drive her 3 dogs nuts. :)

Haha this is amazing.

@techslut ... & Georgy :D It can be the name of a movie !
I still love your hair!!!! And with Georgy it gives a touch of extentricity :D

Bats are so cool! I've a place full of trees near my house and there are a bunch of bats that are going out at the night and you can see them flying around there.
I didn't hear about that store! Buying food for animals and some of it is donated? that's awesome!

It's in Kfar Saba. Normally, I am scared of bats shitting on my head. This one can't fly - her wing is paralyzed. But Georgey the crow is one scary motherfucker...

That place seems so cool! I hope the little bat baby will be okay :) the world needs more people like Moran.

I'll keep you posted. She's had a few die on her. Birds too. But she keeps insisting and keeping the babies warm which is the most important thing. Hence the blanket. There was also a heater nearby.

And yeah. It does. She also works with abused dogs, especially the big "dangerous" breeds. She has 3 of them at home and calls them her children.

I really hope it goes well for them all, in some cases, you can just do what you can and hope for the best. I'm currently caring for 4 kittens with twisted hind legs and one of them needs to be bottle fed, it is hard sometimes but I refuse to give up on them.

I wish people would stop considering some breeds to be dangerous as it is usually the owner teaching the dog to be dangerous rather than having the behaviour in them naturally. Ugh, people >.< we don't deserve dogs.

Here, have a video from Moran's Facebook page. This is Georgey trying to make Moran quit smoking:

Thank you, I needed that in my life!

Anytime. :)

Me so jelly :( I wanna play with a baby bat too!

Speaking of baby bats you reminded me of this


Come visit, I am sure Moran or one of the guys at the fruit bat rescue community (yeah we have that) will set you up with a baby bat to care for till it can fly.

Are you joining the Night's Watch? LOL!

That bat is really cute!

She is! Moran feeds her fruit in tiny little pieces. It's literally too cute.

Also, winter's coming. Not in Israel, but somewhere, I guess.

Here's another one munching a banana :P

Oh he's much bigger! And darker!

Yes, that one in the pet shop is cuter ;)

OMG your subtitles are hilarious. I loved the tiny bat .. soo adorbs and the crow who loved pink and did something to your hair. Love it all. I love animals so much that this brought tons of smiles and laughs. Much appreciated. From your fellow TeamGirlPowa, Casandra xx

Georgy the crow is basically a flying cat. He messed up my hair, dropped my glasses, tried to remove one of my earrings and also tried to steal my credit card when I paid. I wish I had a photo of that little terrorist with my credit card in his beak. :)

That would have been Classic! I love your friend and I do not know her. You are lucky to have such a sweet soul in your life. How cool to just be able to go hang out and of course leave when you want. LoL
Yay Georgy! Do the animals get released back to the wild or get adopted?

Those that can be released - are. Those that cannot - become pets.

Great work your friend is doing!!!!
Although, as somebody that trains and competes in competition obedience, I’m going to have to disagree with their stance on choke and training collars. The collars themselves are harmless (then used properly) and can actually be a great tool for keeping your dog safe. But key is you MUST know how to properly use them. And sadly, most don’t.

She's told me stories of dogs who died from having their necks broken while in obedience training. Awful stories about people who sent their beloved pet to obedience training and got nothing back. I am certain there are people who do it right, but there are also surgeons who know what they are doing and people who do not. It might be why pharmacies don't sell "appendix removal" kits. :)

Totally agree. I use a prong collar almost daily and my dogs go NUTS when they see it. So obviously it's not causing them harm. They know it means we're going to work (which they love) or just walk, which of course they love too. But I was trained on how to use it. It's almost as if they shouldn't be sold to the public, but you can earn the right to buy one with training. Like a drivers license ;)

Off lead heeling, trained on a prong collar. She looks pretty happy :)
But again, it's all in knowledge on how to use one safely.

The little bat is so cute :-) love those sweet eyes!

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