in #air-clinic7 years ago (edited)


Summer was near, even the air could tell. The school's social media page now had a new trending hashtag (#mysummervac). Now the principal at PEOPLE'S BAY HIGH had another matter on his hands that even the teachers were tired of; DETENTION. This summer craze was like a virus that infected even the goody two shoes at PEOPLE'S BAY, the geeks were not left out in this madness. Detention class was always filed to the brim and if you weren't in detention after school hours, it was like you were missing out on all the fun. The teachers dreaded being put on duty to handle this army of offenders because they always went home with interesting migraines.


Just one week to that final bell that says SCHOOL IS OVER...SUMMER IS ON, the kids are all excited about who is going where, and who is getting what for the holiday. Now , this wasn't new for THE BELLES; Tiffany, Linn, Audrey and Annabel, they were the schools hottest and always had the best summer stories when they returned. This year was going to be different for so many reasons, the most important and most interesting was the fact that they all had college boyfriends now.

"So dad, when is mom coming home?" Tiffany asked
Honey, mum has to be in Africa for a meeting this summer. I know she promised you a family trip to our new place at Venice this summer, you'll have to forgive her...and me too"
"You too? What's your reasonable excuse this time? If I didn't know better I'll say you are ...."(she stops herself short)
"Baby, I have to stay back home and finish the Le Bron know how important it is to me...(he corrects himself) to us."

She does the face and he falls for it
(pulling her closer) "How can I make it up to you?"
"I'll get back to you on that... (she kisses his forehead) I'll be home before dinner dad. Love ya" she dashes out the kitchen door

Tiffany got to school in a very ecstatic state . She just couldn't wait to break the news of her fantastic summer idea to her crew. Classes were obviously boring today, the teachers seemed not to care or so she thought. She just wanted to put her hand inside the big clock that adorned the wall above teacher's head and speed things up a bit.

"Audrey...AUDREY!!!... hey wait up."
"Tiffy really ? For the love of God I thought it was miss Laura, I almost didn't want to look back. What's up?"
"Well... sorry. Where are the girls?"
"Outside waiting for us, so let's hurry. Annie said you had some news that could change our lives"
Tiffany smiles sheepishly " I actually do"


Linn's mouth couldn't close when she heard about how the four of them could enjoy an all expense paid trip to Venice with their lovers for the entire summer. Tiffany had asked her dad whilst they had dinner if she could make use of the house and the private jet to entertain her friends for the summer and her father who was guilt-trapped by those cute-puppy eyes couldn't afford to say "NO".


It was all they imagined and more. Whoever said life wasn't beautiful had never met THE BELLES. They took the most pictures at the beach close to the house as that was one spot they loved so much... showing their very slim skins in bikinis to the water and to their men.

Lying down to be bathed by the sun was a favorite to all, while the girls tanned their skins the boys were engaged in games at the beach to the eye-pleasure of their ladies. The craziest thing happened one morning after a very crazily boozed night, they woke up to discover that Audrey and Nick got married the night before, under the blessings of an internet licensed priest in the person of Linn... how that happened remained a shocker, so they kept the little secret to themselves and enjoyed what was left of their now ending summer vacation.

the summer souvenir

They all got back in good shape with of course the prettiest summer story of them all. School had kicked off and all were back to the norm.
Few days later while Annie mistakenly left the bathroom door open, her mum passed by then stopped when she noticed a certain discoloration to Annie's leg. Annie was definitely not concerned about it, she had seen it some days back and decided it was one of those skin infections you get because you changed your environments...but mum was a doctor and the fear that now enveloped her face told Annie that school was not happening for her that day.

"Honey just how much sunlight did you expose yourself to while at Venice?
"A lot...c'mon mum is that a trick question? You know the beach is heaven over there and the sun chose it's spot carefully above us, who were we to refuse? She chuckles

Mrs. Anderson was a very practical person so she immediately took samples of her daughters leg and sent to the lab for tests... the family doctor who received the test samples didn't understand the urgency of the situation and the results came a little later than expected by then Annie's legs had some interesting patches.


It was clear now, Annabel has melanoma.
"Mum... how?
Honey, those sun blasts you kept enjoying were actually killing your melanocytes, these are the cells that produce a brown pigment called melanin, responsible for your skins tan or brown color. While you danced in the sun the deeper layers of your skin cells were under attack.

Melanomas can develop anywhere on the skin, but they are more likely to start on the trunk (chest and back) in men and on the legs in women.

One of the tests the doctors recommended for Annie was the ABCDE test for the presence of melanoma:

  • Asymmetric: where the moles normally are often round and symmetrical, and affected ones have one side looking different from the other side - not round or symmetrical.

  • Border: definitely not smooth and kind of blurry

  • Color: you tend to see different unequal shades and colors for the melanomas

  • Diameter: this mole is definitely is larger than a normal mole...research says that even more than a quarter inch in diameter can indicate skin cancer.

Evolving: The cell evolves over a period of time changing appearance, this can mean skin cancer

Annie fell victim to four of these tests.

Thank goodness Mrs. Anderson found this early enough.
The surgery was carried out and the infection was removed.

if that door had been shut on that fateful day, the infection would have spread and the situation would have been worse.

Only THE BELLES knew about the entire fiasco and Annie never wore her short devilish skirts again but still stayed pretty with her very tight pants and skinny jeans.




reference 1
reference 2
reference 3

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That changed quickly,great post, can be used as an ad for sun-tan lotion. Loved how you built the story to that.

lol, okay then.
get it submitted, i wouldnt mind

I came to this story expecting a twist. Did not expect a PSA about skin cancer. haha I suppose it is relevant to all of us to keep an eye out for our skin when we enter the sun. Thanks for sharing!

lol, i cannot totally deny my scientific self can I. Best I make such educative posts fun to read .

now i am the twisty author right?


Yes. It was still a twist, just not quite what I was expecting! haha

Cool story bro @klynic. You gently entered the topic of discussion much later. Even though I would have preferred to see it much more upfront. Also your word count? This is definitely above 350 words. Anyway, the judges will consider the stories. Thanks for participating in #AIR-CLINIC Writing Contest...

Gave you some upv. Cheers!


thank you for reading... will pay more attention next time.\

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