The Old Dog asks: What Was THAT Moment When You Realized..........?

in #aging7 years ago

I Had a New Barrier in My Life But Was it Really so Bad?

Realizations are often gradual but at times something just strikes you and you come to an instant realization!

One Of MY Instant Realizations Came About Two Years Ago!

Many of you know that among other things I run a window cleaning business! Even though I have employees I still do a fair amount of the physical work because I enjoy getting out of the office, seeing my customers and staying active.

On one of the routes that I do I need to access a window that is behind a locked gate. Since I always got there before the shop owner that has the key I  just jumped over the barrier washed the window and then jumped back. No problem! 

Month after month, year after year, jump, wash, jump, done! That is until that instant realization about two years ago!

This time I got to the gate and for the first time I had a doubt. Can I still do this? Do I really want to do this?

What Happened?

I got to the gate as usual, braced my arms at the top of the gate and sprung one leg up to the top bar! The next step was supposed to be to throw my right leg up and then hurl my fairly massive self to the other side! That's the way I'd always done it! No fuss, no muss, just speed, power, co-ordination, instinct and A BODY THAT WAS JUST ONE MONTH YOUNGER!

Getting to this stage was still fairly easy even in this re-creation of an event that happened two years ago!

As soon as I got to the position that you see above I said to myself: 

"No, this is not going to happen! I'm not doing this any more! What if I don't clear the gate and I fall? What if I do clear the gate but I twist or break my ankle on the landing? What about my back? Can my spinal discs take the impact? Or my knees, what about my knees? No sorry, that's it!"

Was It So Bad? What Was The Solution? Were There Any Positives?

I guess my ego took a bit of a hit that day as I realized that time had caught up to me too! Oh well I thought, just stay humble and follow the good examples of many who have aged with dignity, courage and a happy positive attitude! In the meantime I could keep working out regularly, eat as healthy as possible and just be the BEST that I could be! It wasn't that bad!

The solution, on the other hand was easy! I just re-organized my routine to get to the gate a little later after the shop keeper had already opened it!

What about the positives? Well, if I hadn't reached the age of almost 60 I couldn't be The Old Dog could I? And being The Old Dog is working out pretty well for me! 

What About You?

  • Have you had any significant moments when you realized something?
  • Have you reached any barriers in your life?
  • Did you find a way around them?
  • Do you think that a positive attitude is a key factor in overcoming barriers?

I hope that you enjoyed this story about instant realizations and overcoming barriers!

Until next time,

@kus-knee (The Old Dog)

Remember, I reward the best comment(s) on each of my posts with my "The Old Dog is Throwing You a Bone" program! So please re-steem and follow so that we can spread the wealth!     


I enjoyed all of your creative posts Kus. This one is special to me as it reminded me Dec. 2005 when I was working as a heavy duty mechanic. While repairing the top part of a trailer door my ladder slipped and I fell on the floor on my butt, broke my L1 but lucky enough that my discs and spine survived. I fell from about 13 feet above the ground.
This was the incident which made to change my career once again from a heavy duty mechanic to an accountant!

Q: Have you had any significant moments when you realized something?
A: I can't run as fast as 6 years ago. I tried it recently; Oh God, the breathing? Couldn't do it. Also I think if I have realized that the ladder was not safe for the job and could have used scissors lift instead then may be still would have been working as a heavy duty mechanic.

Q: Have you reached any barriers in your life?
A: Yes, I can't run as far as I could 5 years ago with the same speed.

Q: Did you find a way around them?
A: I rather do jogging, instead running and slowly going faster instead all at once. I didn't run for about 5 years though.

Q: Do you think that a positive attitude is a key factor in overcoming barriers?
A: Positive attitude that's all what do we need.

Wow @mathworksheets sorry about your accident. You recovered well an started and new career path. Good for you!

