Anarchaforko Anarchapulco Fork Update: Early Bird Tickets Running Out and More News!

in #anarchaforko6 years ago (edited)

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Hi everyone, I've been hard at work overhauling the website once again to make it more visually appealing and am happy with the direction things are going! If you haven't yet, head over to and check it out!

Screenshot from 2018-11-17 19-30-14.png

The whole purpose of the website is to be a tool, full of resources. Through the website you become involved by buying a ticket, sell tickets as an affiliate, learn more about the project in the Resources tab, and plan and add your own events to the calendar! (A feature not yet added but coming soon!)

Soon it'll all be in your hands guys!


There are only two weeks left to get early bird tickets before they jump from 150 USD to 250 USD at the end of the month! Click here to buy now!

landing copacabana.png

Wondering where to stay? Reserve your room now at the Hotel Copacabana!

Check out the links below for more like this one!

Anarchaforko Anarchapulco Fork Update: 4 Great Reasons to Get Your Ticket Now, Early Bird Specials and Hotel Discounts!
Anarchaforko Anarchapulco Fork Update: 2 Weeks Left to Get Your Early Bird Ticket!
Anarchaforko Anarchapulco Fork Update: Earn Free Nights at Hotel Copacabana during Anarchaforko by Selling Tickets!

In case you missed them, some of my recent posts:

Acapulco Adventures: Epic Tomahawk Steaks and Buen Fin!

Acapulco Sunsets: Changing Seasons and a Tiny Fork Update

Satoshi the Family Cat

Hi there, if you're new to my blog here on Steemit check out this for more information on who we are and how we got here.

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