LIVE: Anarchapulco Day 3 #aca2018

in #anarchapulco6 years ago (edited)


ACAPULCO, Mexico - Feb. 17, 2018

By JOSH FRIEDMAN, The Nomadic Journalist

Day 1:
Blogging Anarchapulco #aca2018
Anarchapulco Day 1 #aca2018
Day 2:
Anarchapulco Day 2 #aca2018

10:04 a.m. - Day 3 is underway...

10:05 a.m. - Getting started with some deep breathing guided by Adam Williams, a former American football player and Wall Street worker who survived 9/11 to see the ushering in of the police state. Williams moved to The Netherlands after 16 years of burn out on Wall Street.

10:19 a.m. - $504,947,596,017 cryptocurrency market capitalization, according to

10:28 a.m. - Speaking of the mark of the beast, Williams announces he is involved in the Bitcoin Latina project aimed at creating THE blockchain for Latin America.

10:39 a.m. - Could the war between the freedom fighter and the State be won with empathy??

Empathy: “The greatest vulnerability of the mechanism we call the state,” said Amanda Rachwitz, the "Dragon Anarchist" and partner of anarchist icon Larken Rose.

10:43 a.m. - Building on the point that the state doesn't understand empathy, "Sociopaths have no clue what we’re going to do next," Rachwitz said.

10:52 a.m. - BREAKING T-minus 8 minutes until the one and only G Edward Griffin takes the stage at the Princess Mundo Imperial resort...

The Dragon Anarchist gets a semi-standing ovation then...

hands over her final five minutes to a Phoenix, Arizona mother who sailed to Mexico with her family "without any permission."

“I am the mother of two undocumented humans," the sailor said. "Both of them were born in hospitals and we refused the government forms.”

The two kids are reportedly free to choose their own citizenship (Liberland is in the running). However, their mother believes nation-states will be obsolete when they grow up, she said.

11:00 a.m. - On time, the Creature From Jekyll Island author is on stage.

11:03 a.m. - Mr. Griffin is offering a red pill. You can get it in convention form in Spokane, Washington in June or digitally in the form of Red Pill University.

11:07 a.m. - “It’s always been that way throughout history. Tyranny has come from this mechanism called government,” Griffin said.

Let's play a little chicken and egg...

But first, a message from Mr. Griffin: "All governments eventually devolve into criminal conspiracies."

Ok, the riddle... TYRANNY AND GOVERNMENT ... What causes what?

11:40 a.m. - Griffin is suggesting government be eliminated and be replaced with a protectorate, or protectorates, that protect individuals' life, liberty and property.. and do nothing more.

11:50 a.m. - Standing O for Mr. Griffin and brief break

G Edward Griffin is a celebrity here. He gets mobbed for handshakes, photos and of course autographs of the Creature From Jekyll Island.

12:55 p.m. - The man running for NOT PRESIDENT of the United States, Adam Kokesh, has taken the stage. Former Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney is expected to join him.

1:10 p.m. - Professor McKinney is now defining various political systems

i.e. Kakistocracy – government by the most corrupt, least qualified individuals

McKinney also teaches her students that they are "sovereign individuals."

“Adam invited me to the Anarchapulco party, and I am ready to dance,” said the newly minted potential anarchist former congresswoman.

Q&A with McKinney is getting very interesting... Trump, Washington, Libya, the media, human trafficking

1:26 p.m. - The only place in the world McKinney has ever been in prison is Israel, the former U.S. congresswoman said

1:30 p.m. - After discussing how members of U.S. Congress get compromised (it involves taking orders from party leadership and possibly doing unspoken things in Las Vegas), McKinney instructs Anarchapulco attendees to run for Congress and make a difference that way.

1:33 p.m. - “Have I made the leap? Am I an anarchist? I think I am.”
- Cynthia McKinney

3:30 p.m. - Former naked TSA protester Sam Wolanyk says forget about activism; it doesn't work. Rather, live the best and freest life you can and wave to people while they are driving by in traffic, heading to the 9 to 5. Oh, and if you are American, forget about the IRS by moving Puerto Rico.

4:25 p.m. - Fresh from his debate with Lauren Southern, anarchist icon Larken Rose is back on stage, talking about "toxic narcissists," aka prominent politicians. George (W) Bush, in particular, is a target in this speech.

4:40 p.m. - “They really think they have a right to rule the world and they should. That is how unusual they are.”

4:45 p.m. - again alluding to Mr. Bush??... “They really and truly hate us for our freedoms.”

Mr. Rose explains: Toxic narcissists/politicians hate us for our freedoms because, if we are free, we are not serving them.

4:55 p.m. - “Go out and find out the rest of the world is scary,” Rose said. “You will probably find out that a different narcissist told them that you want to destroy them.”

Might the borders debate still be on his mind?...

5:20 p.m. - Max Igan takes the stage... “I’d like to start by saying fuck the government.”

5:25 p.m. - Seemingly picking up on the theme of the last speech, “It’s criminals who are running the world,” Igan said.

However, Igan is warning against overconfidence in cryptocurrency and technology breaking humanity free from government. Crypto could be coopted, Igan warns. He adds that he does not want to be ruled by AI.

6:25 p.m. - Hot out of the gates in the Saturday keynote, Mark Passio, speaking on anarchy and the occult, is delivering a flurry of definitions.

ANARCHY - could be a useful word to define. “It literally means no rulers,” Passio said.

Occult - study of the hidden laws of nature; also a science that has been hidden from you to control you, Passio said

6:40 p.m. - Is Passio delivering a difficult dose of medicine for anarchists?

After delving into satanism and moral relativism, Passio says atheism and scientific materialism drive Marxism, socialism and communism and that most anarchists are atheists and scientific materialists.

"True freedom can never exist in a society that embraces moral relativism," Passio said.

6:45 p.m. - Passio is taking aim at religion, too. Government and politics are religion, too, he said.

6:55 p.m. - Back to criticizing anarchists...

“Most anarchists’ religion is money,” Passio said. “For most anarchists, money is their god.”

7:00 p.m. - Wrapping up day 3 of speeches, Passio says the right anarchy is “true freedom based in right action under natural law” and that anarchists must align with that which is right, rather than chasing profit.

On tap tonight... in-house concert


All I can say is Wow. No wonder you found it difficult to process it all. So many speakers, and so little time.
I particularly warm to the idea that Cynthia McKinney is now an anarchist. (I loved the "Blackout" documentary featuring her nearly 10 years ago, and have been an avid follower of hers ever since.)
Kokesh I would vote for, if only out of инат!

I didn't mention her in my review video (I don't think), but Cynthia McKinney was one of the most interesting speakers. And it was surprising to listen her - a longtime Democratic congresswoman - say she has come to believe in self-governance and rule by individuals, not the collective.

I had no idea. Wow! I'll have to look her current activity up now.

I always hear about disturbing amounts of violence in Acapulco - what did the conference organisers do you to keep you guys safe?

Nothing that I am aware of. The organizers of the conference are promoters of the idea that Acapulco is safe so long as you are not causing any problems for the cartels and that the U.S. gov and mainstream media are exaggerating the violence. Also, the hotel property is a bit of an island with armed guards.

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