I think destiny wanted me to be an accountant. It happened in Dec. 2005 and started my accounting studies from April 2006. Funny thing was I was Bachelor of Science back from India (didn't find a good line other than teaching to pursue it further, so I chose accounting), it has nothing to do with accounting as it is a new line. So I learned accounting from scratch sitting with kids who just had finished their grade 12 here in Canada (but many times I corrected the instructors, specially in math).

You also needed humility to go back to school with the kids but you persevered. Good for you!

Good post my friend!

From one old dog (63) to another, good post!

Wow 63, I need to follow you!

I thought for sure you were gonna say:

I got to the gate as usual, braced my arms at the top of the gate and sprung one leg up to the top bar! The next step was supposed to be to throw my right leg up and then hurl my fairly massive self to the other side!

"Then I found the gate latch..."

I wish I would have. That's hilarious! Thanks!

Occam's razor right?!

Yw, thanks for the chuckles (at my own bones) too :)

Barriers in life are meant to be stop-and-reassess moments, when we need to decide what's the best way forward. sometimes, we're too caught up in life to even know whether what we are doing is right or wrong. I realized my ego was stopping me from re-connecting with an old friend - I was like if he doesn't call, why should I. But once I realized how much I miss him, we re-connected, resolved our differences and are back being best buds.
Having positive attitude doesn't make the situation less difficult, it just helps us think better. Thanks for sharing!

The Old Dog is Throwing You a Bone For Your Nice Comment!

Please check your wallet!

Note: With the latest hard fork my program is now changing. My upvotes now have much more power and so all commenters on my posts will be rewarded with an upvote! The simple ones with something and the ones that I really like with a lot higher percentage!

That's a great story about your old friend! Thanks for detailing it here!

thank you, appreciate your comment!

Coming back from knee surgery was all about facing up to barriers every single day. From Day 0 when the knee couldn't bend at all to Day 14 when i could start to limp and then Day 30 when i could start to walk.

Made me realize the mental barriers were tougher than the physical barriers.

I remembered it like daylight. It was me and three of my son's friends. I was very convincing, but did not realize I'm not twenty and thirty. I'm a grandpa with kids and little children. We had to move a big doubble doorfridge. My words were on 3 pic up at 3, I had to think quickly, "put down we're going to damage the tiles." Bring a piece of cardboard or syl then we will drag it. Ha ha ha I had to I laugh at myself.

So you had THAT moment too! I feel better now!

The mental part is VERY important!

Nice story. Great picture to match ;)

I once started a job that turned out to be terrible. It took me a few months to be able to quit financially. It's a little over a year ago now and I got out before I had a new job so I took a leap of faith. Looking back now it was the best decision I could have made and I'm proud of myself for it :) especially since a lot of coworkers weren't brave enough to quit and were kind of stuck there.
A positive attitude is everything!

I've only worked for other people for a total of about 2 years in my whole life but if you're not treated well and your employer won't change it's almost always better to leave.

Yes, it definitely is. And quiting can open a lot of other doors.
2 years in your whole life?! That's pretty special. I'm a psychologist, but unfortunately I need two more years of education before I can start for myself. Don't have much of a choice yet :P

A psychologist, wow, maybe you can help me figure myself out! I take it that you love pomchi's too!

Haha, thanks.
Sure! I'll get you a discount on my hourly rate ;)
Definitely. Pomchi's are the best! :D

Its all experience that you can pass on to the young, :)

Yes if they'll listen to an old geezer! :)

I am sure they will :)

When I'm 46 years old, I'm unemployed, here in my country, 46 years old, you're old to work, in front of the adversities, I look forward to working on the web and today thanks to Steemit, I live my work on the web.
Of every bad situation there is a new opportunity
Exelente post dear friend @ kus-knee thank you very much for asking
have a nice week

So glad for you that your finding success here! Your right about not finding a job. After 40 it's tough!

I used to overthink a lot even on small things now I am realising all things is in our control. In order to realise you must accept your weakness.

Very good thought @funnyman!

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