in #amazing6 years ago

I've always been fascinated by this.

For one thing, when I saw "crayfish" I also mean "crawdads" and "crawfish." You see, up north people usually call them either "crayfish" or "crawdads." Here, further south, people usually refer to them as "crawfish." Anyway, whatever you call them, here is one interesting thing that you may not have known.


Late the other night, we saw some interesting creatures down at the lake. This female crayfish was one of those interesting creatures that we saw. If you look carefully, you may see something peculiar under her tail.

In this photo I've circled some sort of pink "blob" that is hiding under her tail. So, is it a growth or tumor of some sort? Is it a wound or here guts hanging out? Is it some sort of parasite?


Actually, these are her babies! A pregnant female crayfish will have a large cluster of round balls under her tail. These are her eggs. Once the eggs hatch, they turn into the tiny little crayfish. At this point they are still pink and soft since their exoskeleton has not yet hardened.

Normally, when people think of an animal carrying their young on their "belly" marsupials come to mind. This Opossum shown above is the largest marsupial in the Western Hemisphere. However, crayfish are definitely not marsupials.

Kangaroos are of course another animal that people think of when you mention babies on the belly. Unlike crayfish, though, kangaroos have a special pouch to keep their young in.

While crayfish are not marsupials or mammals, they still make good mothers. Actually, it is not uncommon for tiny, creepy, crawly creatures to carry around their young. Scorpions will carry their young on their backs. While I don't have an original photo of that at the moment, hopefully I'll get one this year. Also, the scorpion glowing under the UV light does make a good image anyway. Thankfully it didn't sting my thumb.

If the scorpion did have young on its back, it would look something like this mama wolf spider I found two years ago. It is interesting to think about all the care that some creatures have for their young, especially when compared to some people...

Anyway, here is a close up of those tiny pink babies. I think that their eyes stick out the most. Since they mostly just hang on tight to mama at this point, it is important to either handle them gently, or not handle them at all. Any baby that gets jostled free will most likely become fish food.

So, how many of you knew about this before? Was this news to you? After all of the interest in my post about lizards getting ticks, it seems that people like it when I share interesting facts about animals. What do you think? Do you enjoy educational, informational posts about animals like this?

As always, I'm @papa-pepper and here's the proof:


Until next time…

GIF provided by @anzirpasai




I don't even imagine that how this tiny creature hold their babies like bigger animals. The closeup pictures of tiny babies look beautiful.

Cool! I'm glad that you enjoyed it!

wow bro please give me

At first, it looks like something I am familiar with.
The size of the picture made me think of a lobster.
But when I keep reading it I start comprehending it differently.
This is the quality of your post that give it value.
You are one of the steemians I take time and read your post.
Always talk about goat and all.
And you are a family man.
You get everyone involved in your endeavor.
Keep on posting
Keep on steemin'

Congratulations you earned a 100% Upvote for your entry! Cray cray!

To be candid, I just learned something from you now. I never knew crayfish hold tight their babies under their tail... But how come the babies fall down when you took it up?

The post actually caught my attention, and I love that.

They did not fall down, they were still hanging on under the tail.

this shrimp rock, very cool this @papa-pepper.
I often catch this shrimp,
which I laughed at the time I caught him I always got bitten with his big legs.
in our place is very banya shrimp and also various kinds.
This shrimp is very good for us to burn.

Hi @papa-pepper, I also like fishing lobster shrimp, but I do not find lobsters laying eggs.

Awesome picture and really education!

I'm glad to hear that you liked it!

shrimp is very much hormonnya for us comrades.



I am just a Papa-pepper chicken, now I am a chicken farm, for the necessities of life.

True brother, this is a great thing, and you have a great man, you do a lot of things that everyone can not pick up and I love your posts.

First time I've read anything about their development. I used to only see them as food. They're pretty tasty too

